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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #10) Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this insightful doc written for us by @Hope.

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


Yes agree

ASilentBunny March 24th, 2022

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?


The different perspectives can drive innovation

Allows us to reach and help more people situated outside of our country/culture.

Covers different time zones and allows us to support people living in different timezones

You get to learn about different cultures and practices which adds to your set of skills.

A wider range of skill sets available for the team which can fuel creativity and productivity.

We have to be open and accept the fact that there are different cultures here on 7cups! We all have to focus on our main goal which is to make this community safe and enjoyable for everyone! We all have a task to complete, so let's work all together and work as a team!

Dan76 April 11th, 2022

@ASilentBunny teamwork makes the dream work!

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


Strongly agree.

TheRusticMystic74 April 1st, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
Diversity brings different ideas to the table it brings acceptance and makes us stronger.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
To be respectful of different cultures, I think it is first important to acknowledge that 7 Cups has a platform that stretches around the globe, and to approach every one with the same care and affection irrespective of cast creed and ethnicity or gender

Aileen1114117 July 13th, 2022

Yeah right, a good community is a community that accepts different ideas.

And I also belief that everyone deserves the same care and affection.

Dan76 April 10th, 2022

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

I think the main one is around perspective. Diversity increases the amount of perspectives you have, which is crucial for decision making and conflict resolution. Just factoring in one perspective will isolate literally everybody else.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Always be listening. And if you're listening and hear something you don't agree with or don't understand, don't hesitate to ask questions.

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


Agree with your points

gentleFox20 June 6th, 2022


Fundamentally it does go back to just being an active listener :)

KBeauty12 April 11th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

The advantages of a diverse team are that may ideas can be generated, so that means one’s contribution doesn’t fit all. A different point of view on a same matter can come to light because someone else may have gone through a similar pathway. Conflict resolution, if you can solve this, you have mastered being in a diverse team.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Firstly, do not judge others by their background or culture differences. Have a heart, and you never know you might learn something new in that culture

Train1 May 14th, 2022


You are right about not judging people by their cultural background. I don’t know why people have to always try to create stereotypes for specific cultures. Most of the time they are not accurate.

Harsvin May 27th, 2022


I agree on conflict resolution , as conflict is inevitable especially in a diverse team so it's essential to manage it.

Thanks for sharing it with us ❤

Immakindlistener22 December 16th, 2022


right judging people is not right

Elise849 April 25th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

There's a greater reach, we can help people of different backgrounds and cultures. we'll also be better equipped to understand different cultural contexts and reduce misunderstandings. our approach to global issues would also be more holistic and comprehensive.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

i think the main thing is still respect. the nitty gritty depends on the situation, but most of it is down to acting and speaking responsibly instead of carelessly. be considerate, be tactful, be a decent human overall.

Train1 May 14th, 2022


Speaking responsibly instead of carelessly is definitely a great way to go. You have used some wise words here.

Harsvin May 27th, 2022


That's a very thoughtful answer, Elise . Thanks for sharing it with us ❤

MrS7v7n April 25th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

The possibilities are multiplied greatly. You can reach more countries and help more people as well as gain multiple perspective and share and grow in a worldly manner rather than just a few countries that speak one language. It less limited on the limitations of language barriers.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Patience, understanding, and sympathy/empathy. They are leaning your language, possibly english, so give them some time to grow and learn. It takes time and isn't an easy task. Explain the differences and answer questions to the best of your ability as an english speaking human, as well as if it's an english person learning another language. The language specificity doesn't matter, just the patience and understanding of that person trying and might not even understand the meanings behind some of the things they say. Teach instead of Look down for not being as a fluent speaker than you. And Indirectly, Welcome anyone and everyone. We are all human right?

MelodyoftheOcean June 1st, 2022

I really like your thoughts about empathy and patience and that in the end we are all humans. Made me smile! 💜

FrenchMarbles May 8th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We’ll have different perspectives, such as the deaf community like myself hating the videos we have to watch because it’s not accessible, but does anyone listen, absolutely not because we’re a minority 😉

We should learn from others, even though it’s not in alignment with 7Cups to listen unless it makes $$$,

MelodyoftheOcean June 1st, 2022


Different perspectives definitely help the community to improve! Thank you for sharing a personal example 💙

Immakindlistener22 December 16th, 2022


learning from others is essential. Agreed

GoldenNest2727 May 12th, 2022

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
I think 7 Cups has nailed the multicultural aspect. I have worked with people from all over the world on projects, have engaged in discussions with those who hold a different religious perspective, and have befriended so many people who are wildly different from me. It's magnificent! We learn and grow through our work together.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
By asking questions respectfully and really listening to the answers. I don't think it's anyone's job to teach me about their culture, but I sure appreciate it when they do.

Train1 May 14th, 2022


Yes you are right it definitely is a great opportunity to learn about different cultures.

Train1 May 14th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

Having people from diverse backgrounds in our team can:

· Help us understand their culture.

· Give us fresh ideas.

· Give us a new perspective.

· Let us know that problems that occur in our part of the world can also occur in many other parts of the world.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be patient if they are not fluent in English or any other language that they are using.

Harsvin May 27th, 2022


Amazing answers, Train! Thanks for sharing it with us ❤

Glue June 29th, 2022


I love the mention of people letting us know that problems that occur in our part of the world can also occur in other parts of the world. People in Western Europe and the US often have a very specific view of the African continent, or Eastern Europe, while these places are (from experience) not very different at all. We all suffer from pretty similar problems, and we're definitely not living in a utopia in Western Europe and the US.

Harsvin May 27th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

- It can help drive innovation.

- Allows us to reach and help people outside of our country.

- Covers different time zones and allows us to support people living in different time zones.

- You get to learn about different cultures and practices which adds to your skill sets

- A wider range of skill sets available for the team which can fuel creativity and productivity.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

By rising above the stereotype, being respectful of individuals beliefs, being mindful of schedules and availability and considering time zones.

MelodyoftheOcean June 1st, 2022


I really like how you structure your posts! Keep that up 💜

Glencia89 June 14th, 2022


Looking good! It's a really organized answer!

MelodyoftheOcean June 1st, 2022


I really like this topic, it's so important and still we forget so easily about some of the aspects!

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

A diverse team allows the creativity to grow, it also allows us to see things from different perspectives and it gives us a huge range of skills, as every culture and every country may focus on different knowledge and abilities.

We can be respectful by not focusing on stereotypes, but being open towards other cultures. We can respect that everyone believes in different religions and therefore has different schedules and holidays.
We should be mindful about time-zones and also about the fact that English is not everyone's first language.

Thank you for going through this, you wonderful hooman bean!


June 1st, 2022


you made some really good points in how to make a team work better. I really like how you make your posts colorful.

gentleFox20 June 6th, 2022


I didn't even think about timezones Mel! Thanks for sharing 🌈

June 1st, 2022


many points of views many skill sets learning new things covers many time zones

2 being open minded if you do not understand ask about it at first meeting ask if there is anything that we need to be aware of

Glencia89 June 14th, 2022


Thank you for sharing! It's pretty inspiring that we could ask people from other culture if there's anything needed us to pay attention to. It's kind of like setting boundaries and can prevent conflicts :)

gentleFox20 June 6th, 2022


Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

- Different viewpoints/ideas can be shared

- We learn off each other

- It shows our members that everyone is welcome here

- It broadens our knowledge and perceptions

- Highlights our own sterotypes and prejudices so we can work on them

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

- ask to clarify things you don't understand or if there are any ways you can support/celebrate a persons culture

- give people time to respond as english may not be their first language or they may have different ways of expressing themselves

- don't assume anything about someones culture or personal experiences

- don't expect people from other cultures to educate you on their culture, ask if they are willing to and don't make them do all of the labour

Glencia89 June 14th, 2022


Great work! It's true that we should not assume anything about other's personal experience. The text message are easily misunderstood. : )

Glue June 29th, 2022


I like that you mentioned that a diverse team (even just the presence/existence of one, really) can highlight our own prejudices and biases. Interaction with a diverse group of people is exactly what is going to confront us with the fact that we all have prejudices and that we can correct them.

Glencia89 June 14th, 2022

Q1: Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

A: To have a diverse team means the members can provide help for people in different time zone, learn skills from each other’s culture, and come up with more creative idea. Personally I think it’s a good chance for us to learn how to respect others from different culture.

Q2: How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

A: First, we have to be respectful to their individuality. This means we should not judge each other’s belief based on bias.

Secondly, we need to be aware that one might be offline when others are online.

Thirdly, we need to understand that second language learners(like me!)may not speak in the most proper way. We could give them some feedback on it so we could communicate better.

audienta June 30th, 2022


I agree that this community is really an amazing chance to learn to be respectful regarding other cultures. I love it how so many different people can support each other without judgement.

CalmWaves3939 July 11th, 2022


Individuality is especially important and it is great that you picked up on that thank you so much :)
