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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #10) Diversity, Cultural Differences, and Second Language Learners

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

We are truly lucky to have a global community, rich in background and culture. In order to nurture our diverse community, we should each make a conscious effort to understand each other. The more we know, the more mindful we can be of one another's differences.

Please read this insightful doc written for us by @Hope.

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

hopebeyondpain November 28th, 2020


I love the quote! Thank you for sharing it and responding to the discussion so thoughtfully!

Dazzle28purvi December 8th, 2020

@wishfulMoment42 lovely response!

Ines1229 December 9th, 2020


That quote is really insightful and accurate <3

mxmes January 19th, 2021


Love the quote, very good answer.

IceCream4IceCream January 28th, 2021


I just love this quote! Very well put.

BellatheHappyHelper February 4th, 2021


amazing post, keep up the awesome work!

warmLove3625 February 11th, 2021


I think your inclusion of a quote was not only wonderful but shows your care for the diversity in this community.

I appreciate how you highlighted so many amazing advantages of different cultures and such coming together and I agree with all your points.

Thank you for your share and best of luck on your LDP Journey!

considerateParadise6717 February 16th, 2021


great summary

herealways27 April 6th, 2021


Thank you for sharing the quote!

Readylistener April 15th, 2021


Readylistener April 15th, 2021

@wishfulMoment42 I loved your answer moment :)

wonderfulRainbow817 July 15th, 2021

I love that quote! It is very true - we grow as a community into better people, wiser and inclusive group when we embrace our uniqueness's and similarities!

kindFish9215 October 7th, 2021


Very well written! :)

DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021


Excellently written. Thanks for this awesome answer!

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022

"When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you." --Lolly Daskal

hopebeyondpain November 28th, 2020

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

1. Exposes us to different perspective, which can promote innovation and creativity

2. Allow us to better understand how to reach out to people of different cultures

3. Helps us provide round-the-clock support for people in different time zones

4. Brings together a wider range of skills, which can contribute to the community

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can learn to suspend judgement when we meet someone with a different cultural background, and refrain from falling back on stereotypes when interacting with them. We can also learn to respect perspectives and ideals that are different from our own, as well as remember to inquire about any differences in seasonal availability. We can also try our best to accommodate different time zones

Chevy81 November 30th, 2020


great insights! thank you for sharing heart

Dazzle28purvi December 8th, 2020

@hopebeyondpain nice!

cuteOrange213 December 26th, 2020


Awesome answer overall

Good job!

sia1325 December 29th, 2020


Great response!

Readylistener April 15th, 2021

@hopebeyondpain Amazing answer, thank you for summarising it so well :)

00Michelle00 January 26th, 2022

"Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom is knowing when not to do it." --Anonymous

Chevy81 November 30th, 2020

Some advantages of a diverse team:
1. Varied perceptions means covering more ideas.
2. Wider regions with different languages and cultures to help and support.
3. We continously learn about different cultures, traditions, and beliefs. By doing that, we learn to accept and adapt with new differences which mostly requires acceptance dan modesty.
4. We grow as we learn. Diversity can enrich growth and help with maturity.

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
We are being mindful the differences on 7 Cups. Being inclusive, use the universal language, rephrasing when there're some people that seems don't understand, respecting others' needs for participating in their traditions and/or beliefs (holidays and celebrations).

DreamTouch December 8th, 2020


Diversity obviously enrich growth! Well said heart

lyricalAngel70 December 23rd, 2020


Diversity helps with maturity, very well said! heart

cuteOrange213 December 26th, 2020


I completely agree with your answers

Good job in answering the questions!

wanjiku November 30th, 2020


i like that this is part of the training. I am from Kenya, different culture and different timezone. diversity in any team is a strength. you can reach out to more people and help people from all parts of the world. different cultures offer diffrent ideas which breeds creativity and innovation.

we can be more respectful of different cultures by being respectful of each other and each other's culture and beliefs. Rising above and stereotypes or bias we may hold against the culture. be mindful of availability and different timezones.

also be kind and just because one has trouble understanding or communicating in English, that does not mean you are better than them. we are different but we are all equal.

DreamTouch December 8th, 2020


loved reading your response! thank you for sharing

Dazzle28purvi December 8th, 2020

@wanjiku Hi! I am from Kenya too! That's amazing!

ouiCherie January 5th, 2021


"We are different but we are all equal" I like that *thumbs up*

⭐︎ ( ‿ ✿)

IceCream4IceCream January 28th, 2021


That's such an important point. It makes me think of how people from my country are often told that they speak such good english for a person from there... Rude!!! It is important to recognise that we are all equals, 99.9% alike in terms of our DNA. There's only that .1% that makes us different - making it interesting but yet we are all still tied by the common thread of humanity.

sunlightspirit February 6th, 2021


I had the glorious opportunity to meet someone from Kenya and was fascinated with the differences in our cultures. Being able to share unique experiences while getting the chance to learn and teach each other just brought us a sense of connectedness.

I said to this man from Kenya who was worried about being judged, "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones." There was a long pause and I could tell he had never heard that before. I explained to him that it means people who have faults should not criticizes others who have faults. He got the biggest smile and said, "Oh! I love that"

blitheEmbrace27 December 4th, 2020

Please list some advantages of a diverse team.

— Opportunity for all time zones to be covered

— Instills us with knowledge - learning about other cultures, learning to full great everyon equally, etc.

— A diverse team is so great because although everyone might have different backgrounds, timzones, beliefs, skin colour, as a team none of that matters we all come together as one.

— Allows for no one to feel left out or different

How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?

We can be respectful by making sure everyone feels included, respected, and heard. We must never judge, if you are unsure ask questions rather than assume something.

DreamTouch December 8th, 2020


great insights! thank you for sharing heart

December 24th, 2020

Totally agrees with all points here .@blitheEmbrace27

BellatheHappyHelper February 4th, 2021


awesome post, very insightful, have a wonderful time!

sunlightspirit February 6th, 2021


Asking questions about beliefs and values is so important before assuming their experiences. Nice one!

DreamTouch December 8th, 2020


mail Please list some advantages of a diverse team.
It helps the team to get a wider perspective and be more inclusive. It helps us to expand the support to a wider region and helps in better problem solving and increases productivity

mail How can we be respectful of different cultures on 7 Cups?
Being more inclusive, understanding, adapting, open to idea, non-judgemental and being respectful to each other

GlitteringNights December 23rd, 2020


Great response! Thank you for sharing, what you had to say was really valuable to read <3

BellatheHappyHelper February 4th, 2021


i agree that diversiy helps us be more inclusive and understanding of situations, keep up the great work!