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Course 2, Discussion 4: The problem is the path

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Hello LDP Team!

The problem is the path is the core insight that helps us evolve as individuals and as a community here on 7 Cups.

Here is an overview of this course:

Course Description: It is natural for us to want to avoid problems. Problems can cause worry, anxiety, and frustration. These are feelings that we often want to avoid. Problems, however, are the key to growth. When we face our problems directly we get smarter and grow stronger. A saying that captures this is: Progress = Pain + Reflection. This course helps you learn the value of problems by highlighting the difference between problems you might be concerned about and problems you can directly solve. Next, it walks you through the ancient practice of steering into problems directly in order to unlock their value and gifts. Finally, it helps you identify and measure progress so you can make continued gains in your personal and professional life.

✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Watch the video here

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Watch the second video here

Further Reading (Optional but recommended):

This idea of problem is the path is a reoccurring theme in self help books and especially stoicism. If you are interested in learning more about this thought process, we recommend the following books:

The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday

A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy, by William Braxton Irvine

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

CurrySoup12 March 27th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: Government, How they react, Community

Circle of Influence: Time Management, Boundaries, How I react

I can pray (I am a Christian). :D

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

They focussed on their inner circle of influence rather than looking out on the looming concerns.
zaatarHoney April 20th, 2023


You did a great job at identifying your Circle of Influence~. and your Circle of Concern, too. I also appreciated that you included prayer in terms of what is in your power to do, those of us who use prayer can benefit from the reminder. 🌼

Thank you for sharing!

ItsMrEnigma March 27th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern: My family, my friends and my success Influence: My physique, my hobbies and my career. I must control my emotions and find ways to control my life.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The fact that he was dictatorial and there were other negatives about them surprised me as sometimes we think that leaders need to be perfect.

RainbowRosie April 12th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern;

🌹 What’s happening around the globe

🌹 What others say

🌹 How others react

Circle of influence;

🌹 My health and well-being

🌹My outlook

🌹My contributions in life

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

🌹 The executive did not judge or gossip but instead chose to be pro-active by working on the strengths of his co-workers and the President. By focussing on the circle of influence it flourished.

broadfemmelovelive April 27th, 2023


I have similar concerns and it's very relieving to know I'm not alone. Great response! :)

Heart4art April 13th, 2023


The circle of my concern; politics, genetics, and the cost of groceries. Circle of influence; how much water I drink, how much fiber I eat, and exercising. I some health issues that I have to constantly deal with. I can't fix them, but I do responsible things that will give me a healthy foundation to at least be as healthy as I can be.

Heart4art April 13th, 2023


The executive in the, focussed on what he could do. Rather than trying to change his boss, he used his own strengths to find solutions to the challenges he and his team faced.

Rubylistens22 April 19th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concern: what people think of me, how people will react to me, and world global events

circle of influence: my health, the way I react to things around me, and how I treat people

i can keep trying to be proactive because practice makes perfect:)

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He is proactive and respectful to his boss even though his boss isn’t the best, and he makes the best of his situation by working hard.

JoyHappyNess April 19th, 2023


You are right Ruby, practice does make perfect

zaatarHoney April 20th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

🥑 Circle of Concern: (1) The shortcomings/weaknesses/ills of others, and how they impact me/others. (2) The suffering of the world. (3) Fearing the unknowns of the future. 🍇 Circle of Influence: (1) How I prepare and motivate myself each day, remaining focused and on track of what I'd like to accomplish for each day. (2) Not taking for granted each positive interaction I have with someone online/offline, and the moments I'm able to be of any help, but also remembering to take each opportunity for either/both with a sense of purpose. (3) Keep my cool and be more present, rather than reactive, in the face of someone else's irRESPONSEibility. <3 🍊 One thing I can do to focus on my COI: (1) Exercising the ability to pause before reacting and weighing out possible outcomes. One thing I've learned to do is ask myself, "What is the best possible outcome I want? If I XYZ, am I closer or further from achieving this?" Then, I can remind myself that with COC thinking, we stay running in circles, doomed-- I know because I've lived in that mindset for so long. You feel helpless there. You essentially are- by your own choice. With focusing on your COI, it would seem as though you are reclaiming your sense of power by recognizing where you do have control and allowing yourself to make a difference in the ways you're able, which only becomes greater with time. <3

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

🫐 Examples of him being Proactive: (1) Not talking smack about his boss with his co-workers after the meeting sitch. He looked over at his boss with empathy the way he'd looked over at his co-worker with empathy at the meeting when he was brushed off. (2) He helped his boss' sense of security by being a step ahead of meeting his boss' needs, and showing respect/focus for the boss' vision for the company.

🍒 I will show support on someone's post now. :) Ty

April 25th, 2023


I love how you color-coded your post! It makes it so much easier to read!! I can tell you spent quite a lot of time and effort on this. 😃


zaatarHoney April 25th, 2023


When I saw a text-wall in the making, my brain couldn't process it, lol!! Thank you for showing my post love and support ♥︎🥹 & for giving shine to my efforts- never expected, always appreciated. *confetti*

April 25th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern are:

  • Well-being of my family, relatives, friends, and myself
  • My future (ex. studies, job and career, etc.)
  • Surrounding environment (ex. global warming, safety of the neighborhood I live in, etc.)

3 thing in my circle of influence:

  • My own well-being
  • Focus and work hard on my studies
  • Take precaution to limit risk when going out to do activities in the neighborhood

Creating and sticking to a study schedule is one thing I can remind myself to focus on from my circle of influence.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

This executive’s proactiveness in the situation stood out to me as not many would react in such a manner nowadays.


Smrtbibliophile May 12th, 2023


I really love that you mentioned your own well being. I know a lot of people here (myself included) will work and work until they get burnt out - and not realize that doing that can potentially let down everyone around us. When you take care of yourself you are ensuring you can care for others. Great point!

broadfemmelovelive April 27th, 2023

@FrenchToastClubIn my circle of concern, I worry about the state of the environment, the political climate, and the health and safety of my loved ones. In my circle of influence, I can make a positive impact by volunteering at a local environmental organization, staying informed and involved in political events, and promoting healthy habits among my family and friends. To remind myself to focus on my circle of influence, I will create a daily to-do list that includes actionable steps towards achieving my goals.

From what I can gather, this executive is very proactive and forward-thinking in his approach. He seems always to be looking for ways to innovate and improve the company rather than simply reacting to problems as they arise. One thing that stands out to me is their ability to anticipate what their team needs and what support he can give them. For example, he recently invested heavily in working with the president's skills and offset the president's downfalls in his circle of influence. This kind of proactive thinking sets him apart from their competitors and has helped them succeed significantly in the marketplace.

MagnificentSunrise May 20th, 2023

@broadfemmelovelive, I think I share a lot of your values. I hope we all can change the world together!

Smrtbibliophile May 12th, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Three things in my circle of concern is mass violence, my families mood, other peoples reactions

Three things in my circle of influence is how I vote, how I react to my family, and how I react to others.

One thing I can do to remind myself to focus on my circle of influence is honestly, even though I’m not religious, the Serenity prayer which is to be granted the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I also plan to focus on building upon other’s strengths combined with my own.

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stuck out to me in the first video that tied into the second is that what matters is how you talk about people in their absence. Another quote I’ve heard is character it what you do when no one is watching. The other executives wanted to complain about the president, but the one executive worked with the President’s strengths, adding his own, and working in others so by the end of it, everyone felt supported in the part they were playing. He was a team builder - not a tearer down.

MagnificentSunrise May 20th, 2023
Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

1) Increasing authoritarianism
2) global injustice
3) climate change

1) activism and participation in politics
2) sharing what I find important with those around me
3) personal sustainable behavior

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

He worked around the weaknesses of his boss. He identified what he needed and how he could assist him. He chose to complement him rather than develop a competing authority. This allowed him to become an authority for everyone, including the boss, but only in certain fields and therefore never seemed threatening to him.

Nvlmi May 22nd, 2023

✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

The 3 things in my circle of concern include: my health, my family and my finances.

The 3 things in my circle of influence includes: integrity, network and capability.

The 1 thing I can do to focus on my circle of influence is to be proactive and to treat others proactively.

jadenrjc7 May 25th, 2023


Very insightful, I like this!

Nvlmi May 22nd, 2023

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

After watching the video, what stood out to me about the executive was his keen observation, patience, productivity and how he compensated for the president's weaknesses. Instead of gossiping about what wasn't working he analyzed the situation. He then applied better tactics to the matter at hand by taking appropriate initiates toward greater solutions.

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023

@Nvlmi I really liked that you pointed out his problem-solving approach, and his focus towards working for a better future outcome with the strengths available rather than feeling stuck :))

jadenrjc7 May 25th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern are how others act, climate change, and the way my parents talk to me. 3 things in my circle of influence are my behaviors, actions, and words. I can focus on this by deep breathing.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive remained calm and empathized with the president instead of getting annoyed or gossiping. This led to a more pleasant result where he was more respected and even the president listened to him. He was proactive in his own ideas instead of reacting to the president's.

MaggieListens00 June 13th, 2023


Thank you for your insight Jaden :) It seems a lot of your areas of concern are quite "meta" and its great to boil them down to personalised, achievable acts!

GermanZebraCupcake May 27th, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 Things in My Circle of Concern - 1) how my cat is doing that ran away over three years ago, 2) world hunger, 3) wealth disparity worldwide

3 Things in My Circle of Influence - 1) how I respond to people with positivity or not, 2) making everybody feel valued and respected as much as possible, and 3) I can make people feel heard if I work on honing that ability.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

I liked that they understood the power of working on the strengths of their team and how to build a stronger squad using those strengths - this takes a proactive attitude.

SnowTabby May 31st, 2023

Your circle of influence seems extremely value oriented instead of how I viewed it, a direct response. Firstly, it's strange to see how different responses can be to out interpretation of our experiences. Positivity and overcoming negativity asking for you to sink deeper is always a great goal and I hope the values you have recognized within your circle of influence come naturally eventually.

SnowTabby May 31st, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.
Active studying outside of homework, reflecting on missed answers regardless of feelings of the grade, dedicate time (off of my bed) to spend studying.
Better myself for work, make sure I am focused on work in the times I blocked out for it.
Diet/Saving money. These are directly related.
Circle of Concern. I am concerned about affording a place to live, finding a new car, and whether I will be able to get a good enough job through/after college, which is a longer process than I thought it would be.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?
The executive who decided not to be negative towards his president but instead to take his corrections as needing to better himself as well as remain cooperative and empathetic looks overall proactive. He saw what needed to be done to keep a healthy environment partnered with a productive workstyle and ran with it. If he had succumbed to the negativity, he would have made the environment so much worse. Less growth, minimal productivity because no one would want to be bossed around and pushed out of presentations for messing up one line. Adding versus reusing. No matter the intention.

TabbyCat97 June 5th, 2023

✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.


*Bad things happening in the world

*Others opinions on me

*How people treat others


*Treating others with kindest and respect.

*Learning from mistakes.

*Putting systems in place to reach our goals.

One thing I can do-

Reminding myself these are the things I can control, and this circle will get bigger the more I focus on it (like the video says) ♡

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stands out to me about this executive, is that man who decided out of them all to focus on his circle of influence, was the one who ended up the most successful.

This man focused on what he could do, what he could change in the situation and worked on this rather than thinking and worrying about things he could not change (his boss how he acted, what he did). By doing this he made positive changes with what he could control, meaning the boss listened and the man became more successful, and his circle of influence grew.

AnnaSilverberg June 9th, 2023
🐱 @TabbyCat97 🐱

🌟 You are amazing 🌟

RosaHere July 21st, 2023

@TabbyCat97 I like the way you presented your answers!

AnnaSilverberg June 9th, 2023

Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

1. Three things in my circle of concern:
- Dogs anxiety
- My migraines
- Earth quakes

2. Three things in your circle of influence:
- Treat others in a positive and a supportive way.
- To show understanding and patience.
- To be encouraging and not participate in negativity of any kind.

One thing I can remind myself of to focus on my circle of influence:
I am a positive person and I do love being that way, it brings me and others joy.

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

I love how the executive was open minded and focused on positive team work,
llowing everyone to use their creativity and express their opinions.
How he brought his strengths to compliment the strength of the leader.
How he made a negative work environment into a positive and a supportive one.
And how he got the team to work together as one.

MaggieListens00 June 13th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

  • Circle of concern - How others perceive me, the future, others' behaviour
  • Circle of influence - How I feel about myself, the actions I take each day and my own behaviour
  • Reminder - Write a list of concerns, separate them into circle of concern and influence. Spend energy working on the circle of influence

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

This example really stood out to me as a lesson of working with someone instead of opposing them. It could have been very easy to feel jaded or irritated but, as the video states, this executive used this emerging need to establish himself in a position to help the president. This harmony created allowed the team to work smoothly and more effectively - and likely greatly increased morale for everyone!

CharlieDont37 July 5th, 2023


Well said.

Rivelino3 July 4th, 2023

✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Cirfle of influence - My health, my work ethic, my belief systems

Circle of concern - Actions of others, opinions of others, world events

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Proactive - Actively challenging issues before they grow to be more problematic

Reactive - Waiting to take action until the problem presents itself and grows to be much bigger
Jenna July 6th, 2023


I like what you wrote down about Proactive and Reactive. Taking initiative before letting things get worse and then doing something about it.

Jenna July 4th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern -

  1. Being a good leader.
  2. Meeting goals in a timely manner.
  3. Knowing how my team is feeling.

Circle of Influence -

  1. Learning, growing, and developing leadership skills.
  2. Having good time management and a system that can work to meet goals.
  3. Check-ins, encouragement, support, and caring.

Something to remind me to focus on my circle of influence -

  1. Self-reflection often, check in with myself on how I am doing and what I am focusing on.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

What stood out to me about the executive -

His observation details, how he took action to listen to the concerns of his colleagues and made them feel heard, his hard work and dedication to make things right without overstepping and badgering the president.

He took time to empathize with his colleagues and took steps to make an analyst that complimented the strengths of the president to help with success which was proactive. He didn't focus on the president's weakness and talked about him to his colleagues.

CharlieDont37 July 5th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern - the Weather, The ABomb, Other People and their actions - in other words any and all things that I am aware of, but have no control over.

Circle of Influence - Speaking strictly from a Buddhist and Stoic perspective - My Circle of Influence is anything that I can control and am held responsible for - My Actions, My Choices, My Responsibilities, My Acceptance - anything that is NOT mine is not part of this Circle.

1 Thing I can do to remind me of my Circle of Influence - Ask myself this question - 'Do I have any control over this? If not it is not contained in my Circle of Influence.

Watch the video here

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

This executive is proactive and supportive rather than reactive and 'my way'. I most often see the reactive, but even with that, a way can be found to work with this type of individual. I think it is the fear of being wrong that drives this style instead of learning through mistakes and at times, failure.

Watch the second video here

The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday

This book is terrific, I have a copy on my nightstand and receive his daily newsletter.

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

@CharlieDont37 that's such an amazing explanation! Loved it ❤️

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023
I actually have read Sean Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and it has much of the same message so this was a nice refresher.

In my opinion, it's a must-read for most teens. It's very similar in spirit to his father, Stephen Covey's book, "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" but specifically tailored to fit teens and teen life.

Moving on to the task, here are some of the things I've recognized that fall in my Circle of Concern:

  • What grade I'll get in my exams?

  • How much weight I'll lose this month?

  • How many new friends I'll make this month?

Now here are some things from my Circle of Influence (there's a one-to-one correspondence between the previous list and this list):

  • How well I studied?

  • How regularly I worked out?

  • How much socializing did I do?

What I do to focus on the the latter and not the former is remind myself to always think about what I have done, rather than what may or may not happen as a result of it.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

One of the things that stood out about this man for me was his willingness and determination to actually do the work.

Everyone can talk about how bad things have gotten or what bad decisions person X is taking.

But very few people actually take it upon themselves to work the problem.

This guy did exactly that.

I know there's a lot more to learn here but that is the one thing that stood out the most to me.

He didn't get discouraged when his idea was shot down.
He didn't lose hope when the boss dictated a way forward.

He worked the problem and found a way to get what he wanted but without opposing anyone.

That is truly a very valuable skill and he used it fabulously.
Gilbird July 18th, 2023


I really like how you summed up the lessons in the second video. The executive handled his boss wonderfully and so positively.