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Course 2, Discussion 1: Understanding your Leadership Style

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello everyone,

If you are reading this, it means you have come a long way in your leadership training. Kudos to you for all the effort and resilience you have shown! It is amazing how you all are open to learning and adapting to new environments: the environment of leadership!

Before we zoom in and talk more about learning and adapting, lets zoom back out first and talk about how you feel about leadership. Regardless of how you see yourself, there is a leader within you. The one who visualizes how things could have run in a better way if you were in the leading spot. Leading spot here means:

  • A desire for change

  • Believing you got the abilities to make it happen

  • Visualizing success while keeping in mind the bigger picture.

Lets take a look at the leadership styles as proposed by Daniel Goleman


Picture taken from this source.

Your original style could be any of them. So for the purpose of this course, we are going to use a leadership style test to help you identify your core competencies. In brief, we are using the test here to help you identify your leadership approach. So, when you know how you approach an event, you could think and put efforts to bring a change in it. It will allow you to polish your strengths and focus to improve in other different areas as well.

Let's get started!

- Please take the leadership style test linked HERE.

✒️ Which leadership style did you score the highest for?

✒️ Do you agree with this quiz?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

December 20th, 2022


I'm an affiliative leader! This means that I promote team work, and its importance. I motivate my team and ensure they understand what is required.

Will tag someone when they arrive 😊

TheFantasticPengua January 2nd, 2023

@LlamaLizz I am too!

January 4th, 2023


That is amazing!!!

LOOPHOLE September 10th, 2023


Me too

NanditaB January 14th, 2023

@LlamaLizz Me too :)

Chloe1644 January 29th, 2023



FrenchMarbles February 21st, 2023

@LunaHere I think you are lovely, I've noticed you around these forums, and I have to say I've been super impressed with your answers. Keep it up; it's working for you and the community.

starryCandy6123 December 14th, 2023

This statement , is excellent, because that is what we all need to do as we grow .

TheFantasticPengua January 2nd, 2023

@Hope I also have an affiliative leadership style. I make sure that my team is approaching everything in a healthy way and I make sure everybody's on the same page.

NanditaB January 14th, 2023

@TheFantasticPengua me too :)

BenittaJ February 14th, 2023


Hi5 cheers 🥂. I'm an affiliative leader too. Looks like there's many of us.

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@TheFantasticPengua Amazing answer😊

starryCandy6123 December 14th, 2023


That's is a very good way to work where no one is left behind

CallumCares421 January 3rd, 2023

What is your leadership style?

I am a visionary leader.

Nobody shares this style yet, so I cannot tag anyone. :(

purplelady568 January 19th, 2023

@CallumCares421 I thought that would be my result... but it wasnt.

AwarmHEART December 24th, 2023

@CallumCares421 same! I'm also that type.

sunnySea4551 January 12th, 2023


im a democratic leader

Mitanshi003 February 18th, 2023


Yay! Leadership Twin! 🍀

NanditaB January 14th, 2023


I are an affiliative leader.
I have a leadership style that encourages relationships between people, prompting them to work together. I approach involves focusing on the importance of working together. I also understand the needs of your team and your partners very well, and you try to satisfy them. My greatest strength lies in my ability to ease tensions or motivate all your team members during difficult periods.I also have a knack for getting people who are accustomed to working alone to work together instead.
purplelady568 January 19th, 2023

@NanditaB we got the same result. Quiz buddies!

NanditaB January 20th, 2023

@purplelady568 Nice to know 😄

starryCandy6123 December 14th, 2023


I love your statement, it says it all, and what we should all try to follow the pledges you have made

purplelady568 January 19th, 2023

@Hope I got Affiliative leader. However, I look at myself more as a coach.

MaggieListens00 June 13th, 2023


coaching style here! Hello like-minded leader!

purplelady568 June 15th, 2023

@charmingEagle47 - Hello there! I hope you are enjoying your time in LDP so far!

Chloe1644 January 29th, 2023


What is your leadership style?

affiliative leader

JasmineFlower222 February 2nd, 2023


Leader twins!

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

@Chloe1644 Me too! :)

March 16th, 2023


I'm too an affiliative leader :) That makes 4 of us!

JasmineFlower222 February 2nd, 2023


I'm an affiliative leader that understands the importance of other's opinions while motivating them to do well

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023

@JasmineFlower222 Affiliate leaders unite!! :D

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023

I am an affiliate leader. Cool stuff!

You have a leadership style that encourages relationships between people, prompting them to work together. Your approach involves focusing on the importance of working together. You also understand the needs of your team and your partners very well, and you try to satisfy them. Your greatest strength lies in your ability to ease tensions or motivate all your team members during difficult periods. You also have a knack for getting people who are accustomed to working alone to work together instead.
YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

What is your leadership style?

My results show that I am an affiliative leader and this is one that I would agree with. I believe in teamwork and believe things are better when we work together as one.

BenittaJ February 14th, 2023


I'm an affiliative leader. I liked the lines "I have the knack for a person who is accustomed to work alone to make them work together as a team "

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@Hope ✒️ What is your leadership style?

My leadership style is visionary.
iPHOENIX February 16th, 2023

@jasmineishereforu It's nice to see a similar one:)

jasishereforallofu February 16th, 2023

@iPHOENIX I'm happy to find someone too 😊

Trintzu March 5th, 2023

@jasmineishereforu @iPHOENIX we can set up the team hehe. :D

jasishereforallofu March 5th, 2023

@Trintzu haha sureee 😊

crypticwhisperss1 December 12th, 2023


We have the same leadership style! It makes my day knowing that I've found someone who thinks strategically in groups like me. This is great! 😁💗

~ Xaverie