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Week One: Chapter 1 & 2

Hope April 29th, 2020

Hi everyone! I hope you are well. Week 1 of our community building course has started! Please read this post for more information. For week one, please read and thoroughly understand the following document consisting of chapter 1 and chapter 2 summary of the get together book.

mailOpen Document Here

Ask yourself the following questions to ensure understanding:

What is the main message of each chapter?

How does each chapter apply to 7 Cups?

How can YOU help with the aim of each chapter?

Once you have read and understood please take the following quiz. The quiz consists of a variety of questions including essay questions that test your comprehension. In order to move forward to the next week and eventually receive your certificate, you need at least a score of 8/10. If you get a less score, dont worry you can submit again.

mailOpen Quiz Here

enlightenedDon't forget to complete the next course!

Library of free image transparent images community png files ...

TheOnlyChresser February 21st

I just got 10/10 :D.

WishUponAStar968 February 24th


Scored 9/10!!!!

SebKOlsen February 27th

@Hope 10/10 😃 What a great course! 

VIVI1989 March 5th

@Hope i got a 9/10 (:

Countrygirl095 March 8th

@Hope 9/10

CriSun March 12th


scored 10/10. yeyyyy

@Hope I got a 10 out of 10

PetiteSouris March 23rd


Successfully completed

Chapters one & two


2 replies
TheOnlyChresser March 23rd

@PetiteSouris Your messages really looks great!

1 reply
PetiteSouris March 23rd


I appreciate your compliments.

I find it therapeutic to make aesthetic responses 

☺︎Thank you ☺︎

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Hollytail March 24th

I've just completed chapter 1 and 2 and gladly get 10/10. It is a great course and I'm sure I will learn a lot after completing all the sessions. 

daydreammemories March 25th


Nice! 😁