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Community Building Course

FrenchToast November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone! Welcome to the final course of the Leadership Development Program. Do note that this course also serves as an elective for other academy programs so you are in the right place even if you are not an LDP trainee.

Please click on each week to get the link to the chapters and activities, as well as the chapter quizzes.

enlightenedWeek One: Chapter 1 & 2

enlightenedWeek Two: Chapter 3 & 4

enlightenedWeek Three: Chapter 5 & 6

enlightenedWeek Four: Chapter 7 & 8

enlightenedWeek Five: Chapter 9

enlightenedEvaluation Form

What is this course?

It is a learning opportunity based on the teachings of the book ‘Get Together: How to Build a Community with Your People.' The book is written by authors who are experts on community building. We encourage anyone who is interested in community building and management to read the book but it's optional. We have studied the book and summarized the key lessons and their 7 Cups applications. The course will go on for 4 weeks, each week we will look at the findings of two chapters and how the principle knowledge can be applied to 7 Cups. Each week's learning will be accompanied by a quiz to test the knowledge!

In order to receive your certificate and the Community Builder badge, you need to complete all quizzes (80% or over-score in all + no copy/pasting for essay questions), and submit the evaluation form. Failure to submit the evaluation form will result in no certificate or badge.

Note: Each quiz contains a field where we ask you to apply some of the chapter's teachings. These are essay questions so they are not auto-graded however if a user is found to be copy/pasting the answers to satisfy the word count or not putting in the effort to come up with a relevant answer then the person will not receive a certificate or a badge. This is not a mandatory course so if you choose to take part then please try to study the notes and be honest in your answers. It is the only way to learn!

Note:  If you intend to use Artificial Intelligence tools to help you fulfill any of the course’s requirements, you are expected to adhere to our AI policy. You can read it here.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Note added on March 26, 2024

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 21st, 2022

@FrenchToastClub A repost? :P

Cheers to everyone enrolled. ❤

FrenchToast OP November 21st, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou We needed fresh new posts with updated info 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 31st, 2023

Hey @K8tjee, did you hear back about your queries yet?

All the academy programs available for members here:

Leadership Development Program:

Community Building Course [this isn't a full-fledged academy program]:

The coursework is all here, yes, there are some documents with text to read / comprehend, quizzes, forum discussions, other electives etc!

For more questions, you can always consult a mentor for the program you're interested in:

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask, if anything!❤

wannatalkaboutit June 19th


For 7cups interns is it required we receive the badge or just complete the course? thank you!

Hiya @wannatalkaboutit do you mean if this course is needed to be taken for 7 cups internship program too?

I'm not too sure about it. What track are you in? 

For the student track, community building course is an elective choice, so only if you choose it as an elective, you'd have to complete the course and get the badge. 

If you are in community track, then the community building course is a mandatory requirement to graduate and therefore you'd have to complete it. 

You can find this information in the intern kit you must have received upon being accepted in the internship program. 

Also, please do confirm this with an internship program mentor available here:

Ravis889 January 10th, 2023


Hello :) I was wondering if we specifically have to wait for a new week to give the next test or like... can two tests be given in the same week? :)

yourbuddy30 January 10th, 2023

@Ravis889 You can complete two courses in the same week Ravis. It is not necessary to wait for a week

Ravis889 January 10th, 2023


Buddy!! :D Thank you <3

BenittaJ February 18th, 2023


Thankyou for clearing the doubt ❤️

resourcefulMirage2502 January 22nd, 2023


We only complete the evaluation form after finishing Chapter 9, right?

FrenchToast OP January 23rd, 2023

@resourcefulMirage2502 Correct!

resourcefulMirage2502 January 23rd, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Ok. Thank you for answering my question!

jasishereforallofu February 18th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Amazing 😊👏🏼

blissfulTouch29 February 26th, 2023

hi these quizzes are cool

vivelespatates March 18th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub 9/12 :( I failed! since it gives me only 75%

because i got 2 correct out of 3 on a 3 points answer, i should have got 2/3 for this answer and not 0/3. which would have got 11/12 :(

But its ok, I refilled the form to get a better score on the second attempt with 12/12. Because I am learning from my mistakes

empathicPanda9436 March 30th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub grateful for this course was so much informative, thankyou, great experience overall

AloneGhost April 20th, 2023

Isn't this course mandatory for the 7Cups Internship Program? I'm getting a bit confused seeing 'optional' written in this post.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 20th, 2023

Hey @AloneGhost, where did you see this course mentioned as mandatory in order to graduate from the 7 cups internship program?

It could be perhaps old or outdated. :O Feel free to share the post where you read it, so any necessary update can be made, by the leaders.

I, currently, found this post on electives for internship: One of them being "Complete the community building course (have the community builder badge for the course)"~ which is to say, that completing this course (community building) is an option to *choose* as an electives from the list offered!

It isn't mandatory to complete this course, if you do not opt for it as an elective, to graduate!

I hope this clarifies your doubt. Feel free to reach out to an intern mentor here: if you need any further help with the elective choices or anything internship-related. 💛

yourbuddy30 April 21st, 2023

@AloneGhost It depends on the track you choose Alone. If you are on the community track, yes it is Mandatory to graduate from the program. You are from student, it is optional. I hope this helps

Smrtbibliophile April 26th, 2023

I mmissed two on this one (hopefully my essay questions are good!) One was a duh moment that was caused because I didnt read all the answers but I also want to mentionn a possible glitch - when I was done I went to check back over the chapter and it was not the chapter I had just read. Not sure what happened or if anyone else had this issue.

sugaryFriend4322 May 16th, 2023


Finished this am waiting for my badge+ certificate 😊

AayushreeKalyani June 6th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Hey there. I completed the course and submitted the evaluation form days ago and was just wondering when I'd be getting my results?

PeacePink August 20th, 2023


Chapter 9 Questions

The community mentor leader in the trauma support forum runs a system of formatting and encouraging submission of relevant articles related to trauma and fact-checks them. That way numerous people can contribute to the writings and enjoy them for educational purposes. A leader ought to ask for insights from the community as that is who the leader is truly serving and how important things can get done.

I learned that a community should celebrate with a clear purpose and intention; celebration can be very important because it can allow a community to grow and lead to the development of new activities, fame, and venue. Celebration also helps current members and leaders reflect on the progress in the past and help them look forward to improvements and good deeds in the future.

nitinbais1988 August 31st, 2023


completed chapter 1 and 2

blissfulTouch29 August 31st, 2023


nice job

brightFlake October 7th, 2023


Starting this today for my internship. Wish me luck !

yourbuddy30 October 7th, 2023

@brightFlake All the best Flake!

Clarrr October 7th, 2023

I am done with the course! It was really interesting!! :))

Simplelife432 November 14th, 2023


Ahhh I am so tired, I finished finally. It was interesting to learn the importance of building a community, and the aspects that is required to maintain the community thriving. I enjoyed it :)

Simplelife432 November 16th, 2023

@FrenchToast May I know how long it will take to get the badge?

yourbuddy30 November 16th, 2023

@Simplelife432 You will be getting it within 2 days of submission Life

Filmlover12 November 29th, 2023

Can  peoplw not in the Academy  can take this course

Filmlover12 November 29th, 2023
yourbuddy30 November 29th, 2023

@Hopeandjoy12 Yes, they definitely can Hope

DanCat1128 December 17th, 2023

How would we know what chapters we have passed or failed?

yourbuddy30 December 17th, 2023

@DanCat1128 You need to score 80% to pass the tests Dan. 

serenePeace3726 January 9th

This will be perfect. I'm starting a community psychology course in school, this will be a good compliment to that.

yourbuddy30 January 9th

@serenePeace3726 It definitely will Serene! 

sky2Ocean20 February 16th


Done with the course and I chose this as an elective for my internship. The course was very interesting and gave me opportunities to explore creative ideas so I am happy about it.  💚

Submitted the evaluation form as well. 

sunnyKoala8176 February 20th


I got 10/10 !!