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Efforts & Progress beyond Survival

IsayUncle August 1st

I came to seven cups as a broken man at the age of 61. That was three years ago I have worked hard to rebuild myself. At this moment I feel like I have succeeded and I give thanks to this program, which helped me stay hopeful because of the many members they showed me love and support.

I'm starting this thread to help me excel. I've been blessed to get beyond the struggles of getting out of bed everyday and trying just to function past the bare minimum of staying clean and staying fed.

I have some very big dreams and goals at a very late start in my life. This is my fight to achieve them.

BACK HISTORY - October 2021: Started 7 Cups Deeply depressed and struggled with daily existence.
CURRENT HISTORY - August 2024: Maintained my bills, Aquired equipment, Started business (Currently successful) Aquired friends and Regained some balance with some sence of direction.

EXPECTED LIFE OF THREAD - Until I pay off to two moderately small loans. BUT.... BUT..... BUT.... Within that primary objective are 100's of other ideas and goals to achieve laced with many nuances of intimidation and/or rewards. 

THIS THREAD - Is to help me achieve those 100's of other ideas and goals while paying off my loans.

For the record, anyone is welcome share thier story too about thier Efforts & Progress beyond Survival. 


IsayUncle OP August 7th

9:12am Morning chore. 

mytwistedsoul August 7th

@IsayUncle Morning is definitely a chore lol! Hope the day is kind to you! 

IsayUncle OP August 7th


YES Indeed! Good point. LOL 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Thx, I hope you have a good day. 😀

mytwistedsoul August 7th

@IsayUncle Thanks! 😁

IsayUncle OP August 7th

Morning chore. DONE.

11:20am: Sort office desk & Submit vendor application

IsayUncle OP August 7th

Sort office desk & Submit vendor application - DONE

3:36PM: Go help friend with roof.

IsayUncle OP August 7th

image_1723067944.png BEFORE

image_1723068652.png CURRENT

I NEED TO GO THAT EXTRA MILE..... 6:12PM...... Going to have some booze and jack up my truck to repair the brake caliper.

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@IsayUncle you got this ❤❤ you have only a couple of things left on your to do list😁 yaaaaaay! Well done ❤❤

Tinywhisper11 August 7th

@Tinywhisper11 oh and have a extra drink on my behalf😋 cause I can't drink ❤❤

IsayUncle OP August 8th


We really need to come up with a plan to get you drunk😵‍💫🥴.... Bad uncle... but lotsa fun sometimes! 🤣😁😂😋🥴. 

Europe early, good morning.

Tinywhisper11 August 8th

@IsayUncle 😂😂😂😂 if I get drunk I'll be telling my carers it's your fault, your a bad influence😂😂😂😂😂

IsayUncle OP August 8th


Awww, don't be a tattle-tale. 😂😂🤣😂😂🤣


IsayUncle OP August 8th

the drinking helped keeping me motivated.... and it helped making me tired.

but i got started ..... finish in the morning.

mytwistedsoul August 8th

@IsayUncle Good night! Time for a well deserved rest! 

slowdecline48 August 8th

@IsayUncle It's true that you have a lot on your plate right now, so you'll probably want to put it off until you have the business going under its own power...or at least has a couple regular clients. Once you've achieved that, however, it would be good to cut down on the alky. I'm not going to preach about it here; you're a grown man so you already know what the consequences will be.

IsayUncle OP August 8th


Thanks man, I'm putting the drinking stuff out there because I know I'll have to discipline myself relatively soon and maybe others are in the same boat and will find it helpful  or easier to talk about it also. 

thx agn 😀, Have a good day today!

Tinywhisper11 August 8th

@IsayUncle goodnight uncle I love you ❤❤ sweet dreams angel 👼

IsayUncle OP August 8th

Thursday 543pm:  Put tools away, lower truck.

IsayUncle OP August 8th


mytwistedsoul August 8th

@IsayUncle All done? Woohoo! 

IsayUncle OP August 8th


thx - 👍. Have a good evening! 😄

mytwistedsoul August 8th

@IsayUncle Thanks! You too! 😀 

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago

I've been wallowing around in self pity all day for several reasons. The reasons all seem to be piling up around me but for the next 4 hours I'm going to **** *** get back to where I'm supposed to be for a good start tomorrow.

1 - 441pm clean office 

slowdecline48 1 day ago

Sounds like you had enough of the emotional muck for today & pulled yourself together, at least to fulfill your tasks. Good man. 👍🏼

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago


thx... 😊. Just trying to get ahead of the curve a little bit. I got the office done and every little bit helps. Perhaps if I get all my laundry folded, that'll be a worthy achievement and if not, ..... it'll b ok. 🤨

slowdecline48 1 day ago

Also - it sounds rather familiar. I too have dredged through my own gloom & self-hatred for much of the day, then got off to a very late start. It's happened more than once.

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago


yea, sounds like you get it.... keep marching on.... when we can.