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Vanlifer dec 7

affableTown5581 December 7th, 2023

Day 65 of car life 


Was supposed to move into my apartment today, got screamed at by leasing, my money taken and they refused to let me live there. 

I had a feeling something would go wrong.

I did stand up for myself tho, sometimes enough is just enough. I talked to every lawyer I could and talked to corporate and wrote reviews still not done tbh, not gonna let this slide. 

Corporate offered me a better apartment for cheaper as a way to kiss my butt so that I don't sue but the fact that I'm still not in an apartment when I was supposed to be and that I got screamed at... bothers me. And honestly it only seems better. Idk man... 

This kinda just disappointed me tbh. This whole year I've been treated like garbage and my family treated like garbage for 1 simple reason. We don't have enough resources to retaliate. People seem to only respond when your a threat. It's just. Depressing. I think that I'm.ginna lean into that depression tho. I mean I gotta be depressed for a reason it's not like my brain is broken, half of the population is depressed and suicidal, that's for a reason we aren't just crazy. America is depressing. It's a depressing place to live. Being forced to be homeless when you do nothing wrong to anyone and work your butt off everyday is depressing. I'm supposed to be depressed right now it'd be weird if I wasn't. I have to learn to make use of myself in a state of depression instead of running away from it. I'm gonna allow myself to be depressed. It's not my responsibility to cheer anyone up. 

I need to work more hours to give myself more leverage over people. Life for me is like the walking dead, it's not the zombies that's the problem it's people... except for me it's not poverty that's my problem... it's people. Living in my car was fine, people ruined that. I managed to get an apartment, people ruined that. Everything good I have is always ruined by people. And the reason they do it is because I can't hurt them. That's why I feel disappointed today because I realized that loud and clear. 

December 7th, 2023

@affableTown5581 Sorry to hear that things aren’t going well. The conditions you’re under are indeed depressing. It sounds like you’re taking all the right steps and evaluating the conditions accurately. It should not be so hard eh? But keep moving forward and keep in mind not all battles are worth fighting especially if they divert you from your goals. Not all landlords will f you, but most are a$$holes when it comes to money and sometimes a few more days in the car is worth getting into the right place. Finding the right place and landlord can be a huge task. Best of luck in your efforts. Stay strong!

affableTown5581 OP December 7th, 2023

@FlatenedByLife thank you your right, this battle probably isn't worth fighting, I'm just tired of getting my butt kicked,.I'll try to focus on my goal I appreciate you 

slowdecline48 December 13th, 2023

@affableTown5581 Props for fighting back even your current (& completely justified) state of misery. As someone who has had chronic depression for decades, I have an idea of how you're feeling day-to-day.

"We don't have enough resources to retaliate. People seem to only respond when your a threat."

Welcome to the human race. That's not just true in the US; it is true everywhere on Earth. It has always been so. Too often respect is not freely given, which means you have to prove your merit...even if that merit is only because "if I don't take this person seriously, (s)he will make things difficult for me".

affableTown5581 OP December 13th, 2023

@slowdecline48 Thank you I actually like how you phrased this, I think I'm feeling a little more level headed now and kinda accepting that fact I was a little naive  before all this I think

slowdecline48 December 13th, 2023

Also, while I am not a lawyer, to me it sounds like you might have a case. Taking your deposit & then b***hing you out is probably illegal...if you signed a contract beforehand then it's definitely illegal.

affableTown5581 OP December 13th, 2023

@slowdecline48 I'm sure it is, I finally had a few lawyers respond and I went to corporate,.the main boss actually parties with the woman who screamed at me and cussed me out, they're all friends and hang out but once I threatened to sue he offered me another apartment. But I just wasn't cool with that idk it was just unfair so I said just give me my money back, they're dragging their feet with a refund but I'll probably still talk to lawyers in the meantime but I'm also thinking I might just drop it and dedicate my time snd money to myself 

slowdecline48 December 14th, 2023

@affableTown5581 I get it, totally. Still, you could use that money, couldn't you?...I've never lived in a vehicle for any serious length of time. But I would think that any extra cash might even be more helpful than for someone in a house or aptmt. You depend on your van for more than just transport. If I were in your shoes I'd fight to get that refund if it amounted to appreciably more than the legal expense involved, because then I would have cash leftover for food, personal hygiene (that's gotta be a challenge!) or at least an oil change for the vehicle...

...but that's just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth, if it's worth anything at all.

affableTown5581 OP December 15th, 2023

@slowdecline48 I appreciate it! Good advice I'll see how much I can take mentally Im getting close to my limit so it depends, your right tho