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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP March 4th

gtg to math class (i have a test that i have to retake since last *** break and idk when i have or can do that, i should’ve prepared for that but i didn’t understand anything so i didn’t, i have to explain to that same morning teacher that i haven’t read the book yet although it was due like 2 weeks ago  a n d  i haven't done the assignment about the  p r e v i o u s  book which was like a *** month ago, i have some english stuff way overdue, a history assignment multiple weeks overdue that i have no idea what to do) so wish me luck and let’s hope the crying count won’t increase <3

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


*sitting with eva bean* 🥺

justmeeva OP March 4th

i would have so much to say rn but i won’t. 

justmeeva OP March 4th

school finished about an hour ago, mom picked me up and now she tells me to study again ❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


bruh seriously… :') mmm. 😞 i wish she understood how exhausting school is on its own. 

justmeeva OP March 4th


cool thing is that one of the homework is related to the book that i haven’t read or even recieved :D another overdue assignment how fun 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


not even received…? i’m sorry friend ): do you have to like purchase the book or get it from the library? 💜

*offers a hug for you* me feel sad to see eva beanie under so much stress… 😔 but me understand because schoolybobs is vv stressful and even more stressful and scary when things are overdue ): me knows me not in your shoes friend but me understand a bit because ni friend has vvv many assignments overdue also … 😞 it’s vv stressful, especially when they are throwing new assignments all the time also. ☹️

me believes in eva bean though. 💜 me also thinks… :o next time there is a student support chat here maybe you can hop in for a little? they can help with tips there 💜 helped me a bit ^-^ 

justmeeva OP March 4th


mhm they have to get it from another library to the one we go to and somehow that’s taking time *and* they’re closed on weekend anyway so much time for lost there :’)

yeah i don’t do well with stress. especially since the assignments are usually either more time consuming or more difficult or something i don’t understand (i mean duh otherwise they’d be done-).. yeah. i just don’t like when things start piling up like this, i don’t know where to start once i do decide to start working on them and then i kinda try to do some stuff at once or like leave something unfinished to come back to it later and then it gets all messy and confusing and *boom* a mess which usually leads to giving up. 👍

student support room - that might be a good idea, i don’t think i’ve ever tried it but now i’m thinking- why haven’t i-? but yeah i think i should probably check it out sometime. thank you nibuddy 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


dang ): i don’t think that’s your fault then friend … 😞 also, if you don’t even have the book yet because they haven’t gotten the book yet in the library… why are they giving you homework that’s related to that book? :') *smh* 🤦🏻‍♀️ :') (do correct me if i’ve gotten it all wrong 😬) 

yeah i hear you buddy. ☹️ and i get that tbh, i do the same thing. :') tbh, i think we tend to procrastinate because there’s a kind of fear surrounding the assignment. not understanding it, not doing it right ✨ messing it up… 😞 idk - or, tbh, we might not even know what’s up. we sort of just feel… stuck. like… especially, *especially* when it piles up :') it gets so stressful, and we just don’t know what to do. :/ it’s stressful when we are on track, i guess, but it’s more stressful when things are overdue… 😞 

i’m vv sorry it’s been difficult for evabuddy with schoolybobs. ☹️ you already have a lot going on… 😞 and then… school on top of that. :') i’m sorry friend. 😞💜 me understand it’s overwhelming. 💜 about the book thing - is it possible to speak to a teacher about that? because you don’t even have the book yet… how are they expecting you to do the homework *smh* :') 

me thinks trying to hop into the student support room and maybe asking for tips would help :o their team is so vv helpful in the room 💜 i’ve asked them about some things before. (like procrastination… ni friend needs to win awards for her procrastinating… i’m a ✨ pro ✨ lol) 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


i’m vv sorry for the late reply friend 🙈 i’m trying to fill out a little book i’m supposed to do for school. 🥲 it’s so annoying :/ 

i’m cupsing in between lol 🥲

justmeeva OP March 4th


my school doesn’t have its own library so i go to one near my home. my mom ‘ordered’ the book but it was available in a different library so now we gotta wait until they bring it to ours :/ i guess it kind of is my fault, we have a free choice this month so i could just choose something else… but i wanted that one book, my mom already ordered it, i don’t have any unread books at home and i just think it’s better to wait for the book than to go searching for a new one. it shouldn’t take much longer.. but i swear this time it was supposed to be different, i told my sister to visit the library many weeks before the due date instead of leaving it to the last few days, i was supposed to be able to read it during school break.. but of course nothing goes to plan. first, my sister didn’t get to go to the library that week, then it wasn’t at the library, then the library was closed, now we have to wait for it. i had it all planned and now… *points at the situation in disappointment*. 

yeah prostetanaticating (that should be the right way to spell it) is one of my biggest problems too. i leave *everything* to the last minute. it’s just coded into my personality atp. 

is there a place for the times and dates of the pop up rooms somewhere? i have tried to search for them a little but haven’t succeeded hehe. *gives you a crown and makes you the prostetanatication queen and then bes the princess* :p

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


oh noes i’m sorry… 😞 that’s not fun friend ): i think you’re right though it’s better to just wait for the book to come than to select a new one. 💜 i hope it comes soon. 😞💜 

lol i like that spelling. 💜 hehe. 

im not sure about the time buddy :o maybe you could PM zareia about the times? 💜 idk. that might help? 💜 

(i’m sorry i feel a bit dry right now… replies kinda short. i just had to deal with something…. and it seems to have taken up all my energy. idk.) 

justmeeva OP March 4th


don’t worry lovely, i understand how sometimes there’s just not enough creativity or energy to find something to say. that’s okay 🩷 here if you want to talk to me okay? 💕

LoveMyMoonflowers March 4th


thank you buddy 💜 i think i’ll be okie, but thank you friend. 💜

justmeeva OP March 5th

coming to cups is becoming a decision to debate on. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

i thought i was safe staying off rooms but oh well. of course not. 

justmeeva OP March 5th


justmeeva OP March 5th

i’m stuck. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

all okayness was as if literally drained out of me. again. everything’s so heavy now.. and i’m drowning.. minute by minute, deeper and deeper. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

“teach me how to be okay”

justmeeva OP March 5th


justmeeva OP March 5th

“i don’t wanna hurt you” you once said.

now look at me


by you.

justmeeva OP March 5th

tonight’s not gonna go well, i can feel it. 

justmeeva OP March 5th


justmeeva OP March 5th

that’s.. not a very good sign. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

i’m finally completely alone. family’s asleep. the lights are off. let the fun begin..

justmeeva OP March 5th

should i be scared of myself? because right now, i’m starting to be. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

“the only person you can trust is yourself”


i really wouldn’t be so sure of that. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

i know one way to numb this pain.. 


justmeeva OP March 5th

someone save me before i try to save myself…

justmeeva OP March 5th

why does every passing minute seem so long?

justmeeva OP March 5th

i could.. 


justmeeva OP March 5th

everything looks so slow and blurry…

justmeeva OP March 5th

it’s hard. really *** hard. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

i’m so close to………

justmeeva OP March 5th

it’s only getting worse. 

justmeeva OP March 5th

i might…

justmeeva OP March 5th

i did. 

justmeeva OP March 5th


justmeeva OP March 5th
