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my journal: various subjects, opinionating, CW at times

slowdecline48 June 24th, 2022

The title explains itself.

If you're interested in the ramblings of a middle-aged man with chronic conditions who, at times, sees things a little too clearly for his own good, then read on.

Sometimes I get political, but it won't be all the time.

I don't mind comments in general but if you're going to differ with what I write, that's fine--as long as you can explain your position clearly & reasonably. Rants, shouting & general incoherence will be ignored or flagged, depending on the situation. Try to remember that not everyone else in this world holds your beliefs.

Every so often I may post art or snapshots of projects I'm working on.

If you're still interested after reading all the above, great. (I do wonder at how much time you have on your hands, though)

slowdecline48 OP May 13th

Before I forget: thank you, @tearstruck & @iloveyouxx, for all the "hearts" on my posts. Am not sure why you like so much of what I write here, but it's flattering.

iloveyouxx May 13th


awwe. I hope it’s okay to write here.🤍I have seen alot of your posts🤍and- I feel like we have alot of differences but I do relate in some ways and to the ones I don’t- I understand🤍thankyou for tagging me!🤍I do genuinely like what you write :P🤍I feel like you’re alot more..realistic? than some of the people I know🤍and I really love that- because you don’t exactly see it everywhere now :')🤍but yeah seeing this made me happy. I haven’t gotten tagged in awhile :0🤍I hope you’re having a nice day- or that tomorrow is better for you🤍

slowdecline48 OP May 13th

@iloveyouxx You're welcome, & also not the first one to say that. Perhaps a better word than "realistic" would be "honest", as when I do post here I say what I think more often than not. Thank you for the reply...that cleared it up. One mystery solved. 😜

iloveyouxx May 13th


I’m not surprised haha :0💜true- also just I realized i mostly like the people thatre just themselves :P🤍alot of people in my school are just so fake :')💜personality and they’d just change how they are and think for others- so I think I just prefer it when someone’s them lol and I liked that about you :3🤍

one mystery solved lmao xD😭😛i saw that post about the upvotes in the page before this one I think- I never thought that anyone would think my upvotes were weird lol xD🩷I’m sorry about that-☠️ouh and yus I’m a girl-💜I upvote everyone’s everything lol😭🩷I didn’t mean for it to come off as weird xD but yippee to one mystery solved😛✨🐛🐛🐛🐛🐛

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

After some thought, "realistic" is not a bad choice, though I don't claim to have achieved it. Some people don't like the kind of stuff posted here; others can only take it in small doses (which I understand. Completely). I always try to see the world as it is--or to come as close to objectivity as I can--as opposed to how we might want it to be.

tearstruck May 14th


Oh haha I guess I just read a lot of forums and upvote random things, also can relate to some of the chronic illness stuff xD :)

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

@tearstruck Welcome to my journal. Pour yourself a cup ☕ & stay a while if you like. This is truly a first! Have seen you upvote my maunderings off & on for months, but I never saw you comment on anything until today.


i came over to catch up … since I have been gone. I enjoy your writings … 🙌🙌🙌🙌

slowdecline48 OP May 19th

Thanks. I'm glad somebody enjoys this s***!... 😂

slowdecline48 OP May 13th

...aaaaaannnd I was up most of the night. Again.

If I fall asleep around 10:30, I inevitably wake up before 1 a.m. & stay up until after the sun rises, waiting for the crash.

Most of my life I've been happy to be nocturnal. Now it's getting old AF.

I sometimes go down online rabbit holes, too...good thing I'm not into conspicuous consumption. If I was, late-night escapades on Amaz0n, Et$y & wherever would leave me penniless.

mytwistedsoul May 14th

@slowdecline48 I relate to this. Crash about 12-12:30 and up about 3:30-4. It does get old. I get alittle jealous hearing people talk about how they slept 10-12 hours. Does that really happen? People can really sleep that long without being knocked unconscious? Sounds made up tbh 

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

@mytwistedsoul Possibly...I have a hard time believing it, too. If people did sleep through the night, it was back in the days before electric lights, indoor lighting, glowing screens & 24-hour everything. For most of history people lived by natural rhythms; then the industrial revolution happened & in > two centuries we all forgot how.

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

* < two centuries...I never get the inequality symbol right. Not a math expert. 🤦🏼‍♂️

mytwistedsoul May 14th

@slowdecline48 Math's not a strong point of mine either lol

I do think you're right about the sleeping though. There wasn't much else to do in the darkness except sleep so they went to bed and rose with the sun
tearstruck May 14th

@mytwistedsoul haha I sleep that much but its poor quality sleep I guess, I still need more but thats chronic fatigue XD

mytwistedsoul May 14th

@tearstruck I hear you on the poor quality. I'm sorry you have to deal with this too 😞

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

Did you ever start cooking something that takes a few hours to make, then get tired about halfway through?

Moses in a jockstrap, I'm so fed up with this 💩...

Lately I haven't even had the urge to paint, or draw or anything.

mytwistedsoul May 14th

@slowdecline48 It really sucks when we lose our desire to do things that we normally enjoy. I hope things ease up for you Slow 

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

I appreciate the thought, O fellow solitary sufferer.

slowdecline48 OP May 14th
Edit: I finally dragged my a** out of my office chair & got most of it done. The stew has been in the slow cooker for, what...maybe nine hours now. Will shut it off sometime this evening. Slow cookers are one of the few inventions that are an unmitigated boon to modern people.
slowdecline48 OP May 14th


As of four minutes ago.

Well well well...the NASDAQ seems to be humming along today. It is one of the more reliable indexes for the US stock market itself, so that's good news.

slowdecline48 OP May 14th

F** a headache again. Shouldn't have had that cup of coffee. 🤕

On a more positive note, there are far worse vices to have. Even for us chronic folk.

slowdecline48 OP May 15th

Hombre!...even platinum has risen lately:


As of about 20 minutes ago. It's gone up 6.32% in a month's time, even with the dip through the 2nd half of April. This could be for a number of reasons...(I suspect more than one is at work)

Usually the price platinum doesn't move like those of gold & silver. Most people just don't want it as much as the two main precious metals, so markets reflect that. But with the national debt getting out of control the way it is (Democrats: tax & spend. Republicans: borrow & spend), the more forward-thinking among us are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Traditionally, gold is the main hedge against inflation with silver being the secondary (but still necessary) hedge. 🤔 I wonder if some people are starting to treat platinum the same way...

slowdecline48 OP May 16th

Random Thoughts

Tonight I lost my earbuds...the usual pair, that is. Good thing I got the extras from my laptop/sketchpad bag. The 2nd extra pair are in the bike bag. I still want a couple more to stash someplace.

@MistyMagic mentioned custom earbuds in a different thread...sounds like a great idea. It also sounds expensive. I'll have to check, but am fairly sure I can't buy any this month. Got expenses as it is.

I wanted to ride today (yesterday--it's 0-dark-hundred now) but it was raining off & on. Maybe when I get up in a few hours if it's not too hot. Now I remember the days when I rode for miles & didn't care about the weather... I hate to say it but chronic illness + aging will turn you into a candy-a.s.s.

OTOH I first learned how to ride when I was nine years old, was a regular cycle commuter in two of the cities I lived in, have ridden in driving rain, snow (yes, really--the axles froze every time I stopped), have had two bikes stolen from me as an adult, gone down a bunch of times & the 9th or so time I did, I was almost run over in the street--& still held onto the s°°°ty retail job I was in at the time.* (It was not boring) Though I don't ride like I used to, I still do it despite being crippled with permanent head pain, vertigo & tinnitus. At this point, what more do I have to prove?

Had an afternoon appointment that was 🐂💩 but one of the staff generously cancelled it after I'd been there for too long. Will have to check my account when I get up. It wasn't a completely wasted trip, however...I found a pizza place shortly afterward. It was a bit pricey but with inflation for for over three years now, what isn't?

...I know I'll find those old earbuds only after buying a backup pair...

I have no specific statements about current affairs at this time. We all know the world is screwed up, always has been & probably always will be. Humanity can't help being the way it is.

...lately I've sort of been feeling like this song.

*Not for very long after that, however. Nearly getting killed has a way of clarifying one's priorities.

slowdecline48 OP May 16th
Edit: just found the old pair of earbuds. They were hiding under the comforter...sneaky basterds.
mytwistedsoul May 16th

@slowdecline48 Glad you found them! Don't you just love how easy it is to lose stuff? 😕

Excellent song btw! CCR is awesome! 

MistyMagic May 16th


Mine were ergonomic not custom, I found them on Amazon for £12.99 English pounds.

slowdecline48 OP May 16th

@MistyMagic Oh? Glad they fit that well off the shelf.

Also, I didn't know you were in Britain. Am guessing your location is not in London. From the few comments I've seen so far, London is a globalized metropolis like L.A. or Copenhagen...a very expensive place to live now.

slowdecline48 OP May 17th

Went out this afternoon to pick up a med, & a few food items. On my old steel horse.

🔹The bad: Heat. Sweat (like a horse!). Had to spend money, which I usually dislike. The cargo rack came partly loose when I was just starting the ride back home; I had to pull over, fix it & tighten the screws.

🔹The good: no major flareup this time. Saved money--no ride fares. Got some exercise, which I need badly. As so many times before, no automobile got near me unnoticed. The cargo rack incident confirmed my instinct to keep spare screws in my pack. Drank just over 3 liters of H2O on the trip...guess that's good.

My head still hurts, though. Barely enough energy to bathe...after that I'll tell the world "f**k off" & then lie down.

The rest can wait til tomorrow.

slowdecline48 OP May 17th

That refrain, though..."barely held together by a few old threads", indeed.
mytwistedsoul May 18th

@slowdecline48 I hope the headache is better. It sucks when they last for awhile. They say it's gonna be an abnormally hot summer. How do they know? They can predict from one day to the next but they can tell with certainty what the summer's gonna be like 😐 BS stay cool Slow *sending good vibes and some cold breezes* 

slowdecline48 OP May 18th

@mytwistedsoul Supposedly today's weather satellites & data-crunching computers can amass mucho weather info & devise more accurate climate models than in years past. I believe it but here's the thing: a climate is an extremely complex complex that no model, even when made by the best mainframe you have, can mimic a real climate perfectly over a very long period. There's local weather, big parts like the jetstream, cyclical phenomena like El Niño, chaotic intrusions like volcano eruptions that affect the weather, etc. further you extrapolate into the future with a theoretical model, the more you deal in probabilities at best. Maybe we will have an abnormally hot summer. Do we know that with 100% confidence? Of course not. We cannot be that certain.

slowdecline48 OP May 18th


This is good news...good news indeed.

It's rare to see silver get to $30/oz., let alone go above it.

Gold is currently $2,419.80 per & platinum, $1,094.80 per. Excellent. 😁 All the metals are still going up & down day-to-day, but over the last several months they've moved upward overall. Stocks indexes are still positive overall but at this point, their movements don't quite make sense given the current economy & sticky core inflation...thus, "alternative investments" are looking better to thinking people every day.

Times like this make me glad I started getting into this stuff. That was in the middle of 2020. I could've started earlier, but hindsight is 20/20 & all that. And my timing was still pretty good overall, even though I hadn't intended it in the beginning.

I pity anyone who starts buying gold right now. (S)He will have missed the rise over the last five years.

slowdecline48 OP May 18th

Thus far I've read posts from a couple members about them getting in trouble for posting the wrong things. Two different threads. Sometimes they were the wrong opinions. I hope that doesn't happen to me here...but it could. If there's anyone in CupsLand with a possibility of raising the ire of the leaders &/or staff be being too outspoken, it would be me.

slowdecline48 OP May 19th

I started working on a poem. A real poem, not just a little haiku. Dunno when I'll finish it, or where to post it whenever it's done...It should properly be in my thread in the Poetry forum. But considering the final part of it will be focused on bolt-ons (I detest bolt-ons), it might get taken down if I posted it there. I might post the poem here instead. It'll be done when it's done. Aside from that, no news today.

slowdecline48 OP May 20th

"Luck must be dealt with like health: enjoy it when it is good, be patient when it is bad."

- La Rochefoucauld

slowdecline48 OP May 20th



mytwistedsoul May 20th

@slowdecline48 😂 that never works

slowdecline48 OP May 20th

@mytwistedsoul You're tellin' me!... 😂

We should start a group or something... "Insomniacs Anonymous". Imagine the meetings... They would never be held in the morning or before 3 p.m. Coffee, cigarettes & donuts would be a must, in enough quantity for everyone. No one would be bright-eyed & bushy-tailed, ever.

mytwistedsoul May 21st

@slowdecline48 Definitely lots and lots of coffee. And donuts. Because we need the sugar rush too! Some days it feels like there's never enough coffee. The first bright eyed bushy tailed person that shows up gets hurt lol 😈