in the wonders of my mind💗.
![User Profile: iloveyouxx](!.jpeg)
hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷
wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙
to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)
lovely broken home 🥰 and remember guys when dad gets home no one talk about anything that happened.
I’ve never screamed at this family member so hard and loud in my life
Ive never even yelled at them before
and this family member has never ever hit me before
I sounded so ghetto
I didn’t think I had it in me to do that ☠️
nd I literally did the thing I can’t explain it rn nd I was like good send me to a family of thieves then
btw I didn’t steal anything
context we won’t talk about
but yh
uncle (isn’t involved but saw everything)
locked in the bathroom
wasnt locked properly
then a hug and we won’t talk about this etc
then yelling again
did I forget threats
and the what’re u gnna do hit me ur gnna hit me too
then they leave again
and my uncle comes btw nd when I start yelling and she gets closer nd she raises her hand that’s when I was like what’re u gnna do hit me ur gnna hit me too
that’s when my uncle actually comes in and he’s like just leave her leave her what’re u doing
btw she just walked in again and kept going and I literally got up and. anyways wtv she’s gone again
and he closed the door on me
i was standing in the bathroom
and I jst
i was against a wall
I fell to the floor nd
started crying
walked around
sat down
on the floor
then this guy comes not my uncle
oh btw hes the one that hit me
yeah it’s a long story
I’ve never yelled at them before bcs were supposed to have respect for each other and maybe not- wtv
my dads almost home so I shld probably calm down cs yk we’re not gnna tell him any this nd “not for me but for ur dad he already has so much to carry already” and “they’re not doing this for me but for my dad”? ***.
and see how she yells at me and she’s the one in the wrong
*** *** *** ***
I want to ***
bro if she stood there in front of me for long enough I would’ve actually jumped her
why won’t she ever just
*** keeps being like I’m gnna travel to my hometown I’m old I can’t handle this anymore I’m gnna go home nd bro never *** leaves me alone
call up the whole family cs ur tired ur rlly so tired nd ur old nd u can’t handle *** anymore at ur old age
so then just *** go
ur right bro
u do burden us
just go.
I’m gnna cry.
what’s wrong with people
who gives her the right to talk about me
who gives him the right to touch me
*** what I’ve been through it doesn’t make it okay
I’ve been abused before and worse will I let someone try and physically hurt me now? *** no
my dad doesn’t rlly… anymore i.g bcs idk
too busy to care anymore
he never cared but I mean
care to not care
i guess??
I want to *** hurt someone
oh but I come from good people, my dads good my family are believers of god my family are good people so what happened to me
what the ***
idk bro
what happened to me
what’s wrong with me
i come from good people
so it’s just so confusing that I turned out this way
you know what we should do tho
send me to another family. they’ll figure it out.
![User Profile: mytwistedsoul](
@iloveyouxx Hey 💙 Sometimes not so nice people hide behind a mask of goodness using their relationship with God to justify the things they do and push the blame onto others 💙
It wasn’t even to justify anything I’m pretty sure they jst think there’s smth wrong with me. like I come from good people and I was raised by good people so why am I the way I am?? they won’t even admit to anything wrong they did every time I’m like I literally saw you they jst start talking abt how I’m not raised properly and what’s wrong with me and wtv. I probably wasn’t raised properly. u guys raised me. of course I wasn’t raised properly I literally have a traumatic memory because of you guys that I remember from over 10 years ago replaying in my head. how would I be raised properly I was raised in a broken home but every time someone came over we smile and laugh and if anyone says anything wrong then well I don’t rlly think I shld talk abt that. I was so young. literally raised to pretend and hide. why am I still venting sorry soul 😭 thank you for being here 💙
![User Profile: mytwistedsoul](
@iloveyouxx Vent away. It's better than holding it inside.💙
im so mad :’)
I want to run away. right now. I don’t want to pack or change or anything I just want to run out and run away and keep running
my legs shaking I actually wanna do it
everyone just yells over each other
I try and say ssomething they yell because it’s the truth and no one’s used to that
the truth breaks people
I try and post something on cups it gets censored
I talk to my counselor all of a sudden it’s all I’m just a counselor there’s so little I can do
wtf bro
there’s so little you can do? you can’t help me with normal problems?? what can u do.
my heart hurts
It’s like
what if ur left lung hurts rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly bad what cld it mean
ive had
left lung pain before
just like this
at the time
it was cs of
actually I’m not sure
I’m gnna explain this is emojis okay 😭 or I’ll try
because I’m tired nd it’s too long
help idk how to explain the next bit in emojis
okay so I hope it makes more sense than i think ot does cs this explains nothing
i find my stuff in her stuff
so I’m just taking my stuff back and not saying anything I’m not getting mad at her I’m not confronting her or anything
I’m just taking my stuff back
these stuff are important to me btw
nd there’s no reason she shld be going thru my stuff nd taking them
I saw her btw
the only reason I’d be opening her things is bcs I literally saw her opening mine nd putting it with her things
now that I did
she’s randomly accusing me of taking her stuff
btw no one knows she’s the one that was taking my stuff they just know I opened her bag
so this guys hitting me
she’s acting all innocent
she’s saying all that stuff like I wasn’t raised properly
when I start saying I literally saw her taking my things and wtv she gets mad nd that’s when she’s abt to hit me nd I’m like what’re u gnna do hit me etc wtv
now she’s saying there’s money missing 💀 bro trust I went thru everything looking for my things there was never any money in there
nd she’s like cs I’m the one stealing money
nd I js got rlly triggered
there was a lot of yelling
I didn’t even do anything
I wasn’t gnna tell anyone
she doesn’t even need all the things she took
but bcs ur the one that has a connection with god nd ***
if anyone tries being like oh well there cldve been better ways than going thru her stuff hel no get out idec I don’t steal ppls *** plus yh moneys cool nd I’ve never had my own money before but trust I genuinely don’t want any rn 💀 it’s bcs like what wld i even buy from an amount of money I can steal- even better qs why would I steal. yk she doesn’t actually think I stole her *** right she just got scared when she realized I knew abt her stealing my things in the first place
and she has the whole family convinced she’s the victim of life
holy *** it’s so annoying
she’ll be right there nd she’ll call someone up nd all of a sudden her whole body’s broken nd she’s weak nd fragile bro she even does this voice it’s so annoying like talk normally bro no one’s convinced
well actually she has the whole family convinced but wtv
I’m jst mad
why would anyone wanna steal from me
this *** rich
I leave for skl nd she takes my stuff
look bro ur weak nd fragile nd ur sick of me nd I’m a bad kid there’s smth wrong with me no matter what anyone does I never change
so u go or i go
actually I wanna go either way
physically I feel better btw
I’m just so
tired of putting up with ***
after every mental breakdown I’m either rlly numb nd tired or all of a sudden i jst-love
nd I’m kind of both rn 😭
anyways hugs ily guys u guys are so cool
help I was sitting on my glasses
oh *** 1% bye