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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx March 17th, 2024

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday

I donā€™t look that bad like hair looks rlly good makeup looks rlly goodĀ 


I look kinda like


i look good I js feel like *** so basically I look like ***

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday

7 miqnutesĀ 

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday


User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday

bro these kids are coming from left and right and tbh idrc cs this guy like

idk how to say it

wait weā€™re packing up in like a minutes

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday



User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday

In english

10 minutes until we leaveĀ 

last lesson before half termĀ 

User Profile: iloveyouxx
iloveyouxx OP Friday

bro this guy in my classĀ 

So the teachers like doing smth idkĀ 

nd everyoneā€™s sitting wherever cs like idk itā€™s friday, itā€™s last day of half term llike yk itā€™s chillĀ 

so me nd my friend were sitting next to each other on one table (she js left for bus usually id go with her but this teacher knows im not bus)Ā 

I ws rubbing this sharp thing like on my leg earlier back nd forth nd itā€™s bleeding now šŸ’€ I ws js boredĀ 

anyways so the table next to us literally all the guys like u cldnt jst use 2 tables no they took chairs from everywhere nd theyā€™re all js sitting there in their big *** gang

except Ā for 4 guys

3 of them are on another table in the corner of the class

theyre like that lonely grp that gets bullied kindaĀ 

then the 4th guy

bro this guy

hes not js mad popular

hes mad popular nd hes chamaki nd hes literally js id say the worst in my class

hes so so rude ndĀ 

wait packing up

prolly wonā€™t finish

hes js being weird thi

anqyaays byeĀ