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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


not the school, bunny bean. Places like the NSPCC. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


forget that ***. idk ni. i almost feel helpless.. like idk about calling.. but like ..... i just dont know... what to do with my life anymore

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


Bunny, it’s okay to ask for help. There are people out there, like the NSPCC, they know young people like you don’t deserve this. They are here to help. You deserve all the love and care and kindness in the world bunny bean and it honestly just hurts so much to know you’re not getting that. 

Bunny please hold on 💙 please. You can get through this and there are better, beautiful days ahead. They’re waiting for you. And they are coming 💙 you can get through this. I promise. But you don’t have to do it alone. 

mytwistedsoul November 9th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I understand. I guess I'm just trying to point out some places to get some assistance when you're able and ready. But there's never any pressure to do any of this 💙 I hope I don't sound like I'm pushing you

Remember there's always that number I gave you 💙 But there's no pressure for that either 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


heyy, heyy, your not pressuring me at all . its rather helpful to know someone cares💛 thank you tho. your literally one of the most kindest people i know and i appreciate you for trying to help.

mytwistedsoul November 9th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I appreciate you too. For kind wonderful intelligent person you are. If there was more I could do besides offer you words - I would do it in a heartbeat. I do genuinely care about you and Moon does too 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


Me too 😞💙 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul @LoveMyMoonflowers

it will be okay. dont worry about me. there is only 5-6 hours left of the day and then im going to bed. and then its night. 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


But we still care about you bunny. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

honestly, i am getting bored so here it goes.

hi mom,

you will never read this but lol. i promise you that i will give up one day and it wont matter to you anyways. because im a stranger to you sometimes. you just.... think you know best and thats fine by me. maybe you do know best. maybe this will make me a better person. but my promise to you is one day i will give up and you will stand on my grave. so have fun whilst im alive. and whilst your at it, stop fussing about dad and ***. your daughter has become helpless, i hope your proud of me.


LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


bunny bean… 😞

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


who knew traumtising children was so easy

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023



parents have no idea what they are messing up when they hurt their kids. they have no idea that each human being is a beautiful universe. they just don’t care. 

it hurts. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

what the *** is this homework. i cant understand this ***

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


what subject is it bunny bean? ): 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


idk man. its just some *** i cant understand. im... gonna pass out so im going to put my head on the table for a while just in case i fall asleep or pass out

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


please try getting some rest 💙 it’s okay to take breaks from homework especially when it’s vv overwhelming or it’s difficult to understand 💜 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


i hope you take cr

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

care* im am really gon pas out

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


I’ll try. 

But I’m more concerned about you taking care, bunny. Please… please be kind to you and be gentle to you. 

I know im just some random person on the internet and im far far away too, but i care about you beyond words. And so does soul buddy. 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


im sorry. i think i passed out for a while. sorry for the late reply

mytwistedsoul November 9th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 @LoveMyMoonflowers 

We make it through another day. Another day in the books. Some people don't realize how hard it it for some of us to do that. Getting out of bed and just surviving. That's what it feels like. We're just trying to survive. Just trying to find the light. It can be so hard to find the light. And it can be so hard to find the light when every day just feels like darkness. You're out in that darkness all alone fighting all these silent battles - just trying to survive. That doesn't mean the lights not out there - it's out there. Take a deep breath - it's ok - take a deep breath in - and out. The lights coming. Just don't give up on it

If no one told you today. I'm proud of you and you are soo loved 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023



mytwistedsoul November 9th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


i forgot it was you i was talking to for a second.. sorry. oof. thank you soul. i look up to you 💙 for being an inspiration and for being here through the thick and the thin

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

what the *** was i doing again

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

oh yes. the thing. well ***

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

im getting slightly frustrated and agitated

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


it’s okies to feel this way, bunny. your allowed to feel 💙

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


me understand things are vvv hard right now 😞 

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

im bored

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

bruh im not writing a paragraph in this state. i dont care if its *** due tommorow

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

i would rather face the consequences of not doing it 

LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023


sending hugs <3 


LoveMyMoonflowers November 9th, 2023

if okay* i’m sorry 
amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023

anyone here or just wanna chat about random lighthearted stuff?

mytwistedsoul November 9th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Whatcha got in mind Little Bunny Foo Foo?  😊

amiableBunny4016 OP November 9th, 2023


thats added to me nickname list. 💛 hehe. nothing much. was just randomly thinking about random things like snakes and ladders.