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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 30th, 2023


You defo can turn the world upside down and back, with your unwavering kindness and compassion, dear shining bunny! ❤

What's better than hugs? This- *big gigantic bombastic hugsssss* lol! I love ittt! 🤗

More loveeeee, sweet bunny! Please try to be as good to youu as possible and then a little more, because there's always more room for more love for bunny! ❤

amiableBunny4016 OP May 29th, 2023

Just something so random : to anyone part of the teen chaotic squad and anyone in the teens side:

I love you all so so so much and you all mean the freaking world to me. I love our chaos and our fun and our jokes and everything 😛😛 you all are the best humans I could ever ask for! Teenie friends 😭😭😭you all are just fantabulous! I know we all struggle sometimes but we all bounce back !


amiableBunny4016 OP May 30th, 2023

tw/ed, abuse

"shut up mom. i dont wanna eat it , just leave me alone"

" i dont want to eat it"


"I just dont want to eat anything okay? im not hungry. why dont you understand?"

"You have to eat something or you wont grow"

"She has stopped eating , thats why he isnt getting taller"

"whats wrong with you?"

your right.

whats behind these eyes?

these innocent brown eyes.

do you see bruises and pain?

do you see that girl who stares at a mirror and only thinks she is ugly?

do you see me?

the world is blurred....

the words zoom and travel in and around my head....

just *** leave me alone.

i could starve to death.

but never will i be.....

never will i see......

never will i hear,

my beauty.

and im sorry.

"*** ***. mom i dont want it okay? i dont want to eat it"

*slams door*


amiableBunny4016 OP May 30th, 2023

well ***. *** . ***. ***. ***. ***

1 percent


50 percent....


100 percent

i messed up. congratulations bunny. you have successfully been a complete idiot!

amiableBunny4016 OP May 31st, 2023

you don't have to care if I am such a burden.

if you don't have anything kind to say, then don't say it.

I can't stop having nightmares about you.

constantly screaming even in my sleep.

I don't want to see you.

I don't want to hear you.

You hurt me.

So let go..


amiableBunny4016 OP May 31st, 2023

What *** do you want?

So you throw a bunch of plates on the ground, scream at me till I die and maybe one day I think I will fly and maybe you will be in peace, and I wouldn't have to hear you tease me or call me names or abuse me for my name. I didn't even ask for my name to be defamed. At school they make fun of my bruises and my scars but they don't know how far these things go. So I just walk with the flow because I think everything is alright. But I guess it's just a fight that Im losing and you keep beating me to the ground. And I was never found.

To be continued..


amiableBunny4016 OP May 31st, 2023

Childhood *** sucks. I tried to pretend this was all a nightmare that I can't wake up from. And I couldn't even talk to my *** mom because she had no time fighting with dad. And all I had in my heart was the same *** face of the sad. Maybe I'm just mad. Maybe In a dream we will all be together forever like a family. And we can all be silly . And maybe that's not gonna happend and it won't be what happens. But hope is all I have left and I'm sorry.

Emerbliss June 2nd, 2023

Hello there, i just finished reading these two books. Thought ot would be something you would like to read someday. You have been sad lately, feeling better right now ? Let me know if you are comfortable sharing. Senting lots of hugs 🤗🤗

Invisible Ink (Paint #3)

Emma Jaye

Sweet Soul

by Tillie Cole

Emerbliss June 2nd, 2023

uh-huh the tag is missing.....@amiableBunny4016 , yup now it's fine

amiableBunny4016 OP June 2nd, 2023


thanks for reccomendations . i will read them soon. ❤️ take care of yourself.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 2nd, 2023

done-tired.gifwhen life feels like you want to give up :')

amiableBunny4016 OP June 3rd, 2023

so.... uhh...... yes. i am constantly finding myself do this..........

okay whatever......


-@amiablebunny4016 just get your *** together and grow up- love, yourself.


why can't i be like anyone else? everyone else seems to fit in?


oh well....... forget it and move on......


amiableBunny4016 OP June 3rd, 2023

I don't count how many times I get hurt.

I count the seconds and minutes that are left until I go.

When I can run somewhere far.

Never come back to the start line.

But end at the finish line.

And don't look back..

Oh bunny...

Never. Ever. Look back.

Your past will bite you.

It will hurt you.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 3rd, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP June 3rd, 2023

What has this forum turned into 🤧

amiableBunny4016 OP June 3rd, 2023

some people in life judged me. and they come and go.. they call me names when i walk along a corridor... sometimes scream at me when no one is there..... slam the door in my face..... some even laugh and watch.... some laugh and say sorry because they are too scared to stand up for whats right. No one even understands the difference between right and wrong nowadays. Some adults act like kids. Some kids act like ...... either they are really scary and mean...... and some are really nice.

nothing was how it was supposed to be. nothing in my life was a happy story with the happy endings. the thing that had held me up for so long, that had gave a line to my life, forced me down to the ground. And as I watch the world turn upside down, people watch. far and close. Up and down. Left and right. Sadness..... anger..... fear...... terror..... it filled inside of me like the stars trying to catch the sky.

i try not to think about it ..... but even then..... the same horrors come back to me. and yet again I don't know how i feel. how i see. how i ..... how i can dream of a future that i was supposed to see.

now i have fallen within myself. and now i cant escape. and im so so sorry.


amiableBunny4016 OP June 4th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP June 4th, 2023

hey how are you bunny?

oh yeah this is how i am:


amiableBunny4016 OP June 4th, 2023


amiableBunny4016 OP June 4th, 2023

Some people in my life ask why I don't pick up the phone or why I'm so quiet. The answer is : I hate me and I'm trying to figure out who I am. If even I am anything. And I'm a depressed ugly *** and half of the time I'm crying my eyes out. I can't pick up the phone okay?

Sometimes I really. Just wanna be alone.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 4th, 2023

What people tell me :

*You know people talk *** about you said this..... "..." And they did ....."


Mhm..I know people talk ***.

Me inside:

Well *** I guess that's the end of. Me and my confidence.


So why don't you do anything about it?


Just go away. I really can't be bothered.



Me on the inside:

Stupid gossip I don't need to hear. People don't shut up.

Emerbliss June 5th, 2023



Daf8 June 5th, 2023

❤️ We're here for you, Bunny. Please take care of yourself and stay safe. You're important, it can get better and we love you ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP June 5th, 2023

im broken. im damaged. im hopeless. but im not done yet. - bunny

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 5th, 2023



amiableBunny4016 OP June 6th, 2023

dont ask me anymore questions. i have no answer. dont tell me im worth it. when i cant believe it. dont tell me im not alone, when i sit alone.

i have come to that point... where i hate everyone and everything in my life


Heartsandrosesandpaws June 6th, 2023

the-longest-johns-tlj.gif To those on cups

amiableBunny4016 OP June 7th, 2023

people say i only live 1 life, but i live thousands. the life i am given. and the ones in my imagination. the things i could have hoped for. they run inside of me.

Vitalda June 17th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 , hello there , how are you ?

amiableBunny4016 OP June 18th, 2023


hey, im fine. how are you?

amiableBunny4016 OP June 18th, 2023


It's not that type of loneliness, the one you think it's about. What everyone thinks. That I don't have friends. That I don't trust my family. That I shut myself away in a dark room with no one to talk to. Well, that's what everyone thinks loneliness is, that you don't have any shoulder to cry on, you hide your smile beneath your tongue, you scream when no one hears you, and you keep a picture frame of that girl who used to have an innocent smile who is now totally broken. Its not the loneliness where you sit in a crowd and still feel like a burden. Its the loneliness that traps you within your head and your own body hates you. So it leaves you alone. You loose yourself. Once you loose yourself, your alone. I feel that.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 24th, 2023

at the end everyone forget about who you are. about where you went. everyone forgets your name. at the end, its just you and you and you. and you cant run from you, you cant stay with you, and you cant hide from you. its just you and yourself.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 24th, 2023

im scared a day will come where no one will remember me. but at the same time being remembered is that overwhelming feeling that keeps haunting me

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023

well *** i have nothing to say other than im sorry

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023

when you tell me i'm your problem:

me: yeah, im a huge problem. i get it. my existence was the biggest problem in the whole wide world.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023

hey, hey your not alone.

yeah well i chose to be alone . so *** this

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023


and thats the only truth left inside of you

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023

People send me weird messages about how they think I don't care or I'm just a hypocrite or blah blah blah.. but yk what.. you can make assumptions. You can do whatever you like. But stop it with the nonsense. 😀 Im in enough pain.

amiableBunny4016 OP June 27th, 2023

Lonlieness isn't just being alone all the time by yourself. Sometimes its sitting in a crowd yet on the inside you carry this burden and you still feel 'alone'

Heartsandrosesandpaws July 2nd, 2023



Not sure if you like cats but hope this makes. Your day little better