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@amiableBunny4016 space

amiableBunny4016 November 20th, 2022

Hi everyone,

Im gonna be posting here every week. So.. you may or may not have seen my poems across 7cups or my writing. Anyways, if you have not then thats okay.

Let me introduce myself. You can call me Bunny/Violet/Bun Bun. I am from the UK and I am 13 years old. So I came here to inspire, to love, to show kindness and to be respected. The biggest power on this planet is love and kindness. Humanity is in a state of disaster. Panic. Hatred. But hate never beats love. Because love has more power than hate.

I was bullied for over 6 years. I learnt alot across the years. I learnt to overcome. Learnt to love. Learnt to forgive. I am human. I am not a robot. I am not a stranger anymore. I am me. And if people wanna judge me for who I am then I say.... I forgive them. And I know that they can change.

Like Martin Luther King once said, “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

Humanity is changing. The world is awakening. And more and more people are realising the reality. The reality of social media. The reality of trauma. The reality of life. This is who we are. And together we form as 1.

We live in a big world. Scary. Isn't it? But its to beautiful. Its so beautiful how the sun rises. How then stars glimmer every night. How the wind howls. Isn't it? and we dont realise how beautiful it really is until..... we think about it. Think deeply about it and you will find how beautiful it is.

If your feeling alone right now. just know that.....

Your strong. Even if you dont believe it.

Your worthy. Even if you dont believe it.

You can get through this.

I am here for you.

We are here for you.

Thanks for reading, This is me, Bunny and this is my world.

Take care,


amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023

i get it. I get that you feel like im a burden. i get it people hate me. i get it. i get that some listeners block me because I am a burden to them or that im just not worthy or whatever. i get it. i get that you dont want me in your life. i get it that i got *** up. i get it no one loves me. i get that i didnt grow up in the right home. i get it. i get that i am just done with life. but do you know what i also get?

that i am alive. that im not *** dead. that i am here. spreading smiles and joy. that i can be a beautiful human if i want to be one. that im *** alive. and i didnt give up.


will anyone ever accept me?


Emerbliss April 29th, 2023


Hey there. I know that we haven't had a conversation here and that we don't know each other. But I hope you will find it in your heart to take what I am about to say to heart if it's okay.

I and many others who cares for you , feels shattered to know you are in pain. That you are being hurt. But it isn't about any of us. I really admire you for sharing this part of your life here with us. And I mean it soo much. Takes a lot of strength to simply let others know that you aren't doing well.

I get an impression that there are a lot of things thats happening in your life that isn't "normal" or acceptable , and it might have taken you years to realize that fact......because initially as kids we all believe that Mommy and Daddy are just being parents...and this is what learning how to behave looks and feels like. Everyone gets hit, kicked, thrown across the room, slammed into the wall, sworn at, and pushed down the steps, right? Abuse isn’t ever deserved or allowed as a learning opportunity. And I am so so so sorry it is like that for you . None of us can behave better because of abuse. It makes us to live in fear , hope to make parents happy so that they show their love instead of despise .

As a child , teenager and even adult, it's very easy to assume that your parents treat you a certain way based on who you are and how you behave, and consequently that if they're treating you poorly it must be because you're a bad person ? you must be a dumb? Ugly? Arrogant ? It makes sense ! You must be that bad of a daughter then. They give you food, water, a place to live and the love you " actually deserve". What more can you ask for? Spoiled brat ! You are really spoiled if you think that you deserve any better.

But yet when you start asking others if THOSE things happen to them, they look at you like you’re from another world. Their parents send them to their room, yell at them or ground them from their favourite things. They get grounded or lost privileges but had never endured beatings, verbal insults or broken limbs.

As you get older, you begin to understand that maybe it wasn’t you. maybe it was them. maybe there was a chance that you behaved as every other child did. That's a hurtful relief. It's soothing to think that you aren't as awful as you thought. It hurts to realize how much unfair life is. Above everything , now you are left to figure out why you deserve this life.Why couldn’t your parents follow normal parenting ?? How do you love yourself when you realize that your parents didn’t love you or at least couldn’t control themselves to show it. How do you convince yourself that you didn't deserve to be treated like a burden ? That you are not a burden Th t your parents are not always right about what they tell you . How do you believe when someone says "you are someone who deserves to be loved, empathized with, listened to, and taken seriously " , that You do not deserve to be insulted, mocked, or neglected in any way.

Sometimes, there are days , weeks , when you believe every bad comment about you was right. That you are a burden, waste of space , dumb , ugly , ungreatful , spoiled ,.... Every hurtful comment thrown your ways seems true. You regret the day you were given to the world by god , because , world would have been a better place without you , right? Damn straight!! Everyone would have been happy if it wasn't for your petty existence.

Some other days , one can nail it . It becomes manageable to ignore how mean people is to you on daily basis. To remind yourself that no one is all good or all bad. Just because your parents do some nice things for you does not invalidate your negative emotions. Doesn't mean everything they do or say is right. You can appreciate the nice things your parents have done for you without erasing your emotions or any of the negatives. And say that's it's what it is , but I will love my self. Because I deserve it ....and a lot more , now that I think of it 🤔 of it. Because I am worthy and enough . But for now I will suffice with self love 😁 . And eventually I will heal. Be happy.

Throughout this bittersweet process, it's tempting to wish that you could travel back in time and reassure your younger self that her emotions were valid and that she was right about so many things she didn't even fully comprehend.

You are enduring what no child should, but you are, in fact, enduring it. That's makes you stronger than any one of us , than any of those who hurt you. It's a strength I wish you could have acquired some other way. But I adore you for it. .

Noone gets the right to ever blame you nor make you feel as if you are responsible for the way your life has turned out. But yet , sometimes people are mean. People tell you that being angry is synonymous to being a bad person. And yet they are allowed to be volatile and verbally abusive. What they don’t realize is that they are the cause of the pain that you will suffer for the rest of your life. Such incidents and every small reminder of their hurtful behavior makes us question ourselves...Why wasn’t I loveable enough? Why wasn’t I pretty enough? Why wasn’t I interesting enough? Why wasn’t I ENOUGH? You again come to the conclusion it was your fault. They taught you well that they are never to blame. You will go back to hating yourself. You will go back to being afraid. You will go back to feeling desperately unloved.

But please, I know it's hard , but if possible I want you to remind yourself" But I am a child. You are the adults. It could never be my fault. I know, I know. I am not the perfect child. But no children are and aren't there " worse" ones on the " standard scale" ? I was abandoned when I needed you ,I was rejected when I cried. , It was you who did wrong "

I will pray that your life may be a lesson for your future years. That you learn only good things from your present. That you can tell your self " I am worth it.I can still be OK in this world. Better than OK. I am healing, and I’m going to be unstoppable. What you did won't affect the way I feel about myself.

Focus on who you are as a person and what positive things you did. Remember how much stronger you are from what you live through .You figured out how to still push through d while feeling the fear of what would happen when you go home.

Think about what gives you the motivation to reflect on what you’ve learned . Realize that you are in control of yourself and you have a chance at a wonderful life.Take this opportunity to learn more about your own goals and what you want for yourself as a person who has overcome abuse. Reach out to others, professionals or research on your own how to create your own happiness. You do “deserve” that!

One day you will be able to stand up proudly and say that you have come out as a survivor, in spite of your scars. Or maybe because of it. A day when you can thank your parents, your haters , tell them

"Thank you, mom and dad, for teaching me the importance of adults apologising to children. Thank you for teaching me that parents do not deserve to be respected no matter what. Thank you for teaching me that parents are responsible for their own actions, regardless of how difficult their circumstances are.Because if I ever hurt my children, I won’t be too proud to admit I am wrongI won’t be too proud to admit my children have been more mature than me and have a point.More than anything, when they think of safety and open conversations, they will think of their mom.. Thank you for teaching me how it’s NOT done "

Till then, I want you to know that you are as precious as you would on that day. I want you to know that you are not F ed up. Just dealing with F ed up situations. You ARE NOT F up. I want you to know that you are not a burden. That no one with two well functioning Brain cells , who knows you , your life , your struggles, would ever hate you . And everybody who has seen your heart of gold wouldn't call you a burden even if thier brain stops working. It's okay if you can't make us smile. It's okay if you cry . It's okay if you want to rant. We will be here for you , from every shade of you , the cheerful you , the numb you , the angry you , the depressed you , the done you , the sarcastic you , the sassy you , the vulnerable you , the proud you. Every shade. Not because we are all saints, but because you deserve it. And God will give you this one thing.

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


You quiet literally put me to tears..I couldn't have put that into better words as you did 😭 I think you quiet literally made me feel a whole lot better 😭 I appreciate you so so so much for leaving this message ❤️ your so sweet and kind and you explained things so well. It's so nice to meet you and I'm so so so so glad you came across this place and decided to be a wonderful human! Thank you! I couldn't have asked for more. If I ever feel stupid I can quiet literally read this and feel better 😭🤧 you literally explained my life in such a way. It's just beautiful. I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world! I hope to get to know you more through forums you wonderful human!

You taught me alot through 1 forum post xD.



Emerbliss May 2nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016, hi bunny, thank you for reading. Really glad to know that you find it helpful. I too hope we can seeore of eachother through forums 😊

mytwistedsoul January 3rd

@amiableBunny4016 I do 💙 I'm proud of you for fighting as hard as you are. I don't think you're a burden 💙

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


Bunny hosted first Sharing Circle 😮 me so so proud of myself 💐❤️❤️ yippee!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 29th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Soooo proud of youuu!🥳❤ How did it go?

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


It went really really well shining buddy! It was really good! And many shared and feel comfortable with Bunny! Bunny very happy 😭 it was my first time being happy with myself lmao . 😭🤧Everyone loved sharing Circle 😭❤️❤️❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 29th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Aww that's 100 times better now, right?! ❤ The Teen side SC really needed all the bumping up and support. Bunny is so amazing for stepping up to host. ❤

Offering a safe space to share to people, and provide them comforting words and caring presence is a top notch kind gesture.❤

Of freaking course, people feel comfortable around bunny, bunny is the sweetest, most kind and supportive being. ❤

You're happy and proud of yourself and you should beee. 🤗❤

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


Not many teen members host normally it's just ATL's lmao smh. So bunny found some courage ❤️😭💐

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


Also I hate to be nosey! But I hope your getting sleep shining buddy! 🤧 Please look after yourself

Sunisshiningandsoareyou April 29th, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 Aww most caring shining buddy ❤ Off to sleep soon hehe. Get some rest too, okie?! *hugss* ❤

Heartsandrosesandpaws April 29th, 2023


Well done get up the good work.

Proud of you

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


Thank you so much! 😭❤️💐🤧


Heartsandrosesandpaws April 29th, 2023


You should get an appreciation soon. Since I. Filled out the appreciation form to honor you

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023


Aw! Thanks! Wishing you all the best! That's really kind! Bunny ❤️

amiableBunny4016 OP April 29th, 2023

Tw/body image/shaming

When people *unintentionally* body shame you.

Be like: yeah looking in the mirror isn't gonna feel great today.

Gets in the shower: oh yeah so that's what they were talk about.

Looks in the mirror: yep. Defo got to do some more exercise 😭❤️


amiableBunny4016 OP April 30th, 2023

dont tell me to stop caring about the world, because its come to a point where i care too much about everyone but myself xD

amiableBunny4016 OP April 30th, 2023

i sang a song to my brother today. he just looked at me and was like , "are we gonna fight the world?"

i was like "yeah little one, we always fight the world. dont be afraid of the world"

Every minute he asks me something.......

puts tears in my eyes.

amiableBunny4016 OP May 1st, 2023

Being alive is hard .


amiableBunny4016 OP May 1st, 2023

Also sorry for not posting anything or any poems. Bunny has really been not surviving.

amiableBunny4016 OP May 1st, 2023

I should be asleep rn but like...

😃I just can't and Dont want to sleep.

So here is a bit of spam from my side.

Beep boop xD robot bunny.

I'm hated but I'm loved

😭Also I accidentally bumped into a door the other day

I totally love myself /sar. But I also totally hate myself.

Robo bunny dance 🤖🐇💃

I think I should be able to figure out what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking of Y. O. U. Because you are :






Even if you don't believe it.

You are so much more than you think xD 🐇

Bunny should really sleep for online school tommorow lol

😭I love being messed up

*Apologies for existing *

Idk what else to say.

And the next day...

Boom baam baat loom wohoo!

Also I'm a baby 🍼 baby bunny is turning 14 in 6 days!!!


Goo goo ga ga!

For any of my bullies you were right actually. I'm a weird ugly person and I should defo be proud of it. Tysm for letting me know.

*Bunny poofS*

I have nothing else to say.



amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023

Oh wait.

Bunny has lots to say.

Welcome to bunny who is hyper at 1am 🤎❤️❤️

My bio really needs updating 😶it's so messed up . Anyone have tips for how to sort it out?

Boom. Baam. Crash.

I accidentally scraped my finger with a pencil.

I found this line of a song so relatable :

'aint it funny all the twisted games and the questions you used to avoid '

I love how my old manipulative friend sent me a message saying hi.

Me like: 😶

Below is based on a real event :

*Goes to school"


*Ew why is she coughing?"

*Them trying to laugh and annoy at me*

*Hears girl spreading rumours*

Me: looses my mind.

Me like: "what's your problem?*

More laughing and stupidity.

*Runs off to bathroom*

I love life. ❤️

It taught me that surviving isn't worth it.




I'm leaving something for my best best best best best twinnie friend here because she is so amazing @TabbyCat97 love youuuu! You deserve so much love and care and you are my best twinnieee ever!

Beep boop

I also figured out something interesting

Most people on 7cups love spaghetti 😭

Okay okay...

But I promise you...

I'm not going crazy.

I'm just being weird.


YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023


For you. Just because. But you really should get your beauty rest, 🐰! ♡


amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023


D- Desiree? What the... 😭😭This was so unexpected. I really have no words. Should I be crying my eyes out? Desiree.. your just... Amazing. I love you so so much and you and sun are the best trio people I could ever have. This is so sweet 😭😭I'm saving this. I love ever colour and sticker on that 😭😭😭your so talented I love you so so much ❤️ my words won't be enough to tell you how much I love you.

I- really didn't expect that .

Bunny :')

YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 You're so welcome. Sleep well. Night night, precious Bunny. Hugs. 🤗

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023


Right after I wish the teenies a good night in tcr :') good night from my side Desiree ❤️❤️

Have a good day/eve/night!

Robo bunny dances out 💐🐇🐇💃

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023

The definition of @amiablebunny4016:

- A stupid, ugly, useless, unloved girl.

-broken and not worth it.

-no one likes bunny

-bunny just goes on and on and on.

-bunny is not accepted.

-bunny cannot do this anymore-


is .




YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023
Ohhhh, I believe you had a bunch of errors! I have corrected them for you, so now it reads....

The definition of @amiableBunny4016
- A smart, beautiful, purposeful, loved girl.
- Broken but so worth it.
- No one likes Bunny... because everyone LOVES Bunny.
- Bunny just goes on and on and on.
- Bunny is accepted.
- Bunny CAN do this. Bunny can do anything!

Emerbliss May 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant big yes to this one !!!

YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023

@Emerbliss Thank you for being so supportive and uplifting to Bunny. I wish she truly realized how special and valuable she is.

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant @Emerbliss

Bunny has nothing to say right now. but sure. *shrugs* thanks for being awesome.


YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023

@amiableBunny4016 I'm going to start giving you tough love. If you don't call yourself awesome, don't call me if. If you don't call yourself beautiful, don't call me it. If you don't call yourself special, kind, sweet, loving, etc then I don't want you calling me those things. You can't uplift others on the daily with sweet words... when on the daily you are tearing yourself down. At one point, you have to actually mean what you say or the words hold no weight. You heard, "practice what you preach"? Well, apply it. Do it. Just do it. Why is it that you have yet to figure out how special you are? That you are one of a kind and uniquely made from God up above? Why is it that you have not accepted that you are loved and cared about? We can't love and care for you more than you do yourself, Bunny. You have to be the one to do that or else all the words we say to you and speak on you will just go in one ear and out the other. You're so young so I know that has part to do with it. However, you have got to stop breaking yourself down. Speak words of love to you. Build yourself up! Do you not know by now that you are the most beautiful, sweetest Bunny? You can dislike me for showing tough love to you right now. That's ok and fine by me but this has got to end. You are entirely too bright of a person to continually want to be held down. Don't use home life or your past as an excuse anymore. We are talking about right now, right here... in this moment. You will overcome all as long as you keep on fighting and trying and having a positive mindset. If not, your own negative thoughts will keep you defeated and helpless. You are not helpless. You are not worthless. I wish you would just stop and see what I see... what we see. You don't have to say anything or respond, Bunny. I will be praying for you. ♡

Emerbliss May 2nd, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant bunny deserves all the best words

Heartsandrosesandpaws May 2nd, 2023


Bunny = worth it unique specail caring funny good poet really shine bright on cups really cares about others trying. To make the best of it you matter.

do I need to say more about how I feel about you

❤️❤️❤️ rainbow 🌈 💐 cookies 🍪

hug if ok

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023

i hate looking in the mirror.

its the worse feeling.


i never.


want to look in the mirror.

ever again.

Emerbliss May 2nd, 2023


It's okay if you don't want to look at the mirror Bunny , because at the end of the day nobody will remember how any of us looked or which colour dress we wore , what they will remember is- how we treated them. And you bunny, you shine more than anyone of us in once memory, as brightest and beautiful-est star . But when you do look at a mirror , look at our bunny with admiration. You might see a "fragile" , " ugly" girl staring at you; that is not true though, your softness belies the steel of your backbone and the strength of your conviction is beyond imaginable. You do not need to look in a mirror to know the kind of person you are . A mirror can not show the hardships you have gone through, the sacrifices you have made, the struggles you fought to simply take one day at a time. It shows a piece of you as a person. But not all of you.

YourCaringConfidant May 2nd, 2023

@Emerbliss Omg, that was truly the most beautiful read. Wow. ♡ Bunny please read this x20! ☆☆

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023


okay Desiree . I will read it x82958230985. <3 <3

amiableBunny4016 OP May 2nd, 2023



You tried your best to make me believe in myself.

you tried your best to make me feel better.

You tried to make me feel loved.

You tried everything.

I get it.

Most people left me....

because they thought i didnt try.

and they are right.

i didnt try.

I didnt try to love myself.

I never did.

and what?

and what can we do?

love me or hate me.

it doesnt matter anymore.

love tore me to bits.

and so.....

self love also tore me apart.

you dont have to be nice to me.

i promise.

i dont wanna be a burden.

im sound selfish.

i sound really arrogant.

but really....

now i cant care less about myself.

neither do i care about what anyone thinks of me.

think whatever you like.
