Stop think nahoa deserve good things
Keep try figure out why always sad upset ignored get hurt and see now because
nahoa think deserve be ok just because exist
But understand now not true
every time start get upset because feel like nahoa not matter or not important am going come here remind self how not deserve any that stuff
remind self until better person nahoa deserve nothing punish self until stop think important and make sure not take space from people DO matter
am going fix things is ok
understand now
good job leave sr after apology
is hard not take space when think deserve attention but don’t deserve attention
nahoa deserve nothing
they ignore nahoa because you annoying stupid mean ugly inside ugly outside that just truth
should hurt go so long try get attention not deserve there reason they talk every one but you and reason is nahoa horrible ignorant brat
get over self ok if keep think about be hurt need punish until remember hurt actual is not nahoa stupid cry baby feelings
stop be pathetic stupid ignorant freak you know truth nahoa nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing get over it ugly stupid spoiled brat
Want be like mom think deserve stuff just because exist nahoa want be like her ? Stop be so *** stupid needy pathetic
hope that hurt all nahoa deserve deserve stop pity self stupid loser want hurt more stop pity self
@theboymoana Nahoa you matter. You are a kind person. You are a good person.
Nahoa you deserve good things just as much as anyone else does
no is all nahoa fault always nahoa fault was not suppose tell and did look all happen everything worse worse worse worse worse because tell why do that stupid stupid stupid stupid tell all sorry but still hate nahoa why nahoa so bad horrible hurt self more more more deserve
@theboymoana Sometimes humans make mistakes. We all do. Nahoa is human so he makes mistakes sometimes. I hope you forgive yourself.
all them know nahoa fault all time all wish nahoa die stop bother every one
@theboymoana ❤️ Don’t pay attention to the people who are mean to you.
@theboymoana Just because they might tell you it's your fault doesn't mean they're right. People say stuff just to hurt others. It makes them feel better about themselves but they're just bullies
nice people say nahoa fault to
@theboymoana Could you ask them to explain why they say it's your fault?
always break rules nahoa wrong about every thing
@theboymoana We all break the rules sometimes. I've broken them a few times. I get into trouble and it's ok. Sometimes it takes a little to learn from our mistakes
@theboymoana Please tell me you don't really believe these horrible things. It hurts to be ignored. It hurts to need someone to talk to but there's no one that will listen. It hurts to always feel like you're the odd man out.
You matter just as much as everyone else on here. You deserve to take up space. Don't punish yourself for being human Surfer Dude. You don't deserve that at all
havw to punish self because so bad horrible
nahoa rotten bad horrible inside out always my fault every one see nahoa fault ruin everything am so so bad horrible worse whole world
@theboymoana I have to disagree with you on that. You're not horrible or bad. I know you might feel that way but that doesn't make it true. You haven't ruined anything. Sometimes I feel pretty stupid too. I miss cues from people and misunderstand things sometimes because I process them weird. I get frustrated with myself and down on myself just like you are now and think I'm the worst person in the world. Let's take a deep breath ok? What helps you calm down when your upset? Is there another chat you can hang out in? Maybe an ATL you can talk to? You can share here with me and Pine if you want. Pine is pretty cool. Maybe that would help you feel a little better?
stop be pathetic stop stop stop stop stop stupid nahoa no one care what your problem stupid idiot stop take space stupid idiot stop go easy on self need hurt hurt hurt hurt stupid pathetic loser all deserve
why still breathing nahoa stupid freak ugly horrible trash
@theboymoana Hey stop please ok? No hurting yourself. You're already hurting enough. You didn't ask for any of this but you got handed a pretty hard deal. Being deaf can't be easy and you have health issues too right? I think I remember something about heart surgery? Dude you need to be kind and gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the kindness you deserve and you DO deserve kindness
@theboymoana I'm very sorry you feel this way about yourself. There's nothing wrong with thinking that you deserve to be okay cuz you DO deserve to be okay, you DO deserve to not have to go through all those surgeries. You do deserve to go home. Wanting those things don't make you a bad person. And it sucks that ppl are ignoring you but it could also be that they themselves are going through smth in life & aren't feeling their best, yk. Cuz idk abot ppl irl but Ik that everyone i met on sr, tcr, all your friends-they really care about you yk, even if they fail to show it sometimes, even if they aren't always nice. And you wanting good things for yourself & frustrated for not getting them isnt gonna change the way your frnds here feel about you. trust me nahoa, you are a kind person. you were kind to me.