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On the Edge

allihaveknownishurt April 2nd, 2022

im losing my mind my mom doesnt accept me my brother is annoying I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and i hate myself so much i just got out of the mental hospital for trying to unalive myself and i hurt my friends by doing that im just a bad person i hurt everyone im stupid i want to punch my brother i hate him so much and my mom tries to shove this god garbage down my throat and that just pushes me closer to the edge right now im thinking of that one tiktok that says im so close to finding the nearest brige and seeing if i can fly if i can great if not even better i just want to scream

Dallady April 2nd, 2022


This so accurately describes how I’ve felt and how family makes me feel. I also was in the mental hospital (a handful of times) and through more then I could ever believe or share now. Learning through meditation and study, deep breathing, drinking water, delaying issues I can’t handle for later, and using distraction to cope has helped me. Taking the free exposure therapy through Strongest Families institute also helped as did some youtube talks, books and lifestyle changes. Seminars, courses and workshops also seemed to help somehow. It’s good to know I’m not alone in how I’ve felt and still sometimes feel. Thinking of taking the free Bounce Back program too. Good luck, you got this, let it scar.

Fluxelixir April 2nd, 2022

That feels like a lot of work.


Life level : incalculable

I feel like I'll slowly enter the river one day, in laziness, disappearing into it, step by step.

allihaveknownishurt OP April 2nd, 2022

thank you it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone in feeling this way i might try some of the things u tried if it helped you it might help me once again thank you you dont know how much i needed a sign *hugs*

Fluxelixir April 2nd, 2022

I don't have much to say.

But the first natural law about human beings is not death. It's life. It's the food and water, that's given to a child, and is still required.

I really hope, you just keep having better lunches and dinners. Okayyy.
