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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

That weird feeling when people notice you

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

“I loved you so much that when you said you hated me, I only hurt for you.”

I know, a bit much, but u know xD

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

This is. So. Annoying.

When my sister was 16, she got a phone. When my sister became 18, she got a new phone. Now im 16, i got her first, old phone.

With parental controls.

My sister never had parental controls.

Not just parental controls, a whole *** ton of them! I cant even open incognito in chrome anymore- how am i cupsing you ask? A new search engine- and idek if this private mode is actually private or if parents can access this too!

And the parent account is my mom's

Like, ***

I cant even install apps without "approval" from the "parent" every app i open rn has my moms account written somwhere, everything i do gives me a pop up saying if i need help seek my parent i feel like a 5 year old

And i am old enough for my own account like my sis had but she wont let me

This is stupid! 

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

This is so stupid she has access to my youtube history im not a kid 💀

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


Omg is your mom crazy?! …that sounds so frustrating. tbh i think this is what happens… being the youngest in the family :/ ugh. i’m so sorry eyes. 

you still have your iPad right? or does that belong to your sister too :( i’m sorry friend 😕

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thats my sisters ipad. Shes had once since she was 8.

No parental controls on that, either.

Im so frustrated! Like fine, i do lie, i do have secrets, but is cups so bad? Is one manga so bad? The only reason theyre secrets in the first place is because she cant accept me. I feel...ugh. i feel like shes just completely infiltrated into my life.

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


what. the. actual. heck. :') and friend tbh i think everyone has their own secrets… even if they are things that are not bad we hide them because we won't be accepted if we don't hide them. 😔 i totally get what you mean about her not accepting you and infiltrating your life :( 

ugh. honestly ik what you mean that must be so frustrating. 

what about doing a factory reset on your own? 😝 although… with so many parental controls idk if it would let you do that 😕

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers i dont think thats possible. I found an option to end her supervision but i need her password...even if i found out the password and did it she wld be too mad to risk it xD 

Also im blocked from utube now. 

Theres no way im over reacting, right? I cant do anything on this thing! 

Shes not even letting me get whatsapp! Ugjdhdjdb

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


nfkwjekfjkelwidkfhd this doesn’t make any sense. why give you a phone if you can’t do anything on it because of the restrictions *smh* 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers to fulfill their duties as parents i guess. Maybe she thought giving me a phone wld make me feel like sis and i are treated the same- that didnt work xD maybe its for safety tho, me being able to call wherever i am. But that- and this new search engine- is like all i can do on this thing. More apps are available but i cant install them without her password enabled permissions dkdhdj 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


😭😭😭 idk what to say :/ 

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers thats ok, alli can think about is *angry noises* anyways xD 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


okay then :) *livid noises* >:) 

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers xD 

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

Currently using password protected secret mode on a new search engine

*sigh* im already done with this

Id rather not have a phone than this nonsense tbh

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

I tried complaining and she got all upset that i was bothering her :/ i didnt ask dad to convince her cause he has a stomach ache rn. Ill ask him later chances he'll agree with me are 50/50 but theres barely any chance mom will listen to me so hes my best choice (as always)

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


asking your dad about it might be a good idea 💜💜

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

Dad went to the doctor 


Ill ask him tmrrw-

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


i hope it works out 💜

unassumingEyes OP June 11th

Compromised reached with mom with sister's help that i can use sister's phone freely and keep this one with the controls on it as an "emergency phone"

Atleast i get to use utube this way xD 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 11th


okay now that’s a bit better. 

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

A nightmare followed by a daymare? Thats ridiculous. A bit overkill dont you think universe? 

I am not checking in on-

Oh fine

@LoveMyMoonflowers u ok?

Stupid daymare- 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th


idrk what to say…? i’m v sorry you had a nightmare plus a daymare *sends hugs if okie* but your so sweet for checking on me 💜 /gen even tho it feels a little random lol /lh. i’m ok i guess.

a little confused but - thank you 💜

unassumingEyes OP June 12th


Glad ur oki ❤️ also yea that seems random xD hugs ❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th


*huggle wuggles* how's eyes bean 💜

unassumingEyes OP June 12th


Bad start to today :p and i have to bath, ew, dreading that xD but tolerable :p 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th


aww i’m sorry eyes friend :') but wait is everything okie over there, is there something wrong with taking a bath/shower 😭 i mean like is the bathroom… okay… lol 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th

i’m sorry idk how to say anything sorry.

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

@LoveMyMoonflowers the bathroom is okay xD minus cockroaches. Ugh! And i hate bathing. Alot. Omg i still have to bath xD procrastinate, procrastinate...

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th


cockroaches 😭😭😭 no no no those are the worst ugh 

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *whispers* they fall from the roof... 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 12th




unassumingEyes OP June 12th

Recent things that happen to me everytine someone says smth upsetting to me 

(For eg. Sis 5 minutes ago "atleast im doing something useful" like im sorry im not useful bruh)

- my throat gets dry

- my voice leaves (really, but not really, but really)

- eyes feel tired, eye bags feel heavier

- chest burns

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

I went and wrote a whole article for funn (almost 500 words) and now im sitting over here trynna get the energy to iron my clothes


unassumingEyes OP June 12th

(Still didnt bath or iron my clothes 💀)

U guys i tried to make vanilla mugcake and 💀 that was...awful 💀 what did i spawn- its in the dustbin xD just. Ew. What- 

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

My sister keeps scaring me that i need to grow taller soon cause at 18 ill stop growing 💀

Please no 💀 i cant be stuck at 5 foot forever- but i cant e a t

unassumingEyes OP June 12th


Thank you, eva ❤️

justmeeva June 12th


no problem <3 💗

unassumingEyes OP June 12th

(Praised for being a writer but at the end of the day, where it matters the most, the words are never good enough)

unassumingEyes OP June 14th