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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP January 18th

I'd adopt everyone if I could. I wish I could stop your hurting. I wish I could make it better. I wish I could be the parent anyone on here lacks. 

I wish I could help. I'm sorry. I love you all. 

Chissues January 27th

@unassumingEyes That's such kind things to say. You're a really lovely person

unassumingEyes OP January 27th

@Chissues aw, thank you

LoveMyMoonflowers January 18th


*sits with eyes buddy* no need to be sorry. 💙 i’m glad you tagged me. 💜 sending big hugs if okie 

unassumingEyes OP January 18th

@LoveMyMoonflowers *hugs* thank you love.

LoveMyMoonflowers January 18th


always here for you if you need anything. 💙

iloveyouxx January 18th

dont apologize ! your problems are our problems🩷 I’m glad you’re reaching out- in a way 🤍 a problem shared is a problem halved ;3🩵 always here when you need it ! *🪑*

unassumingEyes OP January 18th

@iloveyouxx Thank you Nadia <3

justmeeva January 18th


i know exactly what you mean. i’m proud of you for finding ways to tell your problems and thoughts instead of keeping them inside you. thank you for tagging me, we’ll get through everything together (me, you and everyone else). 🩷 i think you chose the right people to tag (:

lots of love 💕 

iloveyouxx January 18th

@justmeeva mhm ^

unassumingEyes OP January 18th

@iloveyouxx @justmeeva thank you both. Love yall, stay safe. <3

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

I washed the dishes and didn't freak out about feeling too wet yet. That's good, right? That's probably good.

justmeeva January 19th


yayy! 🩷🎉

iloveyouxx January 19th

@unassumingEyes it is good :0 *claps* hehe : P🩷 yayyyy : D🥳

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

My song recommendation =D

World's Smallest Violin by AJR. Tw for mentions of war, fire and slight cursing (very slight!) 

Lines that with me:

"But I can't help myself from feeling bad

I kinda feel like two things can be sad"

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@unassumingEyes also TW for mention of vape

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

My hoodie has too many stains

I feel sick

LoveMyMoonflowers January 19th


*sits with you* awwe. i’m sorry your feeling sick ): is there anything you can take that might help? 

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@LoveMyMoonflowers No I just feel hot and nauseous and I have a headache since morning and my mood keeps changing and I dont know.

LoveMyMoonflowers January 19th


awwe nu 😞 sending hugs your way if okie. feeling hot and nauseous combined with a headache’s the worst ): i hope you feel okay soon ): sending healing beams 💜

i’m here if you need to talk about anything, here or in sr. 💙

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@LoveMyMoonflowers ty *hugs* 

LoveMyMoonflowers January 19th


*keeps hugging youu tighttt* 💜

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

Headache got worse. 

iloveyouxx January 19th

@unassumingEyes >:

I found some things online on how to get rid of a headache !

use a heating pad / hot compress ☀️

ease pressure on your scalp / head ( things like wearing a hair band, hat or just putting your hair in a pony tail could make it worse )🐛

dim the lights🔦

try not to chew🍬

hydrate 🚰

( vv important ^ )

take some ginger🫚

fun fact I’ve never actually gotten a headache before :0 so idk if these might actually help :’3 I really hope they do tho <3 take care !🤍

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@iloveyouxx Thanks for the tips lovely. Take care of yourself too <3

unassumingEyes OP January 19th


^what not to do when having a headache. 

Me: does it anyways. 

iloveyouxx January 19th

@unassumingEyes looking at that makes my head hurt 😭

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@iloveyouxx Oops 😂💝

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

@unassumingEyes Wrote one and a quarter chapters questions =D 

unassumingEyes OP January 19th

This is literally "my" corner but I feel like im bothering ppl posting so much.

Why am I like this😂😭

LoveMyMoonflowers January 19th


awwe no buddy your never a bother, it’s okay 💜 but yeah i do get the feeling of when we post a lot in our diary spaces lol, i feel that too sometimes when i post in my diary forum 😅 your not alone 

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

@LoveMyMoonflowers hmm yeah. Also ur not a bother either btw <3

LoveMyMoonflowers January 20th



iloveyouxx January 20th

@unassumingEyes :0 no no youre never a bother at all- I think it’s fun hehe :P🩷 post whenever you feel like it XD

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

Due to the fact that my exams are close and my moving is close (freaks out-) im not gonna be on cups till friday. Probably. If I am on itll be at like, 10pm. But anyways, gonna miss yall for the week. Take care of yourselves loves. Wish me luck for this struggle <3

iloveyouxx January 20th

@unassumingEyes aww- * gives you infinite knowledge so you can pass *🧠 ;3 I’ll miss you too :’3🩷 I’ll be here until you come back :’3 good luck 🪄 you’ll totally ace it : D and if you don’t- that’s okay 🤍 you tried and that’s what matters :3 ♡ when you do come back you can talk about your new place if you’d like :0 I hope it’s even better than your current one 😁 * watches you from a distance and waves * : P

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

I'm tired. But i still hv half of physics test, another test and a huge homework to prepare :( 

Its 3.37 pm

I have to be done by 9 atleast...add dinner in and its 4 and ½ hours left :( 

iloveyouxx January 20th


D: aww nooo :< I’m sorry- now we’re both stressed out :’3 I have a math, english, science test and a whole ton of homework to get done in less than a day :’3 * cries w you * 😭 it’s okay you got this you’re way better than they expected you to be 😎 here have a chocolate bar for motivation 🍫:3

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

@iloveyouxx Thank youu. We be struggling together lol😂😭😭

Best of luck! <33

unassumingEyes OP January 20th

My teachers expect way too much. 

Its almost 5.

Im still doing physics. 
