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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

mytwistedsoul OP April 22nd, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Thanks! Return vibes are the best cause they're super charged or something lol πŸ™‚

selflessSpruce1515 April 22nd, 2022


Haha, so true! It's called the power of friendship πŸ’•

mytwistedsoul OP April 22nd, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 That's good stuff! 😊

mytwistedsoul OP April 21st, 2022
mytwistedsoul OP April 27th, 2022



selflessSpruce1515 April 27th, 2022


Oh. My. Goshness. I remember this scene πŸ˜€πŸ˜­

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Obs post on trolls made me think of it 😁

selflessSpruce1515 April 27th, 2022


xD Beautiful, yet so appropriate πŸ˜€ #WonderfulMovieNostalgiaCausedByObs

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 😁 I love that hashtag! 🐀

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Lmao! Scratch the peep 🐀 I was going for this πŸ˜‚ omg *smh*

selflessSpruce1515 April 27th, 2022


Omg, an emoji typo 😭 I haven't seen that for a while, and it made my day πŸ˜›

mytwistedsoul OP April 27th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 I'm usually pretty good at catching them before I send them out but the elusive peep snuck through πŸ˜‹ I'm glad it made your day though ❀

sunshinegiraffe123 April 29th, 2022



mytwistedsoul OP April 29th, 2022

@sunshinegiraffe123 Hey :) How are you? The clock is ticking!

mytwistedsoul OP May 1st, 2022

@Angelx28 πŸ™‚ Thank you! Know what I think?



mytwistedsoul OP May 13th, 2022

Invisibility cloak :)

mytwistedsoul OP May 4th, 2022


selflessSpruce1515 May 4th, 2022


Omg, that’s so cuteeeeee 😭❀️ Happy Star Wars Day, everybody! πŸ˜›πŸ˜›

mytwistedsoul OP May 4th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 😊 you got Spike! Love Tom and Jerry! ❀️

selflessSpruce1515 May 4th, 2022


Yessssss, there are two members in TCR that are Tom and Jerry πŸ˜€πŸ˜­

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 5th, 2022

❀ @mytwistedsoul ❀



mytwistedsoul OP May 6th, 2022



How are you Sun? ❀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 6th, 2022


Oh my gosh, I don't think I'm ever getting over the fact you actually took a note of this ~ this much kindness is beyond measure, only so much a certain Sun's heart can handle lol. ❀

On that note xD *shares pizza with Soul and everyone coming across, and nom nomssss* πŸ₯°

Aw thankyou for caring, Soul, I've been hanging in there hehe, doing alright mostly though, so no worries. πŸ€—

How have you been? ❀

(I apologize for not being to respond earlier in another thread where you mentioned feeling a bit shaky ~ I'm glad the pizza and cookies made that morning more happier for you and really hope the shakiness wasn't alarming in anyway.)

mytwistedsoul OP May 6th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I learned the hard way not to forget certain things 😞 not to use certain words and not to assume anything because people get upset if I forget and then I get yelled at. 😣 Not that you would - but better safe than sorry 😊

Some days I think that's all we can do - just hang in there and wait for whatever storm to pass but it's harder some days that others. I hope you know though - that it's ok for Sun to have bad days too and that we all care about you on the good and the bad days. I mean - I'd rather nobody had bad days

No worries and no need for sorries. There's never any pressure to reply. πŸ• I've gotten used to the shakiness - mostly - some days it's just worse. I really don't like anxiety and inner demons and my brain lol

*big hugs to you Sun* ❀️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 7th, 2022


Oh noes, being yelled at is no fun and I'm really sorry some people took the hard route while communicating things to you :/ if we try, we can say the same thing in a more gentle and compassionate manner too ~ if only more people understood that and were considerate enough *sigh* and *hugssss soul*

I'm glad you know I' wouldn't (ofcourse) but I understand how the guard goes up and we subconsciously keep applying our past learnings everywhere as much possible. Anything to ensure safety and stability, yes. I feel that. And it is completely okay. ❀

Awww how very sweet, kind, considerate, assuring, comforting, caring and thoughtful of you, Soul, it really means alot to me, many many thanks. It's good to have reminders like these hehe. ❀ (thankyou for understanding, I do like replying though so I may be late, but I'll arrive lol)

Oh dear, I get that :/ it's really awful when our own brain teams up with the demons and goes against us, completely valid to dislike it when things go haywire and anxiety skyrockets making you feel shaky and unsettled.

We all deserve to take a break from our own mind ooof. ❀

*teleports to soul's brain and scares all the demons away* πŸ‘» (if only I could actually do it hehe, know I'd go for it in less than a heartbeat then 🀧)

Biggest *hugs back* soul πŸ€—β€

This is something that makes me chuckle always due to the relatable factor lol πŸ₯² :


mytwistedsoul OP May 9th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I wish I could do that with my brain - lol. Take it out - get a new one cause this one is faulty
Gave me a good chuckle to imagine you popping into my brain and going ooga booga to the demons πŸ˜„ πŸ• for that. Don't mind the mess though

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 11th, 2022


Is it funny I'm still not very used to the fact we gotta scroll up if we lose the "reply" button lol 🀑

Aw if only we could do that hehe :')

All things aside lol, I think Soul tries pretty hard even on hard days and that's really commendable. And soul has some of the bestest, most comforting words to offer to others ~ if that's your "faulty" I'm impressed with how great it is. ❀

Faulty is definitely not thoughtful, empathetic, considerate, understanding, kind, compassion, concerned. ❀ but Soul's mind is.

Now the awful thing is how it is easier to be "not-faulty" with other others and go full blown when it's us, and it is okay, given the past experiences and just the usual wiring in our brain, but it certainly helps to be reminded often that we too deserve the love, care, understanding, support, kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion we give out to the world ~ now now that's again something like a *work-in-progress* and I know Soul tries hard, which is all that matters. πŸ€—

I'm glad it gave you good chuckle though lol and no worries *shooos the messs* :P

*big hugs* @Soul πŸ€—

mytwistedsoul OP May 13th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I'm not used to it either tbh. And I'm still not sure how that really fixes the problem they were having with too many replies *shrugs*

There isn't enough of pizza or cookies in the world that I could give you for the things you wrote here. I think I typed and deleted a dozen different things. I don't think I'll ever find the right words. It is hard to remember that - some times the bad voices inside drown out all the good things and say that we're undeserving of those good things. Reminders do help 😊

You're a beautiful soul Sun and you literally brighten every place you touch here. The world is a better place with you in it ❀️

*big hugs* ❀️ πŸ•πŸ•πŸͺ πŸͺ

Sunisshiningandsoareyou May 15th, 2022


haha soul I know right, I don't see how this helps either *shrugs too* xD

Awwww you don't need to find the right words hehe, hugs do the magic sometimes and I completely understand. ❀❀❀ big big big *hugs* back

Thankyouuu for the sweetest words, Soul, really means a whole lot to me. 🀧 more *hugs*

*shares pizza and cookies* ❀

mytwistedsoul OP May 10th, 2022


Thought we'd share some pictures of the peep squeaks they're about a month and a half old now. So big! Two have names - there is a rooster - his name is Cluck Norris and the leader of the hens is called Hen Solo lol - the others are still being debated

I've also included pictures of something I've been working on - it's called a book nook - it's not finished but when it is it will light up in the windows - It's supposed to be Diagon Alley lol

selflessSpruce1515 May 10th, 2022


Aww, the rooster and hens are soooooooo adorable, omg! ❀️✨

And oooooo, I've heard of book nooks, and I absolutely love that you decided to use Diagon Alley! It seems like it's coming out amazingly, and I'm sure it will look even better when it's finishedddd! ❀️

Thank you for sharing the pictures with us, Soul! 😊❀️❀️ Definitely made my day πŸ˜›

mytwistedsoul OP May 10th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Hey Spruce! I'm glad you liked them and they made your day :) I had a heck of a time getting them to post tbh - one would get bigger and then bigger and bigger LOL! They were life sized!

I'm glad it made your day ❀️😊

selflessSpruce1515 May 10th, 2022


Oh goshness, that's annoying :') But I'm glad you were eventually able to post them πŸ€— ❀️

Gotta love technology, right? xD

emotionalTalker2260 May 10th, 2022


:0 the chickens have grown so much, and what I cool thing, I’ve never heard of a book nook before, but it looks really cool (:

mytwistedsoul OP May 11th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 Hey you :) you've been in my thoughts

The eggs came today :) they're supposed to be rarer chickens. They're in the incubator now - kind of excited lol

The ones here now could get up to 3 feet tall! Monster chickens! Like chickenzilla lol

I had never heard of them before either - just saw them online and well - Harry Potter ya know? :)

emotionalTalker2260 May 11th, 2022


Hey soul, been thinking of you too πŸ’– and ohhh nice, more chickenssssss

mytwistedsoul OP May 11th, 2022

Where to begin? Oh, let's pretend we never met so I can disappear a moment
Been tryna swim with both my hands behind my back, my dear, I always feared the ocean
And somehow this one word in my mouth was left unspoken
And I won't admit my parents split when I got sick but I'll refuse to be a burden
And I said
Is there something keeping me here for the minute, darling?
Did you find the key and what is the meaning of it?
'Cause honey, sometimes I feel this emptiness
Howling out
Is there something keeping me here for the minute, darling?
Did I lose my mind and am I still looking for it?
'Cause I don't know why I feel this emptiness
Howling out
Howling out
You're not alone, the world is small and I am sick of all the talk of finding purpose
Love comes and goes but the big black dog, he trails along, am I the only one who knows him?
Now, and somehow I gained fifteen pounds but lost my focus
And I suffocate things slow until I'm just a black fly circling my bullshit
Is there something keeping me here for the minute, darling?
Did you find the key and what is the meaning of it?
'Cause honey, sometimes I feel this emptiness
Howling out
Is there something keeping me here for the minute, darling?
Did I lose my mind and am I still looking for it?
I don't know why I feel this emptiness
Howling out
Howling out
Deep blue, deep blue, 05072
Deep blue, deep blue, 05072
Where to begin? Oh, let's pretend we never met so I can disappear a moment
I've been tryna swim with both my hands behind my back, my dear, I always feared the ocean
And I said
Is there something keeping me here for the minute, darling?
Did you find the key, then what is the meaning of this?
'Cause honey, sometimes I feel this emptiness
Howling out
Tell me one thing keeping me here for the minute, honey
But if I leave you now then what's out there waiting for me?
I don't know why I feel this emptiness
Howling out

mytwistedsoul OP May 13th, 2022

FFDP never disappoints 😈

selflessSpruce1515 May 13th, 2022


Omgggggg xD I have no words πŸ˜€

mytwistedsoul OP May 13th, 2022

@selflessSpruce1515 Omg I know right!? I'm liking this new song lol