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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Am so grateful for this hellboy πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ˜ΆπŸ˜ΆπŸ˜Ά

Ty Master Soul...

mytwistedsoul OP May 27th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat You're welcome :) I tried to get it to post last night but it didn't want to co-operate.

No master ok? No offense but I'm no ones master and you're not anyone's lap dog

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


Master is not owning somebody, people lost meaning of its meaning...

Master means mastering your abbilities and you sure do that, you are very good with images and lots of things that is why you are a Master in ypur crafts...

I am not taking masters over me my dear friend, I am just acknoledging and appreciating your mastery of things 😢...

Now we are clearπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ˜Š

mytwistedsoul OP May 27th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat LOL! Yes we're very clear :) Thank you - it brings me happiness to find things that make people laugh or smile. Because we often need more of it -even if it's for a moment or two. Man - Day finds some really good ones doesn't he?

GreenAndRedBoat May 27th, 2020


He does, you all have your ways for my delight...

Thank you again Master Soul πŸ€—πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Ά...

(We appreciate people that do things that we can not do...)

GreenAndRedBoat May 30th, 2020


Someday we go all the way...

ThePizza May 27th, 2020


There was a declaration scroll, no? Can

mytwistedsoul OP May 27th, 2020

@ThePizza Hey M :) That was on the other thread but yeah an actual scroll - I can be such a tool lol

ThePizza May 27th, 2020


Oh that

mytwistedsoul OP May 27th, 2020

@ThePizza LOL Good point :) I might have to draw up another decree

ThePizza May 28th, 2020


Hear ye, Hear ye! Lmao

mytwistedsoul OP June 2nd, 2020


Fading darkness

Last decree

You'll always be a failure to me

mytwistedsoul OP May 28th, 2020

Blues Saraceno - The Devil You Know

Bad Plans - Troubled Young Soul

Shinedown - Atlas Falls

Citizen Soldier - Hope It Haunts you

Epic Rock - Heroes Rise

Bohnes - Middle Finger

GreenAndRedBoat May 28th, 2020


Oh these are precious...😢....

GreenAndRedBoat May 28th, 2020

Shinedown...Atlas Falls...

I like listening toyour music gifts...

GreenAndRedBoat May 28th, 2020

Blues Saraceno - The Devil You Know

.. .

GreenAndRedBoat May 28th, 2020

Whenever you feel weak, remember this:

Aslan chose a Rat to walk with him beyond, not a woof...

GreenAndRedBoat May 28th, 2020


Back in the days I made pixel art with a robot as my masterpiece but this character art is amazing. Thank you for finding it...amazing character art...

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

@NoneTheWiser That is so great! Tiny little rattie :) Thank you!

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

so I'll go live out in the woods and leave my troubles be
i'll be singing with the wolves and running through the trees
the moon is all I need
don't you come for me

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


I will forever cherish this little poem in my soul since it so well describes me...

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

Anger - sadness - regret

People only understand what they want to understand. Idk - preconceived notions. Funny how they take and twist things around so that it seems you're the one with the problem all the time. Don't they see themselves? Don't they see the things they do?

What if you're too tired to constantly correct them? Why do some people think their issues are worse then everyone else? Why should their problems give them excuses to treat others badly? They treat you like sh*t and you're the one who apologizes to them because they hurt you. Huh? Do you have any idea how many times I've apologized to people - for their mean questions - their misunderstanding - of me? None of them has ever said they were sorry for asking the things they did. Allways the words - I misunderstood. And me like an idiot - I'm sorry you misunderstood. I'm sorry you made those assumptions. I'm sorry your preconceived notions made you think that way. I'm sorry for being me. I'm sorry I got hurt - by you. I'm sorry I found your knife in my back - it's allways funny when that happens - oops

This hurts me more then it hurts you - how many times we've heard that. Wait - that's my heart in your hands but it hurt you to rip it out - I'm sorry you had to do it. I'm sorry you felt it was ok to. I'm sorry I let you. I'm sorry you don't love anyone as much as you love yourself

I'm sorry this post doesnt make much sense - probably. Lol Idk - dont over think it - too late!

Oh shut up J -

ThePizza May 29th, 2020


I know exactly what youre talking about

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

@ThePizza That really sucks M - I'm well - sorry - you know what I'm talking about. I'm not completely positive - but I don't think it's supposed to be so one sided like it is. I think in many ways there are many things missing in the world today. Idk - maybe it's my own preconceived notions saying that

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


I feel as lost as you...

Je suis perdu...πŸ˜”

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat Some where there should be a manual or a - guide key I think they're called? Or like those things they have with the little star that says you are here

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


Or amulet diving bracelets...

ThePizza May 30th, 2020


No, I dont think its supposed to be like this either. How common is it? Idk. Always the doubts about whos to blame huh?

ThePizza June 2nd, 2020


I feel like the sorrys are used as a placating gesture. We know (we think) we are not the ones who did wrong but we dont want to come off too strong to the person either. We say sorry as a way to try and smooth things over so they dont get offended again

mytwistedsoul OP June 2nd, 2020

@ThePizza I think you're right M. But after awhile - Idk - maybe it doesn't help

ThePizza June 2nd, 2020



mytwistedsoul OP June 2nd, 2020

@ThePizza Yeah - I do it all the time too So I'm sure by now it's lost it's meaning

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

Had to share the snoopy dance- just one of many

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


I cut out snoopy and garfield newspaper clips in the highschool library and my hockey american friend scoldedme for it: cosmin it isnot roght of you to cut off cartoons frkm newspapers, ywt Idid so and smiled guilty at him😢

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


I imagined a room covered in comic strips...never haplened...none of my dreams came true...

mytwistedsoul OP May 29th, 2020

@GreenAndRedBoat I wish - Idk if wishes were horses - beggars would ride

GreenAndRedBoat May 29th, 2020


So nicely written 😊😢...

mytwistedsoul OP May 30th, 2020

BUZZZZZZZ - wrong fucking answer

Not your place to correct

GreenAndRedBoat May 30th, 2020


It's alright, you meant good πŸ€—πŸ˜Š...

GreenAndRedBoat May 30th, 2020


You are an early bird 😢...