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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

grillme December 9th, 2019


What you wrote has so much meaning for asking a friend to write down my much truth in there that applies to me like a glove...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

@grillme Hey Bones - man - I'm so sorry you feel this way too - it's reassuring in some ways to know I'm not alone feeling this way

grillme December 9th, 2019


My whole life was hit after hit after hit some more...took them, hit rock bottoms, basements of rock bottoms then put my knee down and rose again time after time or floated to the surface...this time as I told Jenny I was afraid it was going to be my last one, the one when I'll say finally "I'm done", "another one bites the dust..."...everything you wrote has deep meaning for me...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

You're weak on the surface
You speak when you're nervous
And all the wrong words unite in your head
You can't stand the space in your bed
So you shake in the darkness
You break like an artist
And all your big plans are small the next day
You can't wait to throw them away

You perseverate
And the truth might be a million miles away

Hide your secrets, disguise your weakness
And lose yourself inside your busy head
Burn your bridges and leave no witnesses
All alone inside your busy head
Your busy head

You sleep in the moment, but dream like a poet
And all your good grace, like faded tattoos
You spend your days in wait for bad news

So you perseverate
And the truth might be a million miles away

Hide your secrets, disguise your weakness
And lose yourself inside your busy head
Burn your bridges and leave no witnesses
All alone inside your busy head

Going nowhere fast enough to tell a lie
Give yourself an alibi
You've been gone lately
Stand upon your peace of mind
You're bound to fall if you take your time
'Cause we're all waiting
And you can step alone into the abyss
Find a home on the edge of it
And be defined by its presence
By its size and its message
You can move along through the dark
And when you wonder where you are
You'll be proud of your weakness
So, busy head, just keep breathing, no
Oh, busy head, just keep breathing
Oh, busy head, just

Hide your secrets, disguise your weakness
And lose yourself inside your busy head
Burn your bridges and leave no witnesses
All alone inside your busy head
You're all alone inside your busy head
You're all alone inside your busy head
your busy head

Noah Kahan - Busyhead

grillme December 9th, 2019


Nicely chosen...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

@grillme Thanks

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

Let me become what I want
You won't believe what I ponder
I saw the world through a notch
Somewhere within I uncovered
Everything that I once was
Dwelling beyond my subconscious
I saw myself as a god
That's when I realised I wasn't

When I asked how you colour the sky
And you told me I already knew
When I asked could I see through your eyes
And you told me I already do
Oh then why do I feel like a fool

Tell me there's a path to take
Where I'll know
I will get another day
If you could just elaborate
I'll follow
Cause I don't know if I'm awake

Let me become what I'm not
I don't decide what I ponder
I saw the Earth as it was
The moment I fell to its aura
There I erased all my thoughts
Teaching myself to discover
Everything I thought I lost
Hiding right where I left off

When I asked how you colour the sky
And you told me I already knew
When I asked you to see through my eyes
And you told me you already do
Oh then why do I feel like a fool

Tell me there's a path to take
Where I'll know
Everything will be okay
If you could just elaborate
I'll follow
Cause I don't know if I'm awake

I'm unsure if I should ask
But I question everything that I see
I venture into my past
Reliasing that it's in front of me
I sit with hands in my lap
Piecing together these memories
I left you where I began
Knowing that I'm what you used to be

Jacob Lee - Conscience

grillme December 9th, 2019

@mytwistedsoul open horysons to me....chose a beautiful poem I like the repeating part. alot...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

@grillme It's actually a song

grillme December 9th, 2019


Open the eyes of those who do not know...

grillme December 9th, 2019


Beautiful song...

grillme December 9th, 2019


I liked the part with the deep water and the bubbles and sparkles of light...brought back memmories...

grillme December 9th, 2019

I like to enter your temple, feet and sword dragging, in the silence of the halls I hear suffering, anguish, pain and much more yet I like to come to your temple for here I belong and in silence and tranquility, drop down my sword and know that quality selected poetry and songs are here for me and the string of my soul...

I shall always come to your temple myfriend since I feel my soul likes this place alot...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

@grillme That was beautifully written - I pictured this world weary knight - exhausted from the daily battles

You're always welcome here Bones - a seat for you - yeah? A place for the broken and shattered souls - the cursed spirits of the world. A place of peace and belonging

grillme December 9th, 2019


Indeed it is Soul, indeed it is...and that's why my soul finds peace in here in belonging to this temple of yours...

mytwistedsoul OP December 9th, 2019

I wonder whether she knows that I think she's perfect
I wonder where the time goes in an eternity
I wonder if I let go, would she return to me

Sorrow is all I see (All I see)
I try to breathe, but I never seem to find the will to take one more
Stay with me (Stay with me)
And help me breathe 'cause I, honestly
I've never needed someone more

Wicked wicked tears - god off and on all day - time to get a grip J

Judge me not by my scars - or by my wounded mind.
Look not at my tattered soul or my fettered spirit
Gauge me by my heart - innocent and pure

My heart is mine and mine alone
How it wants - always - more

ThePizza December 10th, 2019



mytwistedsoul OP December 10th, 2019

On my mind -

I wonder sometimes if there is a tear in the seams of reality as I sit and watch other peoples world rip apart

In the secrets of my mind - in the eye of death defied - I saw the world with all it's wonder and soon discovered it lied

Another day when it seems all the words are there - forming complete sentences - and then they're not. Scattered. Sometimes though - it's like there's a padlock on them and I don't have the key

RQ - This is all on you - all of this. You did this. You spread poison - you're like a plague. A sickness spread by the smallest contact. Are you f*cking happy now?

Speak your mind or bite your tongue


Anxiously depressed or depressingly anxious

A million little triggers and they're ready to blow

grillme December 10th, 2019


Good morning myfriend...let them blow the triggers, maybeit will give you a moment's respite from the tension and ill is your temple so you can release your deamons if you wish...

I came to my sanctuary for a bit and say hello...

mytwistedsoul OP December 10th, 2019

@grillme Thats a good song - thank you for sharing it Bones. I'm glad you stopped in to say hello - How are you today Bones?

grillme December 10th, 2019


I'm OK, Jenny taught me to say I am OK whenever someone asks me how I am. OK is good...

mytwistedsoul OP December 10th, 2019

@grillme It's ok not not be ok though Bones. I mean it's great if you are truely ok - but it's ok to say you're having a bad day as well. Just - be honest - ya know?

grillme December 10th, 2019


I know...😔

mytwistedsoul OP December 10th, 2019

@grillme Can I ask - well - maybe not - I'm sorry if there was a misunderstanding with your friend Katz

I'm sorry if I overstepped

grillme December 10th, 2019


No, not at all😊, people who care about each other are like that, everything is fine in that respect😶. Thank you for caring about us🤗

grillme December 10th, 2019


You never overstep Soul, you are my friend and you have unlited acces into my twisted soul...

mytwistedsoul OP December 10th, 2019

@grillme Just kind of worry about you sometimes - ya know? I know you're going through a tough time too. There's alot of people here who care about you

grillme December 10th, 2019


It is a good thing to worry about people that mean smth to you a purpose, and meaning in life, an emotional anchor to care about others even though you cannot help them but just the mean smth in the drawers of your mind and is normal to care about others...

grillme December 10th, 2019



I often find myself in the position to kneel and convey my sorry...such is the nature of human interaction, as long as we are together in one place we are due to step ona tail, toe or ego...

Today I have upset my angel Jenny by saying on this thread that she taught me to say OK when people asked me how I was doing. I wish it was that way but it was a thing invented by me having an issue with the word OK as with the letter q for no reason at all...

All in all, Jenny, my guardian angel never told me to use OK to mask my feelings, she would never do that and whomever knows her knows I am a bastard for making that up.

I was just acting childish as usual and hurting people in the process...😔😔😔

You have my deepest sincere appologies Jenny for saying smth you never said...😔😔😔

jennysunrise8 December 10th, 2019


💓 you did not hurt or upset me bones

mytwistedsoul OP December 11th, 2019

@jennysunrise8 No more from you I believe. You read.... nothing more.

mytwistedsoul OP December 11th, 2019

@grillme How humiliating.... for you. Why would you do this?

grillme December 11th, 2019


I am sorry Soul...please never be mad at @Jennysunrise08. It was not humiliating for me, just tge right thing to do by her, since things tgat are not true are hurtful to other people. Jenny is a very good understanding person and she did not deserve that from me. I am sorry that because of my I cluttered your thread for a bit but I had to make my appologies where my mistake occured. It was not humiliating, knowing when and what I did wrong and saying sorry for it is essential to me because many times I may hurt people without willing to do so, without thinking since I am a bit "st...d" and do not think things through before writing and how it may affect others and I have to be careful with that. I am begging you, please don't be mad at Jenny because she does not deserve that. She is a wonderful person willing to help and understand everyone, it was my faul for overreacting and blow it out of proportion...I am sorry she got to be the victim of my reckless writing...please don't be upset with her since I look up to her and she helps me so much and others too...

Once again I am sorry for the clutter in your thread, my fault again, I should have stayed away from ypur space...

Take care myfriend, have a good winter day and don't think bad about Jenny since she is a wonderful person...

ThePizza December 11th, 2019


There is another reason for him to be upset with her. And he is allowed to feel upset with anyone

Im sorry if this comes off a little strong. I dont have anything against you, and it is responsible of you to try and own up to your actions.

mytwistedsoul OP December 11th, 2019

@grillme The problem isn't in your cluttering of a thread. The problem isn't that you drug Jennysunrise08 into it. The problem is that you came in and preyed on someone's empathy and sympathy for you. Something that was readily given to you, despite past conflicts. This is where the question of why comes into play. Why would you feel you have to this?

As for Jennysunrise08, she seems to fail to understand and respect peoples boundaries and has an incessant need to explain and defend herself for while continuing to do so. Another past conflict.

grillme December 11th, 2019


I wish I had tge answers to question why? I am deeply sorry, It was not my deliberate intention to prey on empathy or sympathy, just to conect and talk, but if you feel it was my intention I can only appologise and say it was not, whether you believe me or not....humans try to connect with each other, I like to think we share and not prey, but if I took more than I gave and did more harm than good yet again I an truly sorry since it is hard many times to think things through and overthinking leads to inaction and isolation. I promise I will not enter your thread or your friends threads and not contact you and jeep to myself...

I am sorry for causing you distress and being a bad person wherever I go or do...I hope I did not do much damage andyou will be able to get over my wrongdoings one day...

I am sorry, deeply sorry...😔😔😔

mytwistedsoul OP December 11th, 2019

I fucking hate pauses!

mytwistedsoul OP December 11th, 2019

First you gotta know
How to play the victim
Hate to tell you so
But you repeat the symptoms
Like an aftershock
And I only want to make it stop

But you make it
Stronger as it grows
Revel in the friction
Stop before you blow
Or damage our division
No, I'm not too shocked
But I only want to make it stop

Got me shaking at the sight, oh
Got me quaking in my mind, oh
You're tripping over every fault of mine
You're breaking open every single time
It's never black and white, no
Going seismic out of spite, oh
I never know if it's your fault or mine
You're breaking open every single time


Falling off the charts
Burning all your bridges
You don't wear a scar
While I'm the one in stitches
And I don't know why
You point the finger every time

Got me shaking at the sight, oh
Got me quaking in my mind, oh
You're tripping over every fault of mine
You're breaking open every single time
It's never black and white, no
Going seismic out of spite, oh
I never know if it's your fault or mine
You're breaking open every single time


When it's gotta end
Whatcha gonna say?
You've been seeing red
And there's no one left to blame
When it's gotta end
Whatcha gonna say?
You've been seeing red
And there's no one left to blame

Got me shaking at the sight, oh
Got me quaking in my mind, oh
You're tripping over every fault of mine
You're breaking open every single time
It's never black and white, no
Going seismic out of spite, oh
I never know if it's your fault or mine
You're breaking open every single time

Faultline - Starset

mytwistedsoul OP December 13th, 2019

On my mind -

Too much and nothing - does that make sense?

Took forever to fall asleep and woke up in a panic. A mild one but still - shaky

Headache - just not a migraine.

Some impatience

Alittle depression - ripples - the big wave is behind me - waiting to catch me

Burden of the Sky - Blame my Creator

Flight Paths - Downpour

Silent Theory - Sticks and Stones

mytwistedsoul OP December 13th, 2019

On my mind - Naked we come
Naked we leave
We are the jail
We are the key

Kudos and well dones all around from Doc Z - well for most of us anyway

A and I for not harming this week - even though there were times we wanted to
K - for taking that pause that he hated so much - even if it didn't make him feel better - he still took it and wasn't as out spoken as he usually is
Logan - for kind of losing his cool alittle and admitting that he's hurting as much as the rest of us. He does so much - I admit it - he's the more responsible one

So alittle sad - alittle anxious - kind emotional - What's new - right? Took alittle longer to get home then usual because driving was kind of a b*tch. Just alittle disconnected and we're supposed to tell Doc Z when it's like that. But he won't let us leave if we are - so liar liar - pants on fire. Took the dogs for a walk once we got here - just to kind of settle down abit. Even ate lunch

Kind of feeling alittle good about being able to help someone more then I thought with something I thought might be kind of stupid

Fairly good all in all - no one died - didn't burn the house down and no one needed bail money lol