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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP October 24th, 2023


Thank you for the huggles, they really got me through the day. I only just got home at frickin 6:30. Today was super sucky, I was zoned out for at least half the day. And just too much people.


AvyIsKing October 24th, 2023


I'm glad you got through the day. 

I got new glasses I feel dahmer-y. 

Bf went to the Dr. It's stress. And it's only been recently. I think it's my fault. He has alot going on and being a boyfriend ontop of it, especially my boyfriend is way to much. ): 

Idk now I'm sad and depressed and I m still panicking over my foot and I'm terrified and I just want huggies 

Iamspoons OP October 25th, 2023


Hehe you got new glasses and I had a eye Dr appointment on the same day.

Oh nu, Im glad it's not contagious, but that really sucks that he's super stressed. I'm sure it's not your fault, yeah new relationships can be stressful but they said he had other stuff going on too, it's not just you.

I will give you so many huggies and cuddles. Just give my like half an hour or an hour and I'll be in one of the rooms. (I'm playing phase 10 with Dad for his birthday)


AvyIsKing October 25th, 2023


ouuu fun


Iamspoons OP October 25th, 2023


I'm hanging out in tcr.

I seeeeee yoooou


Iamspoons OP October 25th, 2023


Talking about college scares me. I don't like thinking about the future. I have no plans. Except for (not anymore) not existing then. Aaaaa

Iamspoons OP October 25th, 2023


I haven't done my math homework at all this week. I might be screwing myself over, but yolo I guess.

Um yeah good morning, I hope you slept. Ily

AvyIsKing October 25th, 2023


do ur homework, i can help if you need, 

i barely slept. 

I dont feel good but oh well (:

Iamspoons OP October 27th, 2023


I am now broke in finch, but I have a plushie of each person, so that's a win.

Sorry I didn't reply for two days. I stopped taking my meds (I weand off of them, and talked to my med Dr before I did so) and it really *** me up, so I have had like any patience or focus. Sorry. My mom should have emailed my med Dr to see if I can go right back on the dose I was at or if I have to wean back on. But yeah. No more excuses.

Sorry I've been a *** friend, ily

AvyIsKing October 27th, 2023


excuse me no

ur a good friend

glad u are back

imma be real busy the next few days and I've been super busy TvT

also bf finally feels better n he dropped his phone in water now im sad

Iamspoons OP October 29th, 2023


I washed my hair today, but then laid down before brushing it so it was a bit of a mess, but now it's clean. When I brush it, it looks flat and ugly.

Ily. I've got tired eyes and I miss talking to you everyday. But I understand that we got busy.

(And also I saw your post. Awwww)

AvyIsKing October 29th, 2023


I messahed my abusive ex

Iamspoons OP October 29th, 2023


Wait why. You shouldn't be doing that ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ.

AvyIsKing October 29th, 2023


I apologized. 

I feel guilty about new bf.

Also my sister's friend hit on me 

Iamspoons OP November 1st, 2023


Hey, how was Halloween for you? I had some fun trailing my brother and his friend.

Ok so one of the "class clown" s just said "damn I already had blood on me(he was talking about fake Halloween blood)" and one of the others was like "are you bleeding out of your*female parts* " and it was kinda funny because I AM. Lol sorry weird tangent

AvyIsKing November 1st, 2023


lmao. halloween was fun! i took my sis trick or treating by ourselves and people kept calling me sir 

AvyIsKing November 2nd, 2023


I am on my period and I'm just super tired and I feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out so I'm on phone with bf and he won't let me go because he's worried about me because my mom doesn't care 😅 

Also brother is coming over tmr and I'm not allowed to turn my phone off because he doesn't trust my brother 

Iamspoons OP November 3rd, 2023


Oh nu, I hope you feel better soon and I'm agreeing with your bf quite a lot.

I looooooive yoooooiiu

Idk im just feeling very sappy, you are very much appreciated and loved

Iamspoons OP November 3rd, 2023


Oh I went to the Dr to get my flu vaccine and I got a sparkly bandaid and my brother got rocket ships (looks liget like the emoji 🚀). I got the better one haha, the only downside is that she said "the girls get the sparkles" so I was kinda like *internal pouty face* . But I got sparkles and I don't usually get the fun ones anymore so I happi.

I have math homework that I haven't done all week tehe. I might be screwed. But that's o k 👍. I also have a Latin slide presentation that I need to work on, it was due today but nobody else had it done so yea. I'm doing my project on the Sibyl. It's sorta complicated to just word blob about my project unless I know you're interested so... Yea I'll let you know more if you want.

Um sorry for the like two rambles. Lol. Gn tcks ilysm

AvyIsKing November 3rd, 2023


yay I want blob

im writing a ten page essay on the history and geography of the British isles rn in class

AvyIsKing November 5th, 2023


I miss u

brother came over for a 24 hours. 

I feel beat

I want huggles

Iamspoons OP November 5th, 2023


I missed you too

I'll give you the most huggles ever

I can hang out in a room, in a bit, I'm doing laundry rn.

AvyIsKing November 5th, 2023


Sorry I had a baby shower. Tmr I go home 

Iamspoons OP November 5th, 2023

It's oki. @AvyIsKing *nom* ily

AvyIsKing November 5th, 2023



My foot hurt so I was limping now my leg sounds like scissors cutting bone and my hip hurts.

Iamspoons OP November 6th, 2023


Oh no, that sounds horrible.


*Grabby hands*

AvyIsKing November 6th, 2023


sorry I've been on my l a lot more, feel free to pm there anytime

my blood sugar is dropping AGAIM

Iamspoons OP November 6th, 2023


Oh okie

Oh no that sucks, I have a minor headache but I should be fine after some sleep. You should sleep too

AvyIsKing November 6th, 2023


good morning

Iamspoons OP November 7th, 2023


I've entered my sexy AF era. No more self depreciating thoughts, only "I am hot as heck"

Very sad that my classmates won't see this transformation, I don't have public self confidence. It's a vibe.

Might try dressing up on Thursday, hopefully I'm not a coward.

AvyIsKing November 7th, 2023


do it

u slay

Iamspoons OP November 11th, 2023


I did it, and I super slayed. But nobody commented on my hotness :⁠'⁠(

AvyIsKing November 11th, 2023



sorry im so stressed rn im barely alive

Iamspoons OP November 13th, 2023


Oh noooo

Sorry I wasn't on, my phone was confiscated.

Ily, I hope you got some rest and feel better.

AvyIsKing November 13th, 2023


thats ok

im just 

mhm stress

Iamspoons OP November 16th, 2023


Sorry I haven't been talking much, idk if I've already said that, but I'm going to say it again and again.

I have the nightmare before Christmas soundtrack stuck in my head. "Kidnap the sandy claws, throw him in a box"

Yesterday I almost got married to another girl at epac, and the director talked about his "partner" not gf and my mind is going"queer?"

Oh *** the announcement just said pe is in the library so that means 'motivational yoga' which is absolutely horrible. She has singing bowls and they give me such headaches, and I've had this small headache on and off for a couple weeks now.

Again sorry for not responding till like three days later, I'll post why I think that is soon.

AvyIsKing November 16th, 2023


all good poki

i have a band solo tomorrow and i only got it three weeks ago and have only played it with the band once 😭😭😭

Iamspoons OP November 16th, 2023


Oh good luck.

I only listened to my audition music three times and just bluffed my way through. Lol

AvyIsKing November 16th, 2023


jeez i could never 

*huggles* i have a tension headache and my stomach hurts 

Iamspoons OP November 16th, 2023


Oh nu

*Biggest huggles*