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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP October 10th, 2023


Oh congrats

My knee was acting up during PE, like idek how to describe it. But it kinda sucks. It's better now. Now my shoulder hurts and I have no idea why. Like argh. Hehe physical pain sucks. I prefer mental pain.

I'll eat lunch soon but for rn looking up too fast makes me nauseous. Lol.

Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


Hey are you still here? Do you still exist?

I'm just getting pretty lonely, I realize I'm just being clingy but aren't I allowed to do that?

Umm yes I miss you and ilysm.

AvyIsKing October 13th, 2023


you are allowed to be clingy.

Sorry I've been really depressed and also busy and yesterday I had a huge migraine and I've been painting all day

sorry I've been a poo friend

Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


Noo it's ok, I just wanted to know that you were taking care of yourself.

And painting is cool.


AvyIsKing October 13th, 2023


*head pats*

i jus woke up cause i was in a damn crisis til 4 am

Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


Stupid middle of the night crisis. You need sleep. ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ

I'm listening to our playlist, and now I really need to watch dear Evan Hanson.

I just finished my math test like a couple minutes before everyone else. I feel so smart. I love graphing stuff, but we are probably going back to just numbers soon, I love geometry.

Your mug got finished yesterday, the colors I tried to do on the outside didn't work out and they look brown now, but the inside and butterflies are really yellow.

AvyIsKing October 13th, 2023


y e l l o w 

also dont watch it read it or listen to it or watch a video of it 

the movie is ew

Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


My irl friends are both wearing yellow, like a large amount of it, and they didn't plan it. One of them is wearing a yellow dress and leggings, and she says she didn't plan any of it.

Oh oki then

AvyIsKing October 13th, 2023


mostly because ben platt is 28 and he's playing a teenage, it just creeps me out. Zoey is hot tho.


i wanna wear yellow today, maybe ill wear my yellow dress even tho it doesn't fit 





Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


Oh yeah that makes sense, I want to watch it just so I can understand the plot. Cuz idk what they're singing about most of the time.

*Bonk* ik you love yellow.

AvyIsKing October 13th, 2023


It's the best color 

I wish my mom would stop smacking me 

Iamspoons OP October 13th, 2023


Oh, yeah I hope she does too. Your mom's a ***.

AvyIsKing October 15th, 2023


Warning long post coming 

So I had my date yesterday right here's how it went 

So we went to *** and walked around while we waited for my dad to show up and introduce himself and the mall to open, we goofed around and talked about running and shoes and stuff. Then he met my dad and he was very nice and very respectful and my dad was pleased. Also he gave me one of his books to keep and I love it so much. Then we went to box lunch and we walked around and talked anime and hyperfixations and video games then we bought matching pins that say as you wish from the princess bride. I also bought a pin that says screaming is normal with a wiggle worm. Then we went to hot topic and we talked about marvel and loki and I said I have a friend his name is loki, and he said oh my gosh that is the coolest tell me all about him, so I did. I used he/him pronouns because no clue if the guy hates gays or not. So then we talked about percy jackson then we went to spirt and we spent forever in spirit just being nerdy and cute and looking at stuff and omg I love this song but we just vibes and then we went to home goods and pet all the soft blankets and I was in sensory heaven at this point and then we sat in 400 dollar chairs and we just talked. About everything. His home life, the time he was in the hospital, my life, my 7cups life, nothing about any trauma I won't hurt him. Books movies marvel so many nerdy things. Then we went and got bubble tea. He's never had bubble tea so I bought him a peach mango bubble tea and he loved it and we went and sat on couches and I almost cuddled him but I didn't I was just laying on my side and we were watching memes. And we hugged Then he went home ): and when we got home we talked for hours and he told me he loved me and wished he cuddled me and I told him I loved him too and I wanted to fall asleep on his shoulder and then he said nothing could change his love for me and I said well you know I'm bi which means I like girls and boys and I'm genderfluid which means I'm like Alex from magnus chase. I was so scared. And then he said well it can't change anything because I'm bi too. We want to go to the next pridetogether. And he doesn't care about my scars. He thinks they are beautiful. He's just amazing and he calls me sunshine. Yellow sunshine and he called me sunny boy

Iamspoons OP October 15th, 2023


Omg I love that for you, he sounds like he's frickin amazing.

And eeeeeee, how much did you tell him about me, but even if you just introduced me as Loki with he/him I am estatic.

Screaming is normal and fun! I worked in a haunted house this weekend, I was in a casket (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠). I can scream really loud long and high, and on the second night it sounded like I had at least two extra souls screaming with me.

I met some pretty cool people also working there, they all had cool hair and gave off queer vibes. And the person in the room kept saying "if you knock they'll come out" so of course I had to whisper I'm gay before opening the casket and screaming at them. And there was a group of older boy that came through singing California girls and if that isn't the best way to do this idk what is. And my abs hurt now because I was basically doing crunches for two whole hours.

Oki ily. Also my mom made my phone lock from 8pm to like 7am, so I can't be on then. :⁠-⁠(

AvyIsKing October 15th, 2023


Aso Friday I bought 80 dollars worth of books for 4 dollars and 50 cents 

Iamspoons OP October 15th, 2023


My dad's being a butthead and like I can't clean my room and put away my laundry because I don't have enough space in my dresser right now to put away laundry but I'm trying to clean out my closet and it's got all of their freaking wedding stuff in it and I'm like and then come to me it's complicated I need more space but like I can't deal with this b******* right now and so now I'm mad and I just met my brother for not going to take apart the f****** vacuum my doors open so we can probably hear everything I'm just expecting me to do stuff I'm so freaking tired.

Sorry that was all voice to text, and I don't want to go back to edit it.

Really cool that you got those books cheep tho

Iamspoons OP October 16th, 2023


M so *** tired.

Have I told you that my mom's a teacher at my school, she teaches a couple of the kids in my homeroom. She has the "reluctant learners" aka the boys that were calling each other camels. And she just ran into one of them in the hallway outside talking about how she's also subbing for another class, and he comes in talking about omg I thought I was gonna have Mrs. toothpaste (my last name) two classes in a row. And then some other people started *** about her too, idk if they've put my last name and her's together or not but, hey, if they want to bully me they have to talk to me first.

She's also wearing this ugly shirt thing, it's green with blue polka dots. And it's not even muted, it's like a crayon drawing.

Oki sorry for the rant, ily

AvyIsKing October 16th, 2023


ily too, sorry i was sleeping

im sorry they are mean to ur mum

Iamspoons OP October 16th, 2023


Meh it's just the normal teacher slander.

Can I introduce you to my friends as my online bf? Sorry for this out of the blue question, I just don't know how much you're ok with.

And I'm glad you slept, I only got 2 hours max. Lol.

AvyIsKing October 16th, 2023


yeah sure xD i dont mind lol 

also did u read my long post about my date (: we are going out again on thursdayyyyy

also i worked ahead last week because all my activities were on fall break so im a week ahead, i finished early today so i could paint but my sister isn't done so im being forced to do more chemistry, which isn't fair because i worked really hard and i just wish to paint 

Iamspoons OP October 16th, 2023


Yea I did read it, thats amazing. Where are you going/doing ?

Yea that isn't fair. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ You should be able to paint

AvyIsKing October 16th, 2023


going to the park to cuddle

nora told E that i was her gf once to make him mad now its like this huge ongoing joke that we are dating xD its chaotic 

Iamspoons OP October 16th, 2023


Omg no I have to tell E that I'm dating his ex gf's bf/gf. That would be hilarious.

Secluded place to cuddle is a vibe.

I might meet up with Nora soon, I really need that real person hug. Physical affection. But probably not, cuz her mom's a butthead. ಠ⁠ಗ⁠ಠ. *sigh* I'm so tragically touch starved.

Also sorry I didn't respond in the room, I had to get lunch. Woooo food.

Iamspoons OP October 16th, 2023


I just saw a shoe get thrown through the air, but I couldn't see the person he was around the corner, so all I see is a black blob flying down through the hall and my first thought is "there better not be a *** bird in here"

My reality is so warped

AvyIsKing October 17th, 2023


sorry i was running errands then i was drawing.

i got 0 sleep, book was triggering, jeffy isn't doing good at all and i tw relapsed. 

he's so old and the cold is setting in and i can see it in his face and his bones he hurts. idk if he will make it to be 8 honestly. 

i have a migraine because my mom is running the heat and im flipping tired and i got yelled at because i didn't get out of bed til 10 am 

Iamspoons OP October 18th, 2023


Oh it's oki, I was at the dentist and now my teeth feel weird.

It sounds like you had a rough time, I hope you're feeling at least a little bit better now, and it really sucks that Jeffy is getting old. Sometimes I wish pets could be immortal. Migraines suck.

Ilysm sending so many *huggles*

AvyIsKing October 18th, 2023



mom said we can either set jeffy free at my aunt and uncles farm, because hed get eaten it would be natural and beautiful

she can take him to the vet to have him put to sleep, although I believe shed just set him free, vets are expensive. i wouldn't be allowed to go because vets make my allergies go nuts.

Or we let nature take its course. 

Hes doing better. Hes testing and moving around. 

I think its just too cold 

Iamspoons OP October 18th, 2023




AvyIsKing October 18th, 2023




AvyIsKing October 20th, 2023



I had band

I feel dead

I wish to sleep 

Hiw are yoy 

Iamspoons OP October 23rd, 2023


Hey, sorry I've been away. I've been slipping in and out of almost crisis. Lol. I've just been out of social energy. Didn't really want to talk. Sorry ily.

AvyIsKing October 23rd, 2023


dont worry about it. i kinda had a meltdown and I've also been checking busy.

no crisis *bonk*

Iamspoons OP October 23rd, 2023


Omg just had a hallway convo about my gay harry Potter shirt. Omg the *** adrenaline.

AvyIsKing October 23rd, 2023


yayyyyy thats good. but also scary.

i have a date then i have a drs app, fingers crossed they say surgery (:

Iamspoons OP October 24th, 2023


Oh, how'd the date go?

And what did the Dr say?

Uuuuu I had something else to say but I don't remember anymore.


AvyIsKing October 24th, 2023


bf was throwing up so we cancelled


im going to a super fancy children's research hospital soon to do a fancy study for my walk to find out exwctly what they need to do surgically.

The idea of not being in pain makes me wanna cry

Iamspoons OP October 24th, 2023


Oooooo congratulations.

Sorry your bf wasn't feeling good, is he feeling better now?

I'm feeling not good emotionally. Cuz J(ex's new bf) just let me know that my only other irl friend that I thought wasn't hanging out with ex is doing a d&d campaign with them... So yeah. Typing this made me feel sick.

And I can't cut her off because that's not healthy. And also I'm overreacting, so wouldn't be able to do it anyway.

D&D has kinda turned into a trigger. Fun. It used to be an escape mechanism, now I'm like trapped even in a different *** world.


AvyIsKing October 24th, 2023


i havent talked to him yet today, ill let you know when i find out. 

also that's terrible. im so sorry ):

Iamspoons OP October 24th, 2023



:⁠-⁠| it's fine I'm just being a possessive ***. At least that what I'll be seen as if I go "um hey can you not go do anything with them" cuz that's just *** friend behavior.

Um yeah

Ily and want a hug please

AvyIsKing October 24th, 2023


*big huggles and snuggles*

loki u need to wear ur titanic hoodie (: