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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing September 23rd, 2023



Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023

I might have pinkeye. Lol. My eye is just pretty irritated.


Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023


Yep, my eye is ok now.


AvyIsKing September 23rd, 2023



Sorry I went to a pride parade this morning then I went to work at a festival and I'm tired as frig and I wish I slept and my foot hurts

Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023


Nu don't be sorry, I hope you had fun. I hope you get some sleep tonight.

My phone looks blurry. ***. Idk what that means

AvyIsKing September 23rd, 2023


So basically I got a letter and my mom opened it even tjo I said mom don't do that and she read it and was like ur email was compromised and i was Luke frick I have so many secrets

Turns out my Dr's email was compromised and

I might have got my identity stolen lmao

Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023

Oh *** that's no good.


I might learn how to crochet tonight.

AvyIsKing September 23rd, 2023


Fun I love crochet.

Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023


I tried, I made a stitch, it was super loose. And this *** is like that might be too loose, like I'm aware.

I'm being irrationally angry. Ahhhhhhh.

AvyIsKing September 23rd, 2023


Ew that's enraging.

Iamspoons OP September 23rd, 2023


So I tried again. It worked a little better this time, but something got stuck. So I asked her if she could fix it, and I looked at a couple of my friends homecoming pics, and she's fixed it and done more than half a row.

I'm sitting here trying not to cry because I've already been called out for being emotional today. Like you're raising a teen, if you're going to be playful with the stereotypes, you've also gotta try to deal with the consequences with these stereotypes.

I'm *** tired. But not like physically. Emotionally

AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023



I have a splinter in my tongue

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023


Ouch, I was going to ask how but then I remembered you play the clarinet.

I'm gonna play a Star wars DND game. Let's see how far I can get without getting *** at someone.

AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023


Ouuuu fun I'm currently cleaning my keys on my laptop

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023


Two sentences in. I already want to just quit.

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023

Help, I'm overwhelmed.

Will you come to sr with me? The people in the tcr are not being nice to each other.


AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023


sorryi was busy i can now

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023

Oki I'm out of the stress no, but I still kinda want to talk.

We should go to sleep at a reasonable time tho


AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023


I pmed u.

Also have u herd from nora today?? I havent

AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023


poki pie I'm done. Im just done. I might reply here idk im just done.

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023


Nuuuu, please stay.

I get that you're tired, I am too, but please don't leave me alone.

You gotta see my jellyfish, it's not completely done, but it will be soon.


AvyIsKing September 24th, 2023


I just really frustrated and really reallytired. .

Iamspoons OP September 24th, 2023



Nora has a couple pics of my little jellyfish. Ask for them.

It's a little funky, but I'm proud of it.

AvyIsKing September 25th, 2023



Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023


Hiiiiiii. I got four hours of sleep. Lol.

I'm wearing a red camp shirt with a red camp sweatshirt. Hehe.

*** I forgot to cut my nails, clay under my nails. fuN.

Ily bestie.

AvyIsKing September 25th, 2023


ilyt, sleep more oki?

Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023


Meh, maybe.


AvyIsKing September 25th, 2023


I cut the grass way to fast and my allergies were killing me and I started to have one of my signature dizzy spells and my blood sugar then dropped because I hadn't eaten yet today and now I'm eating Mac and cheese and Gatorade praying I don't die

Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023


Oh nuuuuu allergies.

Eating food is good, waiting till you almost pass out is not good.

I am also hoping you don't die

AvyIsKing September 25th, 2023


I feel better and I'm reading now lol

Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023


Oh I'm glad you feel better.

I've been having a *** day. And my bowl that I started more than a week ago, *** broke. I'm so done with this *** ***.

AvyIsKing September 25th, 2023


Oh nuuuu

Here's a funny story to make u feel better

So I'm blind af without my glasses and my mom rearranged the shower and I washed my hair and grabbed green conditioner. I didn't realize til after I had already put product in it that it was my mom's hair thickening voluming conditioner.

I have the world's thickest hair it looks so afro like now

Wait one part actually looks amazing

20230925-153211_1695670356.jpgit's really fluffy and I feel hot and trendy

Time to send Josh a picture

Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023


Omg you look so pretty.

Sorry don't have the mental capacity rn to make whole posts, might be hanging out in rooms.

Bunnylovesyou September 25th, 2023



sorry i had to cut the grass

Iamspoons OP September 25th, 2023



I'ma go to bed for the night, and hope that solves some of my problems. I might come back to do a rant if I can't sleep.

*Cuddle hugs*

Bunnylovesyou September 26th, 2023


sleep well *cuddles*

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


I had a very hectic morning.

I forgot about the women of distinction breakfast, so my mom told me while I was showering. So I get ready, white long sleeve shirt with a long black skirt, then I put my vest on and combat boots and I'm feeling hot as ***. And I run out to my girl scout leaders car, my backpack in hand and we make it there on time.

They didn't have a table for us so they put us with the NEW YORK SENATOR. Omg she was really cool.

We did the flag ceremony and lots of people talked and it was sorta cool. But then they showed us videos of the people who got the gold award scholarship, and one of them was nonbinary.that part was cool AF.

I come back near the end of 3rd period and tell my social studies teacher that I was there, and I'm still in my girl scout uniform. So I still feel professional and cool. I would send a picture but cups won't let me.

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


Sorry for the long story.

Hope you're having an ok day


AvyIsKing September 26th, 2023


Dude that is so cool.

So yesterday we were at girl scouts and we were doing Ukrainian egg dying and I did this really really pretty design and I was so proud and when I took the wax off at the end it looked like a swastika......

Iamspoons OP September 26th, 2023


Oh cool.

I had to look up what that was, ... fuuuun