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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


Good crying is healthy. Idk what else to say

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


I burned my neck with my curling iron

I'm so smart

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023



I just sent you lots of good vibes

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


I get to keep Levi tho. He doesn't need wifi. Idk if I can get guests with no wifi but we can try

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


I haven't seen Levi in a few days ☹

I hope him and Thalia can visit

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


I'm in new Jersey. !!!!

I get nauseous, but I haven't thrown up yet.

Holy heck. I'm in the airport . Security was really fast and pleasant I guess.

Idk what else to say

AvyIsKing August 10th, 2023


Nooooooooooooo we aren't in the same stateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


Lol, by tonight we won't be in the same country

We get on the plane at like 7:45. Rn I'm trying to distract myself from looking at the planes taking off and landing.

I'm definitely going to get my period on the plane, which *** sucks

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023



Idek who you are. I mean... Thanks?

I would like context please or I will flag these posts and have them deleted.

I don't mean to be rude and I understand that I should put that in the original post, but this is meant to be a space for the three of us.

Iamspoons OP August 10th, 2023


Just realized I tagged u wrong

Iamspoons OP August 23rd, 2023

@AvyIsKing @SneakySnakeBoi

I'm baaaack.

Holy *** that was a *** of a ride but I'm back unharmed (tho that might've not been the case). I'm exhausted tho, it's like 4 am where I woke up this morning, I'll tell you more about it later.

Gn ily.

Iamspoons OP August 23rd, 2023

Hang on tiny bit of extra

I haven't eaten in like 10 hours. Lol.

My head hurts.

I need to cry for like 5 reasons now, but I can't cuz I would have to cry quietly but that doesn't do it for me. Lol.

RN I half feel like it was all a fever dream.

Gn again. Ily.

AvyIsKing August 23rd, 2023


ILysssssssssssssmmmmmmm wb

Iamspoons OP August 23rd, 2023


I don't really want to talk about vacay yet.

How was your life while I was gone. I miss hearing about you. I hope you know you can post even if I'm not here.

How's school going, I get to go back to school in three weeks. Btw what day is it today, I have like no clue. Vacay messed me up. I just know tomorrow is a work day for dad so he has to go to work.

AvyIsKing August 23rd, 2023


today is wednesday august 23rd, its will solaces birthday.

honey (none gendered, platonic) my life has been such a pure and utter chaotic disaster and idek where to start. idek if i wanna start.

also school is vibey just doing Spanish and chemistry so far.

Iamspoons OP August 23rd, 2023

I'm going to epac. I haven't been in like 5 weeks. I'm wearing my binder but it doesn't make as flat as I would like, but it's better than the bras I have left in my a little bit nervous. I gtg in the car.


Iamspoons OP August 23rd, 2023


Urk the binder didn't work. It was weird.

EPAC got even more chaotic, idk how that's possible, but it did. I meet N (idk if that's already used), he is very flamboyant and dare I say gay AF.

AvyIsKing August 24th, 2023


N is not taken lol, i think we each have an E and an S 😭😭i use offbrand toga lmao

AvyIsKing August 25th, 2023


I going camping.

I don't wanna go.

I will miss everyone since I have to leave my phone at home.

I hate my troop.

And it's in a scary area and I'm fr scared imms get murdered

Anyway see you on Sunday

Iamspoons OP August 26th, 2023


Ok I hope it's okay.

Sorry this is short, I'm fading fast, it's at least 130 in Iceland

And I know you are probably already gone.

AvyIsKing August 27th, 2023


i thought you were home :0

I'm alive

Iamspoons OP August 27th, 2023

I was home, I'm not RN I'm at a friend's house. But my brain was being fuzzy.

Iamspoons OP August 27th, 2023


I just rolled out of bed and my voice sounds so masculine. It's deep and rumbly and I love it.

AvyIsKing August 27th, 2023



Idek what today's gender is tbh

Iamspoons OP August 27th, 2023


Yea me neither. But it was fun so I kinda want to do voice training now. I'll look into it when I get my computer back.

AvyIsKing August 27th, 2023


ouuuu fun

easyScarf9184 August 28th, 2023

@Iamspoons how do you make your own forum?

Iamspoons OP August 28th, 2023


When you're looking through posts there should be a button at the bottom that says "create thread" and then write what you want to be in the post and post it.

Idk tho it might be different on the website, I've always been on the app.

easyScarf9184 August 28th, 2023

@Iamspoons Ok thanks! It’s different on the website. I don’t think I can access it since I use the website. 💀

AvyIsKing August 28th, 2023


On the website hit the forum button and then click the community you wish to post to such as teens only

Then you will see a posting option

easyScarf9184 August 29th, 2023

@AvyIsKing Ok, thanks!

Iamspoons OP August 30th, 2023


I'm getting slightly overwhelmed, not anything I can't handle but I'm gonna rant about it.

My mom is like unpacking the souvenirs and is trying to pass them to me while I'm tucked back in the corner of the table that I eat at for meals(that's really complicated to explain, it's normal for me) and then I would just have to go back through the same path she's handing them to me through. The reason I'm sitting back here is cuz she gave me some new special quarters, cus I started collecting state quarters but these ones aren't state quarters. They're new, from 21 and 22, and they have things on the backs of them but it's not state stuff.

And my friend is texting me about this thing that she made, a little mushroom figurine, and asking me if she can take it with us to EPAC. Like wtf, I'm not in charge of you (and now we're getting in the car so I won't be able to post this, I think). And also she has gotten so invested in this one thing from these little one-shot games we play, and expects me to be the same way.

She's like the comic relief. And I'm acting before I get to acting class. Lol how fun

Sorry I'm just a bit stressed and can't really vent to anybody irl

AvyIsKing August 30th, 2023


*hugs* sorry I've been in the car all day n I'm trying not to pass out.

Have you heard from @princetomyanxiety? There's a huge hurricane going through Florida rn

Iamspoons OP August 30th, 2023


Oh nuu, if it's ok why were you in the car all day? You should drink water and try to eat something. I'm having grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner, I've been having soup like all week.

I have heard from @SneakySnakeBoi (cuz that's the tag that works for them). She texted me today actually, about good omens which we both just read. She's back, cus she was complaining about track and S. So she's back in NY.

Gtg have food.

AvyIsKing August 30th, 2023


Good good I wasworried.

I'm in New jersey. So that's why I'm in the car. I had a rice crisped treat and I'm drinking water dinner will be here soon. I'm having a sub.

I might take a nap I'm tired as ***.

Iamspoons OP August 31st, 2023


Ooh, hope your sub was good.

That's kinda what I thought might be going on but in my head you were just there.

Btw my mom has started taking my phone away at night and not giving it back till late morning, so I can't be on then. I might be able to use my school computer once I get that and she starts getting lax again.

Ilysm gn tc

AvyIsKing August 31st, 2023


Ilyt goodnight poker

Iamspoons OP August 31st, 2023


Hehe, you just dropped the Loki connection entirely. Peoples are gonna be confused.

But also



Bunnylovesyou August 31st, 2023



Iamspoons OP August 31st, 2023


? Bless you?

I'm watching mha, the war arch. It's. something