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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


My blood sugar soared and then plummeted cause I hadn't eaten and had way to much caffeine and I almost passedout, mom said I wasfine, I drank a bunch of water. I feel better now

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


I hope you is better now

I told you it was not good for you

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I'm back to the ice tea but I ate

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Good, eating is good. Drinking heavily caffeinated beverages on an empty stomach is not.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I feel like my hearts gonna explode but also I can't stop lol. I'll be fine I'm gonna eat some more pizza here in a bit

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Good eat, you deserve it.

I ate dinner and today the forks and knives screeching on the plates was really bad, I kept wincing. And it was sausage and peppers, I had that literally two days ago and I really dislike the texture and taste.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


you can have my pizza, i only ate a little bit.

time to read drivers manual even tho i cannot focus

im cold TvT

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


And I'm abnormally hot, take some of my body heat.

I've read the drivers manual before, it never stuck.

Nah I'm ok I don't want to steal your food, and I can have soup later if I'm hungry.

I just answered those backwards.

Im at church rn, it's ok tho I'm just listening to my mom play bells, not any of the Christian bs (sorry if I offended anyone reading this but I'm an atheist, and one all knowing god sounds stupid to me.)

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


im an atheist dw, religion dont make no sense.

i went to church with my grandma once (i go with her when im in NJ cause she enjoys my company and i like teaching Sunday school, there's an adhd kid and im the only one who can keep him calm) and the pastor was talking about how god forgives all his children, just like a mom, unless they are undeserving. and he said and i quote *sometimes kids are just too far gone for saving, but we try* he looked directly at me, and it was October and i had really bright scars on my forearm and i was like *what the heck*

also like its weird

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


I mean it's cool looking at it thro the lense of anthropology, and how before science they explained weather.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023
Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


I can't use links but if you give me the title I can try to look for it tomorrow.

I'm bored, come chat with me in one of the rooms?

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023

@Iamspoons sorry my mom was momming

its called

7 times elmo was a complete savage

theres a Hamilton part

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


Ouch momming, I hope you're ok

I think I've seen that before

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


I'm using a stylus to type and it makes nice klaky noises.

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


stingray and yellow :> but all colors vibe besides pink

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


Haha I didn't go right to bed. Tbf I had to take the books off my bed, go to the bathroom, change a little bit of my bio, and turn off the light.

and it's only 5:02, and I'm actually going to bed now

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


i closed cups at 5 so i wouldn't get distracted, I was asleep by 5:30

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023

@iamspoons love the bio loki poki jokih oki yolki moki noki boki hoki boki goki toki foki roki coki choki quoki zoki doki

i read it skimming after that and i just saw *yellow titianic hoodie* and i was like oh u have one tooooooo

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


Nuuu I stole yours

And I'm tired, cuz five hours of sleep wasn't enough I guess. I seriously tryed to go to sleep after I sent that and I must've worked for some part in the middle, cuz I didn't hear my brother getting up for school at like 8

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


i told you that you needed sleep smh

im trying to think of a camp name heeh im 99% sure ill need one

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023

We were in the car and there was this guy in an orange motorcycle that drove us up next to us and I was kind of looking at his motorcycle and then he looked over and I gave him a thumbs up he nodded and reved his engine. Sorry for weird format I'm used voice to text.

JoAnn's has pride flag colored yarn


AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


When I go home ill send @princetomyanxiety a picture to send you, I got pride fabric for pride last year and I made dog bowties

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


Dude, got pride fabric last year too, and penguins and my mom made into a blanket.

I'll make @Princetomyanxiety send you pictures too

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023



I fell and got stuck in the backseat of the car with my thighs in between the seat and the center console and my sister locked me in the car and left

I mean we're were being dumb but still

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


Nb yarn color is authentic

Lesbian is spirit

Bi is serenity

Pan is confidence

Trans is life

Gay is inclusivetivy

Ace is community

I love JoAnn's

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


I'm slightly disappointed they don't have an aro or gender fluid one but hey it's hard to so many

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


Dude yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssdssssssssssssssssssdsdd

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


My mom's trying to get me to wear a dress or skirt to graduation ( I have to play in the band) and if I wear one of the ones I'm comfortable in, ie. The long sleeved ones, I will be too hot and if I wear a short sleeved dress I'll be degrading myself the entire *** time. And if I don't wear leggings everyone will see my hairy *** legs, which I don't want. So I'm going to be uncomfortable in most of my "nice" clothes, but ykw my comfort doesn't matter, nat at all/sarc

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


That sounds super annoying

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023



Our finchies are wearing the same thing but in different colors

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


Fancy birbs

I hate pink but it's a vibe at the same time

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


I got Men's deodorant, maybe it'll turn me into a MAN. It was the first spray one I saw and I don't really like the sticks I've been having to use.

I gtg have dinner ily bestie/p

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


Share your man ness bestie

Iamspoons OP June 23rd, 2023


My face is *** ugly, but this cardigan kinda makes me look flat chested tbh. I love it but I stole it from my mom for tonight, I'll have to ask her to get me one.

So remember I from my e+s pair, he cut his long hair and he still looks cool, like wtf, I guess some people are made to be hot.

I gtg, will be back.

AvyIsKing June 23rd, 2023


I can guarantee ur better looking than me

Iamspoons OP June 24th, 2023


Nah mate, I've seen pics of you and you haven't seen me. You're very cool

AvyIsKing June 24th, 2023



mom stole weighted blanket so restless leg is bad

I have to get up at6am so just no sleep

AvyIsKing June 24th, 2023


a lil song for your troubles hehe :>

I'm going home, I'm going

guess who is going home

do do do

do do do

it doesn't matter that I only got 2 hours of sleeeppppppppp


Iamspoons OP June 24th, 2023


Nice it's a very wonderful song.

I'm having a hard time concentrating on a response, my ovaries are trying to unalive themselves. And I was asleep so there's blood in my underwear.