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Hey again

Iamspoons June 17th, 2023

@SneakySnakeBoi @Jefferythebunny319

@Princetomyanxiety @BunnyLovesYou

Cups did something weird and it says I don't have permission to reply to the thread, and idk what to do so I just made a new one.

Please do not post in this thread unless you have been tagged above. This is a space for only those who have been mentioned. Thank you!

Princetomyanxiety June 21st, 2023


just put u in, sry hadn’t updated it since before u joined

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023


Oh ok cool, I was mostly picking on you

AvyIsKing June 21st, 2023


What do you say about me 😭😭😭😭

Also good. Choking good just no dying. Die and I unalive you

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023


That you are very pretty. Wait not pretty( bcuz pretty implies feminine ), hansom, Gourgus

AvyIsKing June 21st, 2023


Lying is bad loki

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 @Princetomyanxiety

I'm getting my hair cut and re-dyed on the 7th, I'll send princey pics and they can send them to you.

I was laying down and then I sat up and my *** fell out of my bra. IECH

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023


I gtg eat dinner

AvyIsKing June 21st, 2023



Wait ew to the *** thung

I'm eating rn

I realized that jeffery Dahmer is hot today

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023


Welp I just dropped my whole *** ice cream.

Here's context, we have an ice cream place in the neighborhood, so mom was like let's go get ice cream. And I go with her to help carry it one person can't carry four ice creams and drive. This time there's lids on all but one which makes it so easy I can carry them all by myself. And after we drive back and we're getting out of the car, she's fussing over me like "let me unbuckle your seatbelt and open your door for you" and I'm like you're rushing me but ok. And I go to get out of the car and spill one of them off my knee and on to the driveway and the lid pops off and touches it and then mom try to rescue it by one-handedly scooping it up and it all just falls out. And then she says "it's yours" in an accusing tone, maybe not so much but I definitely heard it, and so then she holds out her hand and I give her one and she looks like she wants more, but I say "I can carry two now, one in each hand" and as we're going in I say that I'll go right back out and clean it up and she tells me I can have some of her ice cream but I don't want any cus now I'm mad at her and my afternoon is mostly ruined. So I go in and set the two dishes down on the table and go right back out to clean it up, to do this effectively, I pick up the dish and the grab the soft ice cream lump, and my fingers sink into it, but I just pick it up and put it in the dish. I could've saved it if mom hadn't been rash. And then I come in and forcefully throw it in the trash, go straight to my room and flop on my bed. And mom calls after me that I can have some of hers and I shout back ( because shouting is the only way we can hear each other) that " no, and I'm a little bit mad at you cus what you said sounded very accusing" and she shouts back " and I'm mad at you because you refused help when you needed it" and I shout " no I didn't you were rushing me" but my voice starts failing me cus I do the stupid thing where when you get mad you start crying.

And then I wrote this rant to you. Sorry for the run-on sentences and massive paragraph.

AvyIsKing June 21st, 2023


That sounds so frustrating

I would have gotten slapped.

Mom's not home so I was finally safe enough to shower and jt feels so good

Iamspoons OP June 21st, 2023


Yeah my mom's pretty good, she just buggs me sometimes. She's a helicopter mom, and she just doesn't want us to go through what she went through, but sometimes she *** up.

Showers are good, I'm glad you got one.

AvyIsKing June 21st, 2023


Makes sense

I should just leave and come and ur mom can be my mom

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I had coffee yogurt it was delicious it made me so happy

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Oooo good job, gald you had yummy food. I don't like yogurt very much, I think the texture is wrong. But good for you.

I have only eaten like 15 Pringles and like 20 chocolate covered pretzels so far. I will eat soon I promise, but idk what I want.

I just took a shower with the intention of washing my hair but I'm out now, obviously, and the top of my head is still dry, and I still smell like BO. So I feel like *** cus I couldn't do the thing I was trying to do, but I might feel better if I get properly dressed and go outside.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I ate breakfast then proceeded to TW make myself sick so that's nice but I'm getting chick fil a for lunch

I'm in Sussex County new jersey where I used to live lol and the 9bly reason Im saying County is cause by the time u get ur butt here I'd be gone but I grew up here and I just feel safe here and I hope I run into some old friends even tho I'm just going to the butcher to get special hot dogs for my dad

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Oh cool, I didn't know you were still in Jersey, I mean I should've known cuz you haven't said you went back to Tennessee yet.

I might've told my mom about you yesterday

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


Did you tell her I'm legit crazy?

And yea I go home Saturday. My mom called my brother and we are goofing on the phone and it feels foreign

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I don't have to worry about her like doing anything right?

Like calling the cops or anything right?I promise I'm safe :> :>


Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


You r good.

I told her I have an online friend who lives in Tennessee, and that prince knows you. She's been friends with prince's mother since they were like 13, so she kinda trusts prince. And she was like "so prince has meet them in person" and I was like yeah, yk like a lier, so now you lived kinda close to prince till you were in kindergartenn. Just in case she asks

@Princetomyanxiety@SneakySnakeBoi, help me cover this lie if she asks next time we see you. Yk June tenth. (Or somewhere around there I'm not completely sure)

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023

*** I meant July tenth, June tenth has already passed

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I didn't even notice I have no clue what day it is

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


Prince was my childhood bestie 😔

I mean technically I did live kinda close, I lived like 10 minutes out of Warwick as a baby bean

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Yea and I also told her that you were going to move to our school district, but then your mother changed her mind.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I *was* I was so freaking excited and my mom was like *nah nvm*

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Ikr I really wanted to meet you in person, still do, but then oh wait nvm, mom said no.

SneakySnakeBoi June 22nd, 2023


*** spoons what if she tells my mom? Mom doesn’t know about avy. Seriously this could cause so many problems

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


It's ok, mom just needed a little bit of reassurance. There's a couple of other things that I've told her about and she's been chill, I can tell her that your mom doesn't particularly approve of avy and she won't say anything. I once slipped about Evan and she was fine, she just was like "he's not a bad influence right" and I told her that he was kinda a secret, and she was like ok, just keep your clothes on.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I mean if I get to the farm near Ithaca I'm out of here and I'll literally make my way there

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Ik a place in downtown Binghamton called identity, for queer youth.

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I'm by my old houseeeeee

Like so close within walking distanceee

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023

You should write a letter and put it in the mailbox, explaining that you used to live there. That'd be cool


AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


Iwould but I'm already leaving, saw my brother and his girlfriend. I like her

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Like half of my dad's side of the family lives in Ithaca

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I'm in the car listening to music and I'm singing really loud and I just don't care.

I was singing the rose song from hsmtmts and my mom was just staring and I dont like wanna brag or anything but I kinda sorta have a nice ish set of pipes. Ew did I just compliment myself??

Anyway I'm not good but I have great range and my mom was like woah kid and then ex wives came on and like one of the first lines I just sang as loudly as I could it was awesome.

I'm really really caffeinated btw

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023

Also I love preforming Six so I have voices for all the girls and stuff and it's amazing for me to sing lmaooo

Best is all you wanna do tho

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023

@Jefferythebunny319 nice, singing in the car is fun

Do you watch OSP, I love red she's my very favorite content creator. She just ended a video with "blood sacrifices keep the world from eating your feet" OSP videos are the best

Sorry if that ramble made absolutely no sense, I can explain, maybe

AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


I don't lol. I don't really watch anyone, controlling mum lol. I'll check her out tn tho

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023

I just went on a walk. Feels good to get out of the house. But I wore bike shorts that absolutely clung to my thighs and I hated the way my legs are. Lol I shouldn't be complaining, they work and don't hurt.


AvyIsKing June 22nd, 2023


Nah I get it complain all you want brother/sibiling/sister (unsure of today's mood)

Someone asked me what my gender identity was and I answered king and it made me happy lmao

I need to lay of the caffeine lmao I had a huge frozen coffee and 99% of an ice tea

Iamspoons OP June 22nd, 2023


Regarding the unsure of today's mood comment, usually same bestie. But today kinda enby I guess.

I get euphoria from people asking about the gender identity too sometimes. It's the best. Except when it's your younger brother asking in front of people you are ready to let know. I pulled him away and told him to not *** out me again. He was just trying to be nice but it wasn't working.

Honey noo you need to slow down on the caffeine, you'll give your anxiety superpowers.