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matchamochi07 October 23rd, 2021

I've been feeling so down lately. I feel like i can't handle school and my family keeps giving me a lot of things to stress and think about. My head feels so noisy lately especially at night. I feel like i'm on the verge of crying everyday. I did cry a lot lately though. I also feel very lonely lately. I keep distance to my friends because I'm scared i accidentally ramble to them about my problems and bothers them. I only have my sister to talk to at the moment but she is also currently sick so i cannot talk much to her. and everyday i woke up feeling like I've been up all night qnd i don't have energy to focus or to do anything else. I'm trying to make time for myself but somehow it makes me feel guilty for neglecting my assignments and studies. I know some people told me i overwork myself but personally i feel the other way because i still don't have good grades and stuff.

note: it is okay to reply

conscientiousPeach2999 October 23rd, 2021

Is there someone else you can reach out to, like a listener on 7 cups? Or maybe talking to your parents about the stress you’re feeling if you’re comfortable doing that. Sometimes it’s hard to talk about what you’re going through with others but I think once you open up to someone it will feel a lot better afterwards.

peacefulPaintings October 23rd, 2021

hi @matchmochi, i’m sorry that you are going through this period. but you are in the right place, a lot of people here can listen and offer you support. Note that because of the pandemic we all go through a rough patch mentally, and also it’s ok to make time for yourself, this will help you focus after on school. So feel free to open a chat with me if you want or any other listener. We are here for you!

MonkeyBananaButter4830 October 24th, 2021

if they are your friends they should be able to support you when you need to express what your going through but it’s true many people like to keep it light.

Genuine honesty is rare and therefore one of the most beautiful things in the world so be yourself in the end everybody will admire you for it

MarP October 26th, 2021

Hey, so sorry you’re in a low spot. I agree with others on here. Talking to someone can help you a lot. It can help you see things in you that you can’t/won’t see in yourself. No matter what you’re enough. Grades aren’t a true measure of knowledge. You can know all the pages of the book but when it comes to actually putting it into practice, that’s where the proof is in the pudding. I know it can be hard to compare yourself to where you think you should be, but all you can do is your best and your best doesn’t look the same every day. It’s impossible to give the exact same effort every day, we aren’t robots after all.

And Don’t ever feel guilty for taking time for yourself. If you don’t you won’t be able to help others to the best of your ability and wear yourself out. Think of it this way, you Help others by helping yourself. I know this is cliche but You know those airplane drills where they tell you to put your own oxygen mask on before helping others? that’s a prime example of that.

it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to have a totally unproductive day. We all need balance, and if we don’t find it, life will find a way to balance for us, whether we like it or not. And if you feel guilty about making time for yourself than try doing it in spurts, like scheduling study breaks to do something you love or that relaxes you, having a winding down before bed routine, a refreshing morning routine, etc. The funny thing is it’s the seemingly unproductive things that make us more productive people. Doing what we loves give us energy to be ourselves, and in that way we’re better equipped to take on the world.

Appreciate you for being here, kudos to you. Hoping all the best for you.

matchamochi07 OP November 10th, 2021

@MarP thank you so much for your kind words

matchamochi07 OP November 10th, 2021


There is someone in my class that's been getting on my nerve lately. She's one of my close friend from my little friend group. She is a good friend or so i thought until she starts to abandon group projects. This really pissed me off because she never showed up on discussion but act like she did nothing wrong. She didn't give any explanation why she didn't show up. Also, she turn down her responsibility without giving any alternative solution. i really wanted to confront her but i hate fighting and i hate having problems with other people so i dont know how to talk to her. i really thought she was a great person. and it hurt me so much because she knows how much i hate that kind of people and how much i trust her but she's doing that to me. Like, i know she's busy with her internship and she also struggling with mental health issues but that doesn't mean she could abandon her assignments, we're supposed to be a team and we were supposed to figure stuff together if you really cannot take a big part of this project you could at least tell us why so we could give her the easy part.

I am honestly so pissed and dissapointed

(note: feel free to reply)

matchamochi07 OP November 13th, 2021


I posted this because i think it's necessary. I'm gonna list things i am grateful for this week

1. a decent house to live

2. good foods in my fridge

3. i still have a complete family even though the relationship is not great

4. My parents are still able to provide all my needs

5. my cats

6. i have easy access to almost everything i need and want

matchamochi07 OP November 26th, 2021

i am exhausted

matchamochi07 OP November 27th, 2021

Its been like what an hour since i wake up and i already feel bad about myself and i feel like everything is suffocating me and i cant get out of bed

matchamochi07 OP November 28th, 2021

It's funny how one bad desicion you made when you're really young could affect the rest of your life and not in a good way.