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One thing I have learned from this course is ___

Hope February 15th

One thing I have learned from this course is ___

Heather225 February 15th

that my top strength is perspective/wisdom!

ThoughtsBubbleExpress February 16th


That it's ok to be curious and question things. Since childhood, I used to ask a lot of questions, more than the other children around me, and because of this habit my relatives or favourite cousin, used to avoid me, my mom would get annoyed and scold me sometimes, and recently my professors started to call me out as annoying and talkative even after I tried so hard to tone down my curiosity since childhood and life interest in anything that would make me ask questions. But recently I feel like this was a blessing in disguise all along which helped me develop creativity, critical thinking, and question the traditions and norms, all of which signify towards bringing a meaningful change and finally I found a community here in 7cups where asking open-ended questions are encouraged. 

Countrygirl095 February 18th

@ThoughtsBubbleExpress one thing I'm learning that's beneficial is learning how to embrace my struggle

ThoughtsBubbleExpress February 18th

That sounds so resilient. How are you doing that if you'd like to share?

warmMemory6263 February 18th


One thing I have learned from this course is on how to increase and utilize critical thinking and self-awareness and that things may not go as ideal but that you can always learn something positive.

Tamar J. 

DipityEnigma March 23rd


There are other people out there with similar struggles as my own, and it's ok to talk about those struggles, especially if it helps others. There are a lot more people passionate and understanding about mental health and life in general as I am, which has brought me new found hope for humanity as whole.

Ivy229 May 23rd


It both helped me learn more about my personal values and who I am as a personal. But also reinforced certain things I already knew about myself. An example is i previously took the MBTI personality test when I was much younger and got the same exact personality type (INFJ-T) as before. 

wishfulForest1871 June 29th


One thing I have learned from IDG (Inner Development Goals) is the importance of cultivating a holistic set of skills and values that contribute to personal growth and resilience.

seaturtle54 July 31st


How interconnected our relationships with ourself and others are, and how working on skills from all 5 dimensions can help prepare you to approach basically any situation!

BeesOnFlowers Thursday


That personal growth is long-term and a journey that is as rewarding as it is difficult.