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Language Partner

wishfulPiano5648 August 17th

Ola everyone!

Would someone be interested in language exchange? 

Learning something new has numerous benefits for mental health, including:

1. Improved self-esteem and confidence

2. Enhanced cognitive function and memory

3. Reduced stress and anxiety

4. Increased creativity and problem-solving skills

5. Better adaptability and resilience

6. New social connections and opportunities

7. Improved focus and concentration

8. Boosted mood and overall sense of well-being

9. Increased sense of purpose and fulfillment

10. Delayed cognitive decline and reduced risk of dementia

Learning something new can also:

- Provide a healthy distraction from negative thoughts and emotions

- Offer a sense of accomplishment and pride

- Foster a growth mindset and love for learning

- Improve emotional regulation and intelligence

- Enhance overall mental stimulation and engagement



Ooh so many great benefits outlined here. How do you plan around going ahead with the language exchange?😮

bluelotus99 August 17th

I would like to learn Japanese. I would teach Turkish

helpfulKiwi4855 August 17th

Yeah , i m in

goldenKite2165 August 17th


Hiiamanonymous August 17th

Cool, I'm down for everything.

I am ok with learning any language

I can teach hindi and telugu.

If u guys are OK with that, that is.😅

Delightfullover2085 August 17th

@HiiamanonymousThat's wonderful 😊 

 Would love to learn from you 😁 

hanatheKermit737 August 20th

Hii @Hiiamanonymous

I would like to learn from you! I know malayalam language in return if you want to learn it :)

Hiiamanonymous August 20th

Sure! Do u want to learn telugu?

slowdecline48 August 22nd

@Hiiamanonymous I'm fine with it. Given the current situation & the most likely future, Hindi seems like the language to know now. India may well be the next global hegemon.

Hiiamanonymous August 23rd


Hey, I'm srry...I can't teach u rn. I'm not rlly in the best mental state. Also exams are coming up and I need to study. I'm srry again.

genericbeing August 17th

@wishfulPiano5648 Ich sprechen deutsch - I know German. Also French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, English, some Spanish. I want to learn Russia though.

ErrorClements7 August 17th

Yoo, ich spreche* but whatever.

I'd like you to teach me German, and I can be teaching ya russian

I know russian:)

On a native level, actually, cuz I'm ukrainian and I know both ukrainian and russian even though they're different.

We can be language partners! Just text me because I don't know how to do that.


genericbeing August 20th

@ErrorClements7 I don't know how to message either

slowdecline48 August 20th

@genericbeing @ErrorClements7 You can't message anyone on here if you're not a policy. Have run into this problem myself. We ordinary members can only communicate via the forums. It's for our safety, or so they say.

genericbeing August 20th

@slowdecline48 Das ist traurig

slowdecline48 August 20th

Sí, señor, it is... Best to talk to Glen, or to whoever is in charge of functionality here.

slowdecline48 August 20th
@genericbeing Also, you really know all those languages?!? Weeping creeping Jesus, that's amazing... If you're fluent in even just half of what you listed, you could make a career in international relations or maybe finance, if you're up for it. These days, multilingualism = profit value.
genericbeing August 21st

@slowdecline48 I'm fluent in half, I can read and write in them all, I pick up everything I try to learn really quickly not just languages, I tested for a really hi IQ went I as younger. It only took me 8 months to learn like 75% of German. Dutch was almost the same because its so close to German, I knew English, French I learn in school. Latins much like French. Spanish is the same as Italian, kinda. They all just fell into place fast for me.

slowdecline48 August 21st

@genericbeing I wish I could claim that... Been tested twice myself. I'm above average for sure but nowhere near genius level. You folks on the upper standard deviations have it all over the rest of us...I do wish I was smarter than I am. Who cares about looks when mental horsepower can do so much more?

genericbeing August 22nd

@slowdecline48 Reading helps, I was reading war and peace when I was 15 casually, reading really boosted my brain power. I think everyone should read more.

chiaru August 18th

hii, im from Argentina and i want to practise my english, do you wanna talk?

Hiiamanonymous August 18th

Hi! I can teach English and 2 indian languages too...

slowdecline48 August 20th

@chiaru , why not? I'm not here every day but we can talk when I stop in. I speak English very well & know very little Spanish. I still don't understand Español grammar. If you could help with that I would be grateful, sir.

sweetRecipe6462 August 17th


I would love to learn Spanish 

I can teach English and Two Indian Languages 

chiaru August 18th

hii, Im from Argentina and I woul like to practise my english

wishfulPiano5648 OP August 18th


Ola chiaru! I want to learn Argentine Spanish. Hit me up if you're interested 

Icecreamsoul August 17th


i can teach Telugu in exchange if any one teach spanish or Norwegian! 

lightLime2690 August 17th

What language? I speak English, Spanish and Portuguese fluently and would love to learn more languages!

Pau96 August 18th
@lightLime2690 omg that's asome ! 😸 I would love to learn more english, my english Is very irregular 😔
Pau96 August 18th
@Pau96 "awesome" 😔 
lightLime2690 August 24th

What language do you speak?

Pau96 August 18th

@wishfulPiano5648 hi 😸 i speak spanish but I'm here for help and if i can to learn more would be incredible 🌸

Silvestris August 18th


I would absolutely love this... 

I'm most interested in learning Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean and sign ^^

slowdecline48 August 20th


Wait, I thought it was "Hola"? (Written, not pronounced)

Presumably the language you're familiar with is Español, no?

slowdecline48 August 20th

Also, am up for learning Spanish as I don't know it. Best choices would be Mexican or Salvadoran dialects, with Cuban dialect running a close 2nd choice. All I know is American English, but I'm very good at it. I can help you greatly expand your vocabulary. Also if you encounter slang you don't understand, hit me up. Even if I don't know the term(s), I talk to millennials & Gen-Z kids whenever I can, so I can find the answer for you.

Rescie August 20th

Native Chinese (Mandarin) speaker

I'm learning Russian now and already know a little bit about Japanese and Russian. But I always want to learn anything new. I'm a huge fan of languages!

slowdecline48 August 20th

@Rescie You speak all that & English, too? 😯 wondering if it's something about the language. Mandarin, that is. It's like if you're fluent in Mandarin, you're smarter than the average. I bet Cantonese has the same effect.

Rescie August 20th

😄Actually I can only say that I can speak Mandarin and English. As for Russian and Japanese I can only do with simple sentences, that's definitely far from being proficient.

I agree that Mandarin (or Cantonese) is difficult to learn, and born to speak Mandarin save a lot of time learning it. I won't say speaking it makes me any smarter though, every language is fascinating! Plus, Mandarin is not very similar to any other language, so it does not provide me with convenience in learning other languages, which is a bad news for me.😢

Hiiamanonymous August 20th

Ooh...I couldn't teach u hindi or telugu if ur up for it. I would love to learn mandarin from u😁

competentTruth3079 August 20th

@wishfulPiano5648 ✡︎♏︎♋︎♒︎📪︎ ✋︎🕯︎♎︎ ♌︎♏︎ ♓︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎♎︎ ♓︎■︎ ●︎♏︎♋︎❒︎■︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♋︎ ■︎♏︎⬥︎ ●︎♋︎■︎♑︎◆︎♋︎♑︎♏︎📬︎ 🕈︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ●︎♋︎■︎♑︎◆︎♋︎♑︎♏︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♓︎■︎⧫︎♏︎❒︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♏︎♎︎ ♓︎■︎ ♋︎❑︎◆︎♓︎❒︎♓︎■︎♑︎✍︎