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My Astrophotography Update 👽

TheLemonade November 20th, 2023

I managed to do something on a whim last night, and I am still to this day very much eeeeeek about it because it turned out so good! For those who do not know, Astrophotography is the imagery of stars/planets/anything up there. I managed to take this last night and for an amateur like me?! Not too shabby even if I say so myself. 

I just used my phone and a tripod and I'm super excited now whenever there is a clear day, so I can try to take more :D 


mytwistedsoul November 21st, 2023

@TheLemonade I guess I never realized there was an actual name for this :) It's so cool that you take these pictures. I like taking pictures of the sky. The moon especially but the sunsets this time of year can be pretty awesome too

TheLemonade OP November 27th, 2023


Hello, you icon! A pleasure to see you around these parts of forumland! Yes, it's called Astrophotography and since finding that out I've been honestly obsessed with it. It's like I check the weather each night (who does that?) but if it's clear then I go eeeeeeek and then I cannot wait haha! I'm super excited to go to Spain next month because they have a lot of beaches (shocker I know!) but it'll mean I can take pictures or astrophotography with it being pitch black and dark. 

I hope you're doing okay though. I know you won't be there on Wednesday but you're already missed! I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see you around when I see you around!

mytwistedsoul December 5th, 2023

@TheLemonade Lol ... icon. That always makes me laugh. I'm usually in the forums more than the chat rooms 

 I think it's really cool that you do this for a hobby. Sounds like a trip to Spain will be perfect for pictures of the night sky. Hope you share them here!  Makes me think you'd like it here where I live. It's pretty cool to see the moon come up through the trees in the winter. Kind of ominous with the bare branches.  Especially if it's a full moon. I hope you have an awesome time in Spain! 

I know I definitely missed everyone last Wednesday. It's kind of nice to think I was missed. I almost quit today lol 😅 but held my tongue? - fingers? lol both Anyway (rambling) Catch ya later. Stay awesome Lemon! 
TheLemonade OP December 5th, 2023


Hey, even if you were to quit, please don't think about me being upset, I'd be proud of you for taking the care to look after yourself! See you tomorrow if you're around <3

mytwistedsoul December 6th, 2023

@TheLemonade It wouldn't be unannounced - the large for all would give it away. And tbh I refuse to give them the satisfaction right now 😁 it just touched the wrong nerve 

Thank you for being so supportive tho! ❤️ 

TheLemonade OP November 27th, 2023


A lot of good questions! Hmm so for me personally I love sunsets, I've understood how to take a good picture of the sunset but I love trying to take pictures like the one below, but that was taken last year and my photography has definitely stepped up since then! 

I am still exploring the world through the lenses and I hope to find out more of what I can do, it's like every time I learn something new, a whole realm of possibilities is out there. Astonishing really!


Tinywhisper11 November 21st, 2023

@TheLemonade wow! That's a great photo😍 there's something quite magical about the sky ❤

TheLemonade OP November 27th, 2023


Thank you! I appreciate you plopping into my forums, yes thank you! It's so much fun! How are you getting on with the Christmas decorations? :D

Tinywhisper11 November 27th, 2023

@TheLemonade plopping in haha!😂😂😂😂 decorating and art is kinda slow rn, I'm not very well, but I'll get there ❤ I'll just keep plopping along😂😂😂😂😂

TheLemonade OP November 27th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Well if you don't manage to get it done in time, there's always plenty of time for next year!itysl-santa.gif

Tinywhisper11 November 27th, 2023

@TheLemonade 😁😁😁 that's true ❤ but I'm determined, I looooveeee xmasss 🎅🎅🎅🎅 can't wait to see more photos from you ❤❤merry Christmas sweetie ❤

heathermarie95 November 22nd, 2023

that is a great shot!

TheLemonade OP November 27th, 2023


Thank you Heather, I appreciate you!


Callmemav December 6th, 2023

Wow that is awesome

intothewoods4026 December 6th, 2023

Woah, 🌙😮⭐️