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SleepyShyCat's Cat Corner! 🐈

SleepyShyCat August 22nd, 2022

Hello all!

This is my formal request for you to send me all the cat photos please 🥺😺💛

They're my favourite animal and special interest - please send me any fun facts you know or share stories of your own cat or even better... Send me cute photos!

Any kind of cat content I will love 💛😺💛

I will give you cookies for every cat related reply you send, promise 🍪🍪🍪

And if you would like, ask me for a random cat fact! I know so many and would be so happy to share 😁😁

Cats make me so happy, I can't even describe what it makes me feel, but they're my favourite, of everything.



mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2022


SleepyShyCat OP November 7th, 2022


Wow, such beautiful eyes!! I absolutely love this, thanks for showing me 😸💖

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat. 😊 you're welcome ❤️

It's like you can see the mysteries of the universe in those eyes

pineapplepeanut November 7th, 2022


I have loved cats most of my life, wild and domestic. I have two cats, one is a kitten and really outgoing and active. His name is Ricky and he actually fetches like a dog. He brings me one of his toys, I throw it, and then he brings it back to me. When I brought him home at 6 weeks old, he was so super active, almost constantly on the go. Ricky is playing fetch with me right now. I have had several cats in the past, each one unique and dearly loved.

SleepyShyCat OP November 7th, 2022


Aw, Ricky sounds like such fun and a good character 😸 do you know what breed he is? Certain breeds are known for their love of playing fetch as well as some other games, and kittens especially have so much energy and are great to play with!

Wildcats are great too, do you have a favourite?

SleepyShyCat OP November 7th, 2022


Hi elliot! What an adorable kitty 🥺 elliot looks just like my friends cat, but extra fluffy!

November 18th, 2022


Where is Elliot's favourite place to chill?

Elliot seems so comfortable. 😍

mytwistedsoul November 17th, 2022


November 18th, 2022



ratskull November 17th, 2022

my aunties kitten ♥️♥️

EmbStitcher33 November 20th, 2022

How I've been feeling lately.... hiding.png

BlueSkies1021 November 21st, 2022


I don't have cats :( but oh my god please know that this adorable gif literally just made my day I love it so much it's so cute I just want to squish it ahhhhh <3<3<3

SleepyShyCat OP November 23rd, 2022


Aw I'm glad you like it - I find it equally adorable and want to squish too! 🥺😺

SleepyShyCat OP November 23rd, 2022

What do I think about on Wednesday evenings? Clouded Leopards. Look how incredibly beautiful they are!! 🐆🐆


mytwistedsoul November 23rd, 2022

@SleepyShyCat So beautiful!

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


Yes! 😺

Some fun facts - clouded leopards are not actually a 'type' of leopard like their name implies. They are a separate species of wild cat (just how snow leopards are also not actually leopards 😮)

They are excellent tree climbers and can even hang upside down beneath large branches, using their large paws & claws to secure a good grip, and can climb down trees head-first. Their long tail (61-91cm) helps them balance while climbing 🐆

mytwistedsoul November 28th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat That's so cool! I would've have never guessed they weren't part of the leopard family. They look so cuddly and they have such sweet faces. I'm sure they're probably not that cuddly in the wild 😅

Wow they must have some really powerful muscles to be able to hang upside down. Pretty sharp claws too 😬

SleepyShyCat OP November 30th, 2022


Leopards and clouded Leopards are both in the 'Felidae' family, but so are all the cats. Their closest link is sharing a similar name tbh 😆

Clouded Leopards are in fact suggested to be the closest living relative to the saber tooth cat! They have the longest canine teeth proportionally found in modern felines 😮

And then snow leopards are closer related to tigers than they are leopards 🐯

You also have the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) which is also not related to a leopard (Panthera pardus). They're very tiny and are where we get bengal cats from! The Bengal cat is a domesticated cat breed created from a hybrid of the Asian leopard cat with domestic cats 🐈

Here's a picture of an Asian leopard cat for you:


And a bengal cat:


mytwistedsoul December 1st, 2022

@SleepyShyCat You had me at sabre tooth lol! 😁 Now I want one. Its amazing if you think about how many different kinds of cats there are and they all have something that it so unique to them and their breed ❤️

Swagg13z November 23rd, 2022


Kitty for your precious heart. _1669237888.24D8B22B-5FF0-479C-BAA5-20B487A42F65.jpeg

SleepyShyCat OP November 23rd, 2022


Awww 🥺🥺 adorable pfp too 😺


Swagg13z November 23rd, 2022


thank you <33

Enthenia November 24th, 2022

Here is one of my friends who passed earlier this year. His name was Pepsi. He was thirteen years old.

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


Aw, Pepsi looks like he was just the sweetest 🥺 grey cats are beautiful 💛

Enthenia November 29th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat He was. I wasn't expecting him to go when he did. I have one critter left now. I just had to find a picture of her. This is Charlotte. She's fourteen._1669683587.91915072_10157563493215376_7904016920280563712_n.jpg

SleepyShyCat OP November 30th, 2022


It's always so sad when they do go :( I lost my Charlie earlier than I expected as well. Charlotte looks like a fine lady 😸

jesus88 November 24th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat _1669254575.316683837_1076200326386266_3520321426975315293_n.jpgi have been waiting for this my whole life!

this is Aya(left) and JoJo(right)

they are both rescues and best friends. We got them separately and Aya did not like him at first but they are now inseparable.

Aya is my boyfriend's cat and he had her before we started dating, but we rescued JoJo together exactly two months ago today! We also have a dog but I'll save her for a dog thread :) i love them all so much, they're my big cute fluffy family. <3

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


You have two gorgeous cats there! Aya and jojo are adorable 😸 Aya looks just like a cat I know called Mango. Orange cats always have the best personality 🧡

JustMeUwU November 27th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat I love catsssss! When I have my own apartment, I’ll have lots of cats and dogs (another autistic person here:)

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


That sounds like a great plan! I want to eventually have lots of cats when I move out, or foster cats 😺

Animals are definitely far easier (and more enjoyable 90% of the time) to be around in my opinion


JustMeUwU November 27th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat you don’t have to make eye contact:)

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


Nope, and no hidden meanings. I do always make sure to slow blink at my cat though to make sure he knows I love him lots 😺

Vivikun9 November 27th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat So I have 2 black cats Yuri and Yuki (there are same age siblings) they are the cutest cats ever!! Both have different personalities. Like Yuki is like "im picky" and Yuri is like "im here". I have pics of then and they have my best support animals ever.





SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


Aww, I agree with you, yuri and yuki cutest cats ever!! 😺

Zevia1MM November 27th, 2022


Alashfaksldjfhfdh cats are one of my special interests as well, and I love them more then life itself. In fact, throughout my life time I've owned 48 cats, and have seen at least 7 litters of kittens.

Anywho without further adieu, here's Titan my baby precious

_1669567680.Titan (1).jpg

_1669567742.fault (1).jpg

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_1669567856.full grown (1).jpg

Aaaand some fun-facts [although some of these are more like observations]

-Although they don't start walking at four weeks kittens appear to develop motor skills earlier, and start copying adult cat sleeping positions [***. curling up, laying on their back] and making attempts to groom themselves from late into their first week, and throughout their second week. They also seem to gain awareness of what's around them, and may even respond to the presence of a human [likely because that's around the time they open their eyes and ears]

-A cats purr is at a similar octave to that of a human baby

-Cats have distinctive meows for different occasions, and you'll notice each meow has a different tone. Some meows have a loud demanding tone, some have a tone that's almost like a kittens meow and may raise to a higher octave

-Most black cats aren't actually solid black. They may have dark brown patches of fur [that can usually be seen in sunlight], or paw pads that are a shade of black closer to a dark grey then actual black

-Cat's don't just have facial whiskers on their cheekpads, above their eyes, and on their chin, they also have whiskers on the back of their lower front legs

-Cat's aren't exactly nocturnal, they also hunt during the early hours of the morning, late evening [roughly around 6:00 to 7:00] and during the early hours of twilight

SleepyShyCat OP November 27th, 2022


"Alashfaksldjfhfdh" is exactly how I feel when I get excited over cats lol 😸

Titan is just the cutest little floof, and wow, so many cats you've had over the years!!

I LOVE cat facts, thank you for sharing! Here are some more for you:

🐈Like you said black cats are often not entirely black (only specific breeds are), this is because solid-colored cats, such as black cats, result from a recessive gene that suppresses the tabby pattern. When the tabby pattern is not completely suppressed, faint markings may appear in certain lights!

🐈Additionally, black cats can "rust" in sunlight! Their coat can turn a lighter brownish-red shade due to the fragile nature of Eumelanin, the pigment that is required to produce the black fur. The rusting effect can be even more pronounced in cats that frequently spend time lounging in the sun.

🐈Cats are crepuscular, which means they are most active at dawn and dusk.

🐈Cats only meow as a way to communicate with humans (communication between cats is different). And cats can recognize your voice, so yes, they are just ignoring you when you think they are lol

🐈Cats can move both ears separately, and about 180 degrees around and have 32 muscles in each ear

🐈Cat's spine is so flexible because it's made up of 53 loosely fitting vertebrae. Humans only have 34.

Thanks for your post! 🧡

Achgreat November 28th, 2022

@SleepyShyCat _1669646045.IMG-20211127-WA0057.jpg

Achgreat November 28th, 2022

@Achgreat A cat with an attitude ( Lion king)

SleepyShyCat OP November 30th, 2022


Aw, such a beautiful cat

worryBear November 28th, 2022

Joining the party late