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Painted lady butterflies

SomebodySpicy13 September 1st, 2023

Hi everyone!

I recently bought a butterfly growing kit from insect lore! It comes with every you need to raise 5 caterpillars into painted lady butterflies 😊

I will be posting regular updates here if anyone would like to follow along the journey

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 11th, 2023


Ooh I like these ideas 🥰 I agree the first one to become a crysilis needs a fast name

oliveTree4069 September 12th, 2023

I think you should name one Florentine meaning “blossoming” in French for one of the butterflies who had the most interesting growth (whether it took longer, or how long it took to form their chrysalis, and where they formed their chrysalis.) if you can’t decide which was the most interesting out of them all, then just choose a butterfly that catches your eye when you think of Florentine :)

MistyMagic September 12th, 2023

@oliveTree4069 That is a beautiful name!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 12th, 2023

Day 12

It's moving day! Today the caterpillars have moved into their hatching habitat


You know what that means? It's also naming day! As the crysilis won't move until they now emerge as butterflies. I am a little concerned over the ones on the napkin but I hope they'll be okay

So there are 5 to name, I have labelled them in order of when they turned into crysilis



I will announce the official names either later today, or in tomorrow's post. Have fun naming them!

oliveTree4069 September 14th, 2023

Super excited!! I’m sure they will all make it out of this process just fine!😊

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 14th, 2023

Naming time!

Hello everyone it is time to name the caterpillars/butterflies!

We have 5 to name and I will post pictures of them again just as a reminder



Please comment the number and name suggestion below 🥰

Tagging people who showed interest in wanting to help name them @oliveTree4069 @MistyMagic @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @trueconfidant123

oliveTree4069 September 15th, 2023

#3 seems like they would be a good Florentine :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 17th, 2023

@SomebodySpicy13 Ooh yayy I have 4 suggestions hehe, Blossom, Lea, Buttercup xD, Iris. Pick any! 😮

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 16th, 2023

Hi friends sorry for the lack of updates I've been having technical issues and dealing with stuff. But anyways...

We now have 3 butterflies! I unfortunately missed them hatching out of the crysilis due to being in a meeting but my sister saw it happen

I will include some pictures and videos below. The red you can see isn't blood, insect blood is yellow, it's stuff called meconium, the left over stuff from metamorphosis. I'll try to keep it out of photos and videos in future



Click here to see butterfly hatching!

Unfortunately I have no idea in what order they hatched as I say I did miss it

littleTown111 September 16th, 2023

Butterflies are beautiful@SomebodySpicy13

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 17th, 2023

Day 17 (I think, I lost count of the days 😂)

So I went to go over to look at the butterflies and thought I was going crazy as I saw 4 butterflies instead of 3 in the habitat

I got my mum to come over and have a look and low and behold another butterfly had just hatched out!

(It's very difficult to get a picture through the mesh, my apologies)

All the butterflies are doing well and are stretching their wings and eating from the orange I placed in the habitat.

Unfortunately the curled up cocoon that I affectionately named curly boi didn't make it



oliveTree4069 September 17th, 2023

So sorry to hear that curly boi didn’t make it :( but I’m so happy to hear that the other butterflies are doing so well!😊

MistyMagic September 17th, 2023

@SomebodySpicy13 Thanks for keeping us updated RIP Curly Boi will you bury them under a nice butterfly bush, is that possible would hate to think of them flushed away after they were such an important part of the team :)

Listening - One Step At A Time!

MistyMagic September 17th, 2023

@SomebodySpicy13 When will you release them? And where? Its getting wet and colder here not sure about your weather.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 17th, 2023


Curly boi can be buried outside so he won't just be flushed or thrown away. I can release them on Thursday so long as the temperature is above 12 degrees and it's not raining

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 18th, 2023

Day 18

The butterflies are all stretching their wings and practicing flying now, it's so cute to see them trying to fly

It won't be long until they are ready to be released outside, I sure will miss them :(

You may have noticed one of the butterflies is smaller than the others and has a slightly mishapen wing, she has been called nemo


The other girl (you can tell the gender by the shape of their abdomens, girls are more rounded than boys) we will name Florentine, and the two boys will be called Pickle (as one got a bit stuck) and the other will be Speedy

lonely8282jenefa September 19th, 2023

Wow where can I order one?

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 19th, 2023


Hi, I got these butterflies from Insect Lore, if you type that into any search engine you should be able to find these 🥰

lonely8282jenefa September 20th, 2023

Thanks so much!

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 21st, 2023

Day 21 - Release day 😁🦋

The day has come, my friends, to release the butterflies!

They are all strong and can fly about now so it is time to take them outside to be released





Once the habitat was opened, one of the butterflies flew straight out raring to go and took off up my yard

The other three chose to hang around a little bit to stretch their wings and warm up before taking flight

One was hanging out on my sister's hand sunning out his wings for a few minutes before he too flew away...

Don't worry, they haven't gone too far away, they are still fluttering around my yard with all the plants and flowers.

So, thankyou dear friends for allowing me to share this with you and for coming along on the journey with me. This won't be the last you see of me ☺️

MistyMagic September 21st, 2023

@SomebodySpicy13 Fly safe beautiful butterflies! And thank-you for taking the time and energy to post all these beautiful pictures and keeping us updated too 💖

Listening - One Step At A Time!

SomebodySpicy13 OP September 21st, 2023


You are very welcome. It's been a pleasure getting to share this with you all 🥰

oliveTree4069 September 21st, 2023

So beautiful and thank you so much for sharing their journey with us!😊