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Foster kittens

ShellyZz March 29th


ShellyZz OP March 29th

Been bottle feeding these little ones.  I got them and mama.  I was told there were four but I only got three.  So watching them closely and making sure they get fed enough.  Mama wasn't feeding them so I had to, but today I got her feeding them again.

Zevia1MM March 29th


Oh my gosh they are such precious little babiesss <3333

MistyMagic March 29th

@ShellyZz Oh how sweet, good luck, that is a tough job to raise kitties, well done on getting Mama feeding them again, I look forward to updates!

Oh and I removed the duplicate, you can always pm me or flag the post and a mod will pop in.


Listening - One Step At A Time! - Written with no AI!

ShellyZz OP March 29th

@MistyMagic Okay thank you!



awww how cute. How old are they

ShellyZz OP March 30th

@Heartsandrosesandpaws  1 to 2 weeks old.  Their eyes are just starting to open today!

ShellyZz OP March 30th

@ShellyZz Mama was cuddling with them!  She threw her food around again.  The little grey wobbles to me everytime I check on them.20240330-125349_1711843032.jpg

daydreammemories March 31st



PugNinja March 31st

@ShellyZz cuuuutiees

ShellyZz OP April 8th
