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What was your favorite moment about today?

GalaxyWeaver June 22nd, 2015

What was your favorite moment about today?

You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!

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kindofblue January 27th, 2016

i walked outside and it was sunny and warm!

futurerelevance January 28th, 2016

@kindofblue Lucky - it's cold up here in Canada :/

IloveTea January 27th, 2016

I went out into the community today.

futurerelevance January 28th, 2016

@IloveTea Way to go <3

niceNickel4218 January 27th, 2016

I actually participated in class today, and even though my voice was probably shaky, I didn't faint, die, or explode. Progress.

TheMad January 28th, 2016


Wow that is massive progress so proud of you!

Jennalovely2 January 27th, 2016

Today I went out to eat :)

January 27th, 2016

My favourite part of the day was waking up to find that I've been awarded a new badge on 7cups! And of course when a member thanks you so much for your help and says such kind word that you almost want to cry tears of joy over how useful you feel in that one spectacular moment. It's that moment that we look forward to ... that's the sunrise after a dark and stormy night .

Softball900 January 28th, 2016

Hmm... I get to spend time and study with my best friend! :D

Garbo13 January 28th, 2016

Today I finished a 4 month personal project that was complex, harrowing, and took up most of my time. Im impressed at my tenacity and feel like I did the right thing.

Elle22 January 28th, 2016

I got to help a renowned artist with an installation piece :)

astuteScorpius January 28th, 2016

My morning cuddle before work with my wife <3 and our girlfriend's nice big hug

Saltedbythesea January 28th, 2016

Started reading a great book after finally deciding to stop reading a negative one (Blood Meridian)!

PoliteOcean January 28th, 2016

Any moment I spend time with Family is my "favorite" moment. Today was my Husband's birthday, so we celebrated with Good Food, Good Cheesecake, and some good Movies. Along wth our beautiful, funny little puppy.~

HelloWorldNiceToMeetYouGoodBye January 28th, 2016

I finished my exams for this semester! I also got to hang out with my best friend (who I have a HUGE crush on) :)

futurerelevance January 28th, 2016

I was nominated for an award at school today. I didn't win, but it felt so good that someone care about me enough to nominate me. :D

panthergirl7 January 28th, 2016

My favorite moment(s) is that I was able to take a nap and then get involved in helping out around the house with no sign of anxiety. (For a change!)

xx3mber5kyxx January 28th, 2016

My favorite moment of today was when my friend Skype called me to wake me up from my nap and told me jokes to help me feel better :3 They do this for me every day when I don't sleep the night before or have 12 hours of classes :P

1Sunny January 28th, 2016

Whut abut sleeping

TheMad January 28th, 2016

My favorite part of the day is when I was meditating on the bus on the way to work. my mind was quiet, calm and relaxed. I felt so at peace. Like a huge relief off my mind. It was a good break from all the negative thoughts and chatter. smiley

RainbowsPaintHope101415 January 28th, 2016

I started a new loom knitting project for a craft swap I have coming up. One of my biggest struggles is that I get overwhelmed by patterns easily.

Today I picked a written pattern and followed it to start the project. It showed me how far I had come and how far I can go if I just take a chance

Hunza January 28th, 2016

My favourite moment today was waking up feeling happy and blessed to have and be what I wanted in life; sharing laughter and love among my family! :)

impartialTree3773 January 28th, 2016

Starting art class.

Ellejae18 January 28th, 2016

My coworkers curled my hair today, and it looked great! They are great coworkers.

2genpoet January 28th, 2016


you look great in curls:)

courteousMelon3016 January 28th, 2016

My 3 year old nephew visited me.and he is so adorable.for the first time in last few months i felt loved by someone.:)

2genpoet January 28th, 2016


i am sorry you have so little love in your life


i am here if you ever want to talk

courteousMelon3016 January 28th, 2016

@2genpoet thanks dear..and that is the reason y i joined 7cups

MS0795 January 28th, 2016

My favorite thing about today was that he could control his anger at least a little bit, and then he apologized about his behavior. He realized that it was better to ask first if he didn't understand something that I said, than just make wrong assumptions that would make him mad. I know it's difficult for him to manage his anger and think rationally when he's feeling like that. It makes me happy that he's really making and effort because he care about what we have and doesn't want to ruin it.

I also spoke my mind without hesitation. I didn't cry or blamed myself for the argument that we had. I'm trying to be more confident and I think I'm progressing at least a little.

cinnamontoast666 January 28th, 2016

My favorite thing about today was.. I can feel myself coming out of this big depression slump I've been in for the past almost 2 weeks. I took some time to journal (a new coping skill I was recommended to by someone else on this site), and it surprisingly helped a lot to be able to purge all the negative thoughts and feelings without fear of being judged. I just hope this feeling lasts...

TheForce19 January 28th, 2016

My favorite thing of today is being able to go see my mother smile and laugh, and hear it as well. She's been so worried about my health and see/hear her laugh is great.

dishathebest January 28th, 2016

I feel confident enough to try for what i want, gaining sudden confidence and gratitude towards my parents, sisters and my love heart

louislittlewhitelies January 28th, 2016

i went te entire day pretty happy aside from in the morning and my brain didn't yell at me to do stupid things it was great.

DancingAlong January 28th, 2016

Getting into bed knowing my lunch was packed, clothes were set out, coffee was ready to start, and homework was done.

caringIceCream67 January 28th, 2016

i helped this small baby to cross the road... :D and she smiled at me.... :D

KateIsabella January 28th, 2016

Today I played my ukulele and sang for the old folks in the rest home. Their smiles and joy really brightened my day :)

Garbo13 January 28th, 2016

I finished the last part of a personal project that has been consuming me these past four months. I am very content with all my hard work and I know that my efforts will bear fruit. This was the most important work I have ever done, it felt more like a mission. I am VERY glad that it's okay, because I really need the rest. yes

joyfulPresence92 January 28th, 2016

My favorite moment of today was when I was taking care of an elderly patient who was in pain and I was holding her hand for comfort. I'm glad I had an impact on the patient today.

Blueberree January 28th, 2016

I started my first day of school today terrified but excited I get to finally do well with my life. It's hard work though.

aparnakher January 28th, 2016

I turned on the music channel and danced. It was a very happy moment for me. I could feel joy, inner peace and self-love. It was really great. This was my favourite moment about today.