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What was your favorite moment about today?

GalaxyWeaver June 22nd, 2015

What was your favorite moment about today?

You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!

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phill1795 June 2nd, 2016

Seeing a hot girl on my morning walk

Kprincess June 2nd, 2016

Nothing, I cried like always

silkandwater June 2nd, 2016

@GalaxyWeaver Talking to my grandma for a bit.

condemnedself June 2nd, 2016

I bought myself a chocolate treat.

OneForSorrow June 2nd, 2016

Drinking coffee with a cinnamon roll in the sun after going to the movies

FullOfCuriousity June 2nd, 2016

Writing thank you letters to people who been bringing food to the shelter for us and the families here with me and being able to compromise with my case manager to get some things accomplished.

Summerbreezes June 2nd, 2016

I didn't really have one. I tried not to self harm but it's been such a rough day for me. I feel like I'm drowning

GazerLyla June 2nd, 2016

I finally had a great conversation with my ex...I missed our friendly conversations about the most random things.

Shiftytrucky1214 June 2nd, 2016

My favorite part about today was blowing bubbles while and congested traffic making someone else smile.

Sister3 June 2nd, 2016

Saying "Thank you" and other words of appreciation to someone who cares.

johelps June 2nd, 2016


humorousPineapple254 June 2nd, 2016

This morning I felt normal and forgot about my problems.

justanotherbean June 2nd, 2016

I worked out in the gym, and I actually felt like I was helping make my body healthy. It was great.

VivianaMorales June 2nd, 2016

my favorite moment today was letting my cat neighbors come in during the rain and see them play with my own cat.

brightLychee579 June 2nd, 2016

My favorite part of today was coming home to my mom eating lunch with her and taking a very long nap

SlothySloth June 2nd, 2016

My favorite moment from today was finding a clever way to soothe my screaming newborn. He's starting to teethe a bit and he was hungry but we were in a car and I couldn't nurse him. I had some ice left in my cup from pulling through CFA and I let him taste it. Then I was scared and didn't really trust myself holding this slippery little piece of ice and worried he'd choke on it. Well his with his pacifier, the nipple goes in and leaves a gap on the outside you can stick your finger through, so I gently nestled the small Ice piece into the opening of his pacifier and let it stay there to cool his mouth. He loved it and finally stopped screaming after 15 mins of me trying to calm him down.

findingmyrevival June 2nd, 2016

Today I got to play with my favorite pup at the dog shelter.

sensibleCity1639 June 2nd, 2016

@findingmyrevival that's such a lovely thing to do. I'm so jealous! Do you volunteer at the dogs shelter?

dankielle June 2nd, 2016

My favorite part of today was receiving multiple packages in the mail, items I had ordered to reward myself.

Annealed June 2nd, 2016

I realized that I was feeling better because I had resumed my self care!

TheBoxingGoldfish June 2nd, 2016

@Annealed That's the spirit Annealed! :D Good job in taking care of your needs! (virtual fistbump)

graciebbygurl12 June 2nd, 2016

@GalaxyWeaver my fav part of today was getting a bf who cares about the things i do and whos always there for me

WingedDame June 2nd, 2016


dokpapt June 2nd, 2016

My favorite moment about today was learning yet another coping skill from my therapist.

juddskittycat June 2nd, 2016

Finding out that Little Juddy can come home for the first time in Sunday

Gear June 2nd, 2016

Seeing someone I care about finally smile

xdeathnotex June 2nd, 2016

i made a new friend today. she talked to me about a few of the issues she was having and i supported her. her mother had promised her that she would put her back in counseling, but that hasn't happened in almost a year! i recommended her to 7 cups because i feel that it is a great place to talk about your feelings and feel that people actually care.

i am so glad that i was able to have such a positive impact on her and it made my day a whole lot better.

saywhatt June 2nd, 2016

I finally did something noticeable and praise worthy at work. I'm not a ghost anymore!

eskie June 2nd, 2016

When I felt like I could do it! yes

lavenderBirch7546 June 2nd, 2016

My favourite moment was eating my favourite food with my younger sister early this morning :)

lavenderBirch7546 June 2nd, 2016

My favourite moment was eating my favourite food with my younger sister early this morning :)

Geecat June 2nd, 2016

I spent all day with my s/o. every second of being at his side. dancing with him, banter with his friends while we worked (painting his mom's new house) every casual glance and 'I love you' in front of his friends - everything he did to make sure he knew he was still thinking about me/ wasn't too preocupied for me. Every song that came on that we've sung to together in my car. Every kiss and casual touch.... being so happy every second for hours.. not a common kind of day for me.

Smiles1010 June 2nd, 2016

My favorite moment was playing with my daughter today.

iremmakpinar June 2nd, 2016

I managed to take subway to home by myself today after 2 months of excessive panic attacks and anxiety. Yeah it was hard and fearful but I DID IT!

purpleSpring9321 June 13th, 2016

@iremmakpinar good for you!


Kadina June 2nd, 2016

My favorite moment was when my friend supported me

IntrovertedSpecies1 June 2nd, 2016

My favorite part of this day was getting peace offering from my boyfriend after work from our morning catfight cheeky

Kadina June 2nd, 2016

My favorite moment about today was when my friends all hugged me at once because I was crying

trusta June 2nd, 2016

I slept.....


Taking a dog for a walk :) .