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What was your favorite moment about today?

GalaxyWeaver June 22nd, 2015

What was your favorite moment about today?

You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!

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Ilovelife2 November 4th, 2016


BlueRoseAoiBara November 4th, 2016

The best moment about today is checking in at a resort for a short trip

NightDreamWhisperer92 November 4th, 2016

oh well, I "ate" an uppercut on the jaw and managed to both survive it and stand my ground

MovingForward23 November 4th, 2016

I had dinner with my sister yesterday, we really enjoyed each other's company (and that wasn't always easy)

RideaRainbow November 4th, 2016

Quality time with my daddy dearest .

Aashilights November 4th, 2016

When my boss told me that I am going be a good qual researcher!

Kaijad3 November 4th, 2016

Figuring out a ride to get from college to home so I can surprise my mom

strongernow1234 November 4th, 2016

Nine-Tenth of your mind is in Darkness!!!!

We have to make our unconcious full of light.No nook and corner shouldbeleft without light inside you,Only one-Tenth of our mind is concious,nine-tenth is in darkness ,deep darkness.We are like an iceberg:one-tenth shos up,nine-tenth is hidden underneath-and that nine-tenth is nine times more powerful.

So you may decide something,but you will not be able to follow it;that nine-teths will destroy it any moment.You may decice to get up tomorrow at five o' clock ,but this decision is only by the one-tenth of your mind.your ninth-tenths of the mind is unaware of your decision,absolutely unaware of your decision.So when in the early morning the alarm goes ,nine-tenths of the mind says "what's the hurry? And it is so beautiful and so cosy and warm.Tomorrow we can meditate".And of course,the tomorrow never comes.And when you wake up you feel guilty-but this is not the mind that stopped you from waking up which is feeling guilty.

And this goes on your whole life,this hide-and-seek.One part decides,another part cancels,And the part that cancels is nine times more powerful.You have decided many times not to be angry again,but all your decisions are impotent because that nine times more powerful unconcious is always there and it won't allow the one-tenth to take possession,to be powerful.

Hence the transformation needs a totally different approach.You have to change your unconcious slowly into conciousness.That's what meditation is all about:it is making your light grow bigger,spreading it deeper,slowly driving deeper into your own being.

As more of your unconcious is reclaimed by the conciousness your decisions will start becoming great fulfilments.Real religion-of the Buddhas,the awakened ones-teaches you conciousness,not character:character is a by-product;when you are concious,character comes of its own accord.Ordinary Religion teaches you conciousness,not conscience.

If you can sit silently doing nothing,the spring is not far away,the spring is bound to come.It always comes in silence....when you know how to delight inyour aloneness because onlythe you are Independent.

People are happy with others,but this happiness is dependent;it can be taken away.It will be Taken Away,it is bound to disappear.It can't be permanent,it is momentary.

All happiness that is dependent on others is bound to disappear sooner or later.It is temporary,momentary,it is illusory.Only that joy is yours which wells up within your own being.There are very few people who enjoy their own company.

It is our very nature to be joyous;hence there is no need to depend on anybody else.There is no other motive in it,it is simply there.Just as the water flow downwards,your being rises upwards.Just give it a chance-give it Solitude.And remember again,solitude is not solitariness,just as aloneness is not lonliness.

Thank You:)

joyfulPomegranate52 November 4th, 2016

Attending a special needs "prom" and making people smile by simply serving them a delicious meal :)

UnicornTash3 November 4th, 2016

Helping someone and making them feel good :)

shannondrinkstea123 November 4th, 2016

in my forensic science class today, we set fibers on fire to see how they burned

Ilovelife2 November 4th, 2016

Today I have no good moments my 2 best friends

One is not talking to me

And the other one is sick and not doing very well

starrySunshine87 November 5th, 2016

I was able to help someone. Even if it was just being there and offering support.

Tuesmonessentiel November 5th, 2016

I have rehearsal every Monday and Friday and today the kids I'm directing were all super well behaved. The best part was when my Best friend and SM brought in her puppy and she just ran around and played with the kids. It really put a smile on everyone's faces

IoanaAdriana November 5th, 2016

Had the first mentoring (I'm also a youth mentor with a local youth counselling service) and it was so rewarding to see my mentee smiling and happy! smiley

Placidspirit November 5th, 2016

My first cup of coffee!

SeekerOfHappiness01 November 5th, 2016

It hasn't happened yet, but I'm going to a bonfire with my best friend!!!! I can't wait laugh

RideaRainbow November 5th, 2016

Had a disturbing moment when someone was very rude ,

am so happy to share I didn't lose my cool or temper

and communicated very tactfully and calmly with the person

and he realized his mistake and apologized profusely !!!

November 5th, 2016

Growing in my active listening potential and skills. Striving for self improvement and aiming to help obvious

November 5th, 2016


ListeningBunny22 November 6th, 2016

Got to be with lots of friends I hadn't seen over a while... Things become amazing after a while don't they... #God#Family#Friends 💛

Arabella29 November 6th, 2016

best part of the day is hwen i walk hoiem from school and see this amazing view of the sky. it's a different scene no matter what time of the day. It makes me realize that some people are so busy surviving life that they forget how to live the best life they only have. They are so worked uup about everything that they go numb towards the little things that needs to be appreciated. They forget to see the beauty in everything.

loveandpizza November 6th, 2016

I got to talk to my mom who I haven't talked to in a few days. We were able to reflect on our lives and share how we were experiencing and feeling the same things, even though we are many years apart in age. It reminded me of how similar and close we are and that everyone is dealing with the same struggles in life.

peachy2015 November 6th, 2016

I did volunteer work and went to lunch with my great friend. 💕

PoliteOcean November 6th, 2016

Spending much needed time with my Son! Its been a long time, and it feels great.

missellencat November 6th, 2016

Finding a wristband and photo I've been wanting included for free in a package of things I bought from a friend through a facebook group.

jr50 November 6th, 2016

My favorite moment about yesterday was when I had a wonderful conversation with an awesome listener, up until that point I was pretty low and starting to let anxiety take over, because I was tired of the struggle of just day to day life, but wow, enjoyed having someone understand me and show me kindness, I haven't felt ok in about a week, it's early am and I am dreading tomorrow, fear of the unknown, my husband hasn't a knowledged me in about 4 days, I am trying to learn, I need to be not dependant on that relationship, it has never been stable, he has issues like , I rule the roost and I make all decisions and somethings aren't your business, like phone calls he receives, I am at a loss for what the long term outcome will be, I just know for now I have to take care of my kids and act indifferent to his manipulative behavior, is hard I have no family or friends, and not sure how long we will be able to live here, money is a major issue and because I am a stay at home mom, his solution, you go get a job! I won't be bullied into that, I already have a full time job, doing everything around the house, and be taxi driver to the children, we don't have washer or dryer, so 2-3 times a week, I am at the laundry mat, I cook dinner pretty much most nights, I hate conflict, so my first instinct is too just suck up my own feelings and cave to his issues, well I won't any more, he can ignore me all he wants, interesting today ,he usually gets home by 8:20: from work, today was 9:10 , comes in speaks to children and not a word to me then pried info from the children on what we did today, and they willingly tell, I wanna scream, I am sitting right in the same room, I have no idea what ever attracted me to him!

AmysPractice November 6th, 2016

Hi everyone!

I had a lovely day today... i signed up to be a listener! yay! :)

I hope you all had a great day too!

Ordinarypeoplestory November 6th, 2016

Sunday morning, just laying in bed , no stress :)

ReggaanCoy November 6th, 2016

When I finally got the chance to go to bed 🤗🤗🤗

SerenaElysium November 6th, 2016

The best part of the day today was studying in the perfect tempo for learning. got a lot done today ☺

softJoy55 November 6th, 2016

Had a cup of coffee and a following green tea ice cream

redaudrey November 6th, 2016

I got to ate delicious food and had a good laugh with my friends :)

peacefullittlekoala November 6th, 2016

My favourite moment today was when I finished the cake I spent pretty much 6 hours making... Hardet cake of my life tbh. It's for a friend's birthday,so it'll be totally worth it!

saraaaah November 6th, 2016

The best moment about yesterday was when my online friend called me and talked to me for 2 hours because I was feeling miserable. She really managed it to cheer me up

Bluewolf1229 November 6th, 2016

Nighttime.. just me and the world

pacifiedVoid November 6th, 2016

I got to spend most of today with my girlfriend, and we had a really relaxing time.

readman November 7th, 2016

--I saw the chapter 8 of

Jcharleenz November 7th, 2016

When I finally signed up to be a listener! :D haha its nice in 7 cups!

Desibat1105 November 7th, 2016

When I am sitting on the couch with a good book and a strong cup of tea. My mind gets to relax.