What was your favorite moment about today?
What was your favorite moment about today?
You're completely welcome to share! If you just woke up or it's in the early afternoon for you, tell us about yesterday!
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taking a bath and painting after a long day of being sick
Conquerin to be Able to shower even tho its really windy and cold
Coffee and clean dishes. (What? Im a dishwasher.)
i enjoyed the fact that my housemate came home drunk just now and he asked me to come sit with him and watch and listen to his drunk jibberish for a while because he felt sad because of a girl.
Today, I thought there was going to be a lot of work due, and I wasn't ready for it. I was surprised to find out there wasn't any work missing, and I have work done ahead of time. I was happy and smiling all day. (:
Today my brother& I went through @eruptings post on Ig& laughed together for about a hour straight.
Finding out that the only thing wrong with my car is that the key fob needed a new battery!! Yay!!!
Having an hour long conversation with my best friend <3
My favorite moment today was sending gifts to my nephew and my best friend. It made me feel better about the stuff thats been going wrong for me lately to know ill be able to put smiles on their faces, even if its just for a day.
Eating cake