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What's your most recent achievement?

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia February 2nd, 2016

Have you achieved a goal recently? You rock! Tell us all about it!

User Profile: SamanthaLikesHats
SamanthaLikesHats January 24th, 2017

Getting inspiration/motivation to not self harm :)

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@SamanthaLikesHats - I'm so happy to hear it! What helped?

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User Profile: fullpower11
fullpower11 January 24th, 2017

I wanted to be debt free with more to spare. In just four months I'm nearly there. It was hard, but I've made it this far.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@fullpower11 - That's incredible! Good for you for setting that goal and working so hard to get there!

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User Profile: xfightingrealityx
xfightingrealityx January 24th, 2017

Today I managed to walk into my new school and somewhat confidently talk to two of the dean's. Although I couldn't make eye contact with any of the students I still felt proud to be able to have a conversation without having an anxiety attack ☺

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@xfightingrealityx - That's a really impressive thing to do when it's so far outside your comfort zone. I'm really proud of you!

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User Profile: Inspirationorinsanity
Inspirationorinsanity January 24th, 2017

I found a stable place to live, and ended a 4 year relationship I was unhappy with that I had been to scared to live without.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@Inspirationorinsanity - WOW! That's a huge step to take and I'm so proud of you for doing it. Here's to great things to come!

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User Profile: PrincessBerry789
PrincessBerry789 January 24th, 2017

I was able to keep under control even if I am withdrawing from the antidepressants.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@PrincessBerry789 - Good for you, lovely!

User Profile: Jack
Jack January 29th, 2017


That's awesome. I'm proud of you!

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User Profile: quickwittedChestnut3283
quickwittedChestnut3283 January 24th, 2017

I began my birthday thinking no one I cared about would show up, began the festivities feeling the same way, only to find out so many people came to see me, then to be invited to a separate party because I was seen as important, in part for my birthday, in part because people just wanted me there. There are are always people out there who love and care about you, even the ones you wouldn't suspect. Stay strong. There is always someone who loves you, regardless of what your depression, anxiety, bpd, or other mental illness may tell you. Always stay strong. You are important to somebody. Endure.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@quickwittedChestnut3283 - I am so happy that you got to see all the love that surrounds you and feel so cared for! <3

User Profile: rozie
rozie January 28th, 2017

So glad it turned well for you @quickwittedChestnut3283and thank you for sharing your wise words... feel sure this will encourage others.

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User Profile: inattentiveBeing
inattentiveBeing January 24th, 2017

My most recent achievement has been taking the time to look up how to deal with criticism. I did the judgment motivation exercise and changing yourself meditation exercise and learned that I blamed my boyfriend for not being kinder so I can change myself. My problem is I'm scared of his criticism because I'm scared of not being good enough. I need to confront that issue and change myself instead of blaming him.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 28th, 2017

@inattentiveBeing - That's a big realization to come to and it sounds like a really impactful thing to learn about yourself. Good for you for looking within. Know that you are good enough, just as you are!

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User Profile: inattentiveBeing
inattentiveBeing January 28th, 2017

@Anomalia thank you so much

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User Profile: blueinspiration
blueinspiration January 26th, 2017

I have no idea

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User Profile: AmalieAnne
AmalieAnne January 26th, 2017

@blueinspiration You posted on here that is an achievement, a big one.

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User Profile: loyalDay5445
loyalDay5445 January 28th, 2017

Hi All,

I lost 11 lbs intentionally. Now for the next 9 and I will take myself on a trip!

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User Profile: rozie
rozie January 29th, 2017

Good for you loyalDay5445.. and all teh best in getting to the next goal and then the trip!

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User Profile: loyalDay5445
loyalDay5445 January 30th, 2017



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User Profile: Jack
Jack January 30th, 2017


Proud of you!

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User Profile: loyalDay5445
loyalDay5445 January 30th, 2017



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User Profile: awanderingsoul
awanderingsoul January 29th, 2017

Refocusing on simplicity - gratitude, positive thinking, and staying present versus focusing in the past. I don't want to focus on my past any longer, I want to enjoy and appreciate the blessings I have now.

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User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia OP January 30th, 2017

@Mahbuttitches82 - That's a huge decision and one that sounds like it will be really positive for you! I'm proud of you! :)

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