What's your most recent achievement?
Haven't self-harmed since... thuesday?
@EvilRegalsReadToo That's great! A big step in the right direction :) Stopping self-harm can be hard.
Proud of you!
@Jack Should be. I have self-harmed every day since thursday
My most recent achievement....................................................... I hate myself..... I have told no one... So they cannot judge me!
Making it to the end of the school year at my new job despite the fact I don't get onisght training and I'm stuck with doing something I haven't been taught on a daily basis, very frustrating. I do however get payed better. Also hanging on too my other job at the same time,, since I will need it over the summer.
It's so much of an achievement, but i've become more comfortable about people coming over It use to cause me a great amount of anxiety, even if it was my family members.
@imaginativeHuman5462 - that's fantastic! Congratulations! What was most helpful in overcoming that anxiety?
To be honest I don't really know it's just the last few times my sister and her husband have come over It didn't cause me that much anxiety.
@imaginativeHuman5462 I know how you feel.. had a hard time being comfortable too. Congrats!
I'm in this class that's worth college credit and the entire time has been a playful match between me and these 2 kids I've been competing with since gradeschool (Hunter and Spencer). Every project we'd bicker about who did better, tests were a neck and neck race to see who got even a single point more. The entire thing was blown out of proportion the entire time- but it's the end of the year.
Obviously we're all friends and it's in good fun, but I'm competitive and I wanted to gloat (more so than I already have with dancing along the hallway and -literally- rubbing the award in Spencer's face.
@beatrection Congrats!
My most recent achievement is that I passed my driving test. I'm was and still am to an extent scared of cars so that I managed to get over that and pass is a pretty give achievement for me.
Really proud of you!
@Jack thanks :)
@HatsEatYou What a milestone! Happy for you 🤗
I passed my boards and started my new job at the salon I wanted to work at. Now, to finish my his out at school, and then go back for my teaching license.
Good job! Keep it up
@Jack thank you!
congratz !!!!!!!!@dynamicMango3117
@dynamicMango3117 Great job! You got this!