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How did you spend your day?

barncat April 8th, 2020

I am an avid equestrian- not great but enjoy the challenge. Finally started riding my husband's new horse. Boy has he gotten herdbound. Realized he hates being separated from his buddies- WOW- just like us humans. When i take him away from his herd he does a left turn back to his friends. Not a right turn- a strong left turn. So i spent yesterday getting him comfortable leaving - and found out if I anticipate his anxiety- and block him with a right neck rein- better.

HOpe everyone finds something insightful each day during these challenging times.

faithlove1111 April 12th, 2020

@barncat . Oh Wow. Riding a horse sounds so liberating especially for all us who are living in towns or cities. I am also so pleased to hear how much care and kindness your horses are receiving from you. Have fun . Meanwhile, I shall enjoy talking to my plants in my little garden. I also usually say hi to the grasshopper that lives in my garden. laugh

lazyKatz April 13th, 2020


First I have to say wow I love that horse 😍. I did sneak out for a short period just to arrange anegg hunt for grandchildren and watched from a long distance. Returned home and watched a film.

lazyKatz April 13th, 2020

Cleaned the oven today.....boy was it dirty.

barncat OP April 18th, 2020

@lazyKatz-wow you did something most of us really put off- congats to you. I've been completely off center this past week- barely able to get out of bed to care for horses- major pity party for myself- I hope everyone is doing better than myself- each days drags so slowly. You are encouraging to hear about your days.

lazyKatz April 18th, 2020


Not doing that good ☹️ ... it's been down hill and duvet days since then.

barncat OP April 18th, 2020

@lazyKatz- if you mean duvet days means staying in bed- guess where I have spending my time!! Wish i could get my butt and body upright. This is awful- miss getting out so bad. Just cant motivate to take care of myself. I know it is bad bad to not do anything but....

barncat OP April 18th, 2020

at least i have taking care of the horses everyday- only thing that has some semblence of normalcy

lazyKatz April 18th, 2020


I'm my own worst enemy listening to the news constantly in the vain hope for some good news.

barncat OP April 18th, 2020

@lazyKatz- yep, i digressed into the online news search hoping for optimism

lazyKatz April 18th, 2020


When you reach the stage of not knowing who if anyone you can believe you truly do feel at a loss.

barncat OP April 18th, 2020

@lazyKatz- at least i know i can trust my family.

lazyKatz April 18th, 2020


Yes I feel exactly the same.

barncat OP April 22nd, 2020

spent the day contemplating retirement strategies- oh me oh my - headache coming on -

barncat OP April 22nd, 2020

@barncat- oh my what is wrong with my computer- help

GreyMirror April 22nd, 2020


Nothing wrong on your side, the tech team from the site messed up again, they will fix it soon...they forgot there are test environments before putting a development into production on the site...

They will fix their blunder soon😉😊🤗

barncat OP April 22nd, 2020

@GreyMirror- thank you- being part of these posts has been giving my life meaning during the covid

GreyMirror April 22nd, 2020

@barncat care for people as you care for your are a sensitive is in your heart even when you feel vulnerable...

It's going to be fine...

barncat OP April 24th, 2020

@GreyMirror- thank you for that response. Your words warmed my heart- I really miss being able to help others during this time of lockdown. Should explore options in my community. Hope you are doing well. Hugs.

lazyKatz April 24th, 2020


I spent my day day making some simple meals.....the only kind I'm capable of. I don't usually get any satisfaction from cooking but Curry's are so easy..... happy with my days achievements.

GreyMirror April 25th, 2020


I like Drew Pritchard and His childhood driver friend Tee, because they love tgeir curry

When traveling to France they were exercising their French:

What do you call Curry in French? Curry...

What do you call beer in French, biere...

That is good enough for me said Drew Pritchard...

barncat OP April 25th, 2020

in the vein of talking about food. i prepared a simple lunch yesterday and was able to feed myself- with leftovers for the next several days. but dinner last night was popcorn with a side of beer. Maybe today i'll have a more proper dinner. oh it is time for breakfast- and then go feed the horses. or is it feed the horses then eat. that is my usual routine. they always come first.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


Back in the day we had to be inventive with what we had so leftover reinveted meals were quite common so not to waste food.

When we had stale bread we invented "bread pizza", with all the pieces of stale bread laied on an oven tray, drenched in home made tomato juice and sprinkled with all the leftovers in the fridge😊.

barncat OP April 27th, 2020

@GreyMirror- my husband uses a lot of bread for sandwiches- i will have to make your pizza someday with the leftovers- love the creative idea. Growing up in a large family- didnt waste food.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


😉 it doesn't take much to have fun and live life...😶

lazyKatz April 26th, 2020

I normally fight the urge to have a day feeling sorry for myself..... Today the urge got the better of me. It was a case of bring out the tissues and comfort food.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


Somehow, these days are quite regular for me and I guess I make tissue companies quite a lot of money😶...

barncat OP April 27th, 2020

@lazyKatz- oh i spurlged on junk food last evening- went to store for first time in a while- how about potato chips and HagenDazz ice cream for dinner. Except didnt feel so energetic in the morning. what was i thinking.

lazyKatz April 27th, 2020

We do what we have to.

barncat OP April 27th, 2020

Moved the horses to the field yesterday- they have to line up next to the mounting block- I ride the middle horse and pony the other two horses. It can get to be a clusterf---k if one gets out of line and tries to eat grass on the way to the field. But they were good - so cute all standing there in a solemn lineup.

GreyMirror April 27th, 2020


They were waiting for that too...I feel happy for you...😊, you are blessed for having them.

barncat OP April 28th, 2020

must be having a lot of inner turmoil- no surprise. Rode Gus out by himself a little bit- had a scary return to the barn- he almost got away from me- found myself shaking from the post adrenaline rush.

lazyKatz April 29th, 2020

A great deal of uncertainty and shedding many tears. Then I realised it's time to try to take control...... I feel like shhit but hey I'm still alive

Summer899 April 30th, 2020

@lazyKatz I'm proud of you for taking control, you can do this!

barncat OP April 30th, 2020

@lazyKatz- heartened to hear you are realizing there are things we can control. Time to take charge of those aspects in our lives. WE need to tell ourselves this every day. ANd yes we are alive. Not everyone has survived this pandemic.

TiltedWindmill April 30th, 2020

@barncat Mostly in a pile of existential depression.

barncat OP April 30th, 2020

@TiltedWindmill- your comment inspired me to look up existential- "looking for the meaning of life" among other things- you hit the hammer on the head. Searching for the purpose and meaning of life- especially now in the covid crisis. Now we get to restructure our lives and look for new meaning.

barncat OP June 2nd, 2020

spent (or wasted) the morning reading posts on the forums- searching for conversations. so miss the casual interactions in my community. it is just not the same- and it is though i am a junkie looking for a fix. need my hugs fix- miss my smiles from other people fix. miss being able to drop in on neighbors homes for a tea fix. how is everyone else functioning in this wierd abnormal world of social distancing? or is it just me in withdrawal.

lazyKatz June 5th, 2020

Everyone copes the best way as they can..... In these times it's not so easy

barncat OP June 7th, 2020

The weekenders are up!!! Yeah- new faces to meet on the beach. And some wonderful engaging conversations - getting to know each other. It is uplifting to chat with other people. Have some possible opportunities to work with children and my horses again- simply have to find out how to "social distance" enlisting my geldings. Now- do I have to put a mask on my horses- ah that would be hilarious. Gus would want to eat anything near his mouth.

Goldcherry2113 June 7th, 2020

I spent most of the day out side enjoying nature.

I miss riding so much. That bond between horse and human. My friend and I were going to go but then everything is still closed. But it will happen again.