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Anyone Play D&D?

DalliFlower April 13th, 2020

I was jsut curious if anyone else here played- and I wanted to see who all I had in terms of talking about it, out of curiousity and, in one way, desperation.

ScienceMom86 May 4th, 2020


I have played for 23 years. I was thinking about trying D&D online, because of COVID.

Arilot May 6th, 2020

@DalliFlower I played dnd for years and also other table top games. My current favorite is the hero system.

luckstang7 May 21st, 2020

@DalliFlower I just started playing in January (fantastic timing, right!), after having been interested in it for years. I found out about Roll20 though a podcast, and it's been a lifesaver through this whole apocalypse thing. Met some great people and have been in some great games. It's not the same as being at a table and rolling real dice, but it's still better than no D&D.

DalliFlower OP June 9th, 2020

I myself started in January, lol- I had always wanted to get involved, but due to my inability to talk to people about things that interest me, and an unproductive boyfriend, it took me longer than I honestly think it should have, ahah-

pcseeya April 20th, 2020

@DalliFlower yes I have played but our group is broken up from the covid 19 stuff.

DalliFlower OP April 27th, 2020

@pcseey, I'm sorry to hear that! Most- if not all- of my groups are over Discord, so I dunno how that feels tbh, but I hope you all can get back together soon!

pioneeringGrapefruit7670 May 2nd, 2020

Used to play weekly šŸ˜ we had a fun few months, wishing we weren't split apart so we could continue our routine

resilientSky2187 May 2nd, 2020

I've only played once before, but I really loved it, and would love to do it again! I think I was a triton, but I didn't keep my character sheet.

XrosMega May 6th, 2020

Tried it out once, and have been hooked to it ever since, but sadly, I never had the chance to play again.

LuckyDucky79 May 21st, 2020

I've played d&d for 25 years. Sure it's escapism but I also love the social and cooperative aspect.

AlienTacos July 27th, 2021

Iā€™ve always wanted to play a proper game of D&D but my friends arenā€™t really interested in it so I never got the chance

meremuse August 3rd, 2021

I've played D&D for 25 years! I love it more for the roleplay and character development than the stats. My favorite characters I've played: A widdow middle-aged farmer who became a fighter A gnome druid who eventually retired and opened a health spa Currently playing a town guard who is becoming a detective. I started the character with Paul Blart, mallcop in mind. Slowly this character is proving to be more like Joe Friday from Dragnet. I'm having a blast

AmbivalentGrin March 9th, 2022

Hope this thread is still active. A lot of D&D vets here. I just started, I'm maybe 2 years in. Still getting the hang of roleplaying. Bard seems to be the most challenging so far, but it's fun all the same.

NarratorSojourner1983 May 4th, 2022

Yup! I was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons back in 1983. Iā€™ve never stopped playing. Lol! I still run weekly games both, face to face and on line. Let me know if you have any questions.

BlossomGirvan November 10th, 2023

Yes I play D&D and Pathfinder2e. I have been playing almost 2 years now