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PathStep 84 Compassion hearts683 Forum posts50 Forum upvotes39 Current upvotes39 Age GroupAdult Last activeMarch, 2021 Member sinceApril 14, 2020
I like Lego and long dystopian future novels. I like free roam video games and cats. I also like batman, black, and bear hugs! I have A.D.H.D and that makes me a little coo-coo with ideas. I believe that everyone should be supported no matter who they are except for people who are stopping someone else from being themselves.
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five and a half years of mental abuse
Trauma Support / by pcseeya
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May 6th, 2020
...See more the story: I lived for 6 months with one mentally abusive grandpa (and my non-abuseive family of four) at the age of six. I rember very little of this time exept for at one point holding a knife and considering suicide but stopping because I felt the primal urge to continue my bloodline with no emotion going behind it. my family then moved in with another grandma and mentally abusive grandpa for 5 years. my grandpa was a trucker and only came home on the weekends. he would take out all his anger on the people stuck with him and he would be set off by very little things. he would constantly force us to do about everything in the house. if we ever asked him to do any work he wouldn't do it. he took everything personaly. I like a little bit of disorder in my room because to me it's comfortable. my grandpa likes order so he always wanted me to clean my room. he was blind to all of his messes but always saw the smallest inperfection in our stuff and yell about it. he got a dog but he didn't take care of it. everyone else had to take care of the dog. he messed up our relationship so much I don't know if I would care if he died. now: we moved out and now I have low self esteem. my mom is how I am related to the 2nd grandpa and she has low self esteem. I am feeling much better now that we are out of there. thank you for reading.
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sorry about this question but I can't quite find what I'm looking for.
7 Cups Online Therapy / by pcseeya
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May 4th, 2020
...See more how do I find a listener by name? I know this isn't what should be asked here, but I couldn't find any tech support chatroom/commuinity/forum. again sorry about this question but I cant find a place for it.
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how to think about your A.D.(H).D
ADHD Support / by pcseeya
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May 7th, 2020
...See more if you think about your A.D.(H).D as part of you it can help you learn to control it. don't think of it as seperate thing. it is a asset not a hindrance. I'm saying this in hopes it helps others.
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