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Unfinished project supportery

sadcat13 May 16th

Hello everyone, welcome to the unfinished project supportery. Having hobbies often comes with a pile of unfinished projects, whether it is a knitting project, a garden makeover or a book you bought but never got to read.

What does this thread has to do with that?

You can:

- tell us about your unfinished project

- ask for support and motivation to make progress on your work

- show how your project progresses

- show the project you finished

- use this as your sign to go and work on a project you have been procrastinating on

Tagging my friends who may be interested 😊

@tinywhisper11 @schrodingerscattt @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @WeEarth @Georginahowe @kylersartpace



Woah! This is such a brilliant idea, Cat!🥳

Thank youu for tagging me. Would definitely share something when I remember to lol!😅

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou fair 😁 got inspired by my own pile of will do that later, one dress is celebrating it's 7th anniversary of unfinished pile landing so i banned myself from new projects until I finish some old ones first 😂


Hahaha I love this approach and woah, a dress? You are making it yourself?😮 Now I'm sending you extra speedy strength beams to work on it so you do finish it soon and share with us here. I wanna seeeee the dress!😄

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou yesssss. I'm currently experiencing a nasty cold, but I will show you once I feel better 😊


Aw hey Cat, missed this tag earlier smh! (': Yes please take all the time but hows you feeling now? I hope cold poofs super soon and may you feel better! Take careooo! Fresh apples for you!🍎🍎

sadcat13 OP May 25th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou thank you. *Eats apples 🍎🍏. Cold is gone but I don't feel on top today. Being heavily overwhelmed and overstimulated. How about you?


Aw I'm glad cold's gone. Some days be like that, mhm. (': What helps you cope with feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated? 

I'm doing okay, woke up a little while ago, just getting started for the day! It's the weekend hehe! Any plans?

sadcat13 OP May 26th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Glad you are doing well, and I hope the day will be nice for you 🌻 tbh nothing really at this type. I just need to make it to a free day somehow so I can sleep to my hearts content and have nothing to do as nothing I tried helped so far. So until then, well, may have slammed the door so hard it woke everyone up 😅 but hey, all of them have stuff to handle so at least they get it done now and won't have to do it in the afternoon... Any tips for dealing with ADHD overwhelm rage welcome. As for plans, just going to work in a moment so no rest today either...

WeEarth May 16th


Thank you Cat, I loved this idea! 💓

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@WeEarth 😊

Tinywhisper11 May 16th

@sadcat13 great idea ❤❤ but I haven't really done any art and crafts since xmas really. I'm lacking motivation. I do write poems sometimes, some unfinished poems. Also I've been told to  write a book about my past, well I've made some notes, and that's about it. So if you could just kick me in the butt, to get me motivated would be great 😁❤❤

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@Tinywhisper11 I have a dress paused for 7 years now. We should team up and get some work done 😁

Tinywhisper11 May 17th

@sadcat13 that sounds like a plan ❤ ok how do we start??

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Tinywhisper11 well I just got a cold so I have to postpone my world domination plans 😁 but if you give me a moment I can find you what I'm working on and when i get better we can work on stuff together 😊

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Tinywhisper11 this is my most burning project rn, a comission for my mom´s friend of her doggo

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Tinywhisper11 oh wait, i remembered that you should avoid off site links. Lemme grab the pic directly for you. There is still a lot of work on it tho


Tinywhisper11 May 18th

@sadcat13 wow😍😍😍 your really really really really really really talented😍😍 that's amazing ❤ make sure you sign it.

sadcat13 OP May 18th

@Tinywhisper11 will put a paw print on it when it's done 😊

Tinywhisper11 May 18th

@sadcat13 haha! A kitty signiature😂😂😂😂

sadcat13 OP May 18th

@Tinywhisper11 😁😁😁😁


That’s gorgeous!!!

sadcat13 OP May 24th

@jesusredeemedme2425 thank you, it´s almost done now, will definitely show the finished art 😊


Yes please!!! <3

Georginahowe May 16th

I have made gnomes

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@Georginahowe that's so cool 😊 gnomes are so cute 😊

Georginahowe May 16th



sadcat13 OP May 16th

@Georginahowe wanna show them to us? 😊

Olive1Q82 May 16th

I love gnomes. I bought a Christmas gnome a few years ago that came with a mask. 🙂

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Olive1Q82 that's so cute 😊

kylersartpace May 16th


youd have to remind me to share at some point lol ill just forget

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@kylersartpace sure 😁


I have MANY unfinished projects. I moved into a new place in January and literally still have boxes everywhere. Mine and my kids bedframes are in the hallway ughhh..

I love crocheting and have a blanket project that is not even close to being finished. I have 2 hooded cloaks, only the hoodie part lol. I can't afford the yarn but it's the only thing that helps me daily. I undo projects I have finished, just for the yarn. The creation and counting stitches really is all I want to do.

sadcat13 OP May 16th

@turquoiseTree4599 i see your crochet brings you a lot of joy 😊 Wanna share some of your work with us?

Olive1Q82 May 16th

Unfortunately, our mental illnesses can cause us to have lots of unfinished projects. I don’t know where to begin, but if it helps someone feel better….😆

Unfinished Hobbies:

Jewelry making

Mary Kay (I was stuck with so much MK)

Gardening (this is an ongoing mess)

Book collecting, not reading

I almost invested in Lularoe but thankfully I couldn’t afford it

Puzzles, Board Games (unplayed)

Knitting (I keep buying supplies though like it’s gonna happen!!!)


Writing a novel

Writing short stories

Writing Prompts (I have lots of these books!)

Watercolor Painting (I bought a whole set-up. I did one painting and gave up. 😆)

Chess (surprisingly stuck with this one 😊😊)

Duolingo (also a surprise…1.5 year streak 😊)

The Flower Letters (stories told in letters that I haven’t read)

I think if I could focus one one love it would be writing. I wish I had the attention span for creative writing…

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@Olive1Q82 that's a lot of interesting projects you have there 😊 what would you like to write about?

Olive1Q82 May 17th

That’s a good question. I started a story many years ago about a single woman in her 40s who owned a mercantile store. She sells a teapot collection, which she called the fairy tale teapot collection because she collected stories from around the world which she included with the teapots she sold. In the story, an immortal man shows up one day and suggests all the stories are true and if she investigated one particular story where there sisters were given an tea that ended their lives beyond a normal life span…then she’d start to uncover the truth in the rest of the stories and how they are not really fairy tales but alternate realities of how things could have been if the world was normal. Everyone in present day can choose to extend their lives and that is an alternate reality that has existed for many years. It was tested in the 50s and 60s in a controlled setting and deemed plausible so then the drug became widespread. However, there were many socio-economic problems involved and people’s memories started to fail…dementia became significantly worse which is why many opted for a normal lifespan. Anyways she story is about the woman (her Brendon Fraiser partner because I love Brendon Fraiser 😆) and how she finds the sisters and brings them back together to decide how to expose how everything really started and the secrets that went on in the testing facility—and how the government decided to use some people with long life spans to create the ultimate hive of brilliant people who could work on project’s indefinitely, as in your life’s work and purpose could extend even longer into the future, but it’s not really your purpose and goals because you are owned by these corporations. Essentially, the corporations still win (for many people) even if we could live longer. 😊 I know some of this is part of many other stories…but I want to weave in what the sisters have done with their lives. One is a florist and has done a lot to help women, the other is a scientist who works for the corporation responsible for doing possibly more harm than good, and the other is a podcaster working to expose everything. So…it would be challenging to bring them back together to begin with. Anyways…I haven’t worked on it much in a long time, but would love to focus and finish it.

sadcat13 OP May 18th

@Olive1Q82 OMG I love this so much 😭 the idea of adding a story to the teapot is so beautiful and unique 🥰 this story sounds so cool, I really really want to read it. It seems to have so much value and quality 🥺 Honestly, it is one of the most unique stories I heard in such a long while, it has so much to offer the reader and the world of stories too 😊

Olive1Q82 May 18th

Thank you!! Maybe I will get back to writing again one day. This story has been in my head a long time. 😊

sadcat13 OP May 19th

@Olive1Q82 yes please, do it 😊 it has so much value in it, and the world really needs to hear it 😊