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Unfinished project supportery

sadcat13 May 16th

Hello everyone, welcome to the unfinished project supportery. Having hobbies often comes with a pile of unfinished projects, whether it is a knitting project, a garden makeover or a book you bought but never got to read.

What does this thread has to do with that?

You can:

- tell us about your unfinished project

- ask for support and motivation to make progress on your work

- show how your project progresses

- show the project you finished

- use this as your sign to go and work on a project you have been procrastinating on

Tagging my friends who may be interested 😊

@tinywhisper11 @schrodingerscattt @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @WeEarth @Georginahowe @kylersartpace



writing! I was writing a story about a couple months ago. it's 6 pages long, I was pretty inspired, until I realized that I ran out of ideas to write. the summary of the whole story is that everytime the main character goes to sleep, he dreams of himself being in a different time period. he's had three dreams: the presents, 1950s, 1920s, but I can't think of what's next? so I definitely would like any ideas for writing another dream.

although, on a positive note, I finished another short story I started writing randomly about two/three days ago!

sadcat13 OP May 17th

@thisismyusernamefr that's so cool 😊 what is the next story about? Maybe you can check out some other time periods and see if something inspires you?



Hey. Thanks for tagging me. 

I just wanted to say I'm leaving cups. 

Thanks so much for being here for me. You're such a great person and I wish you all the best. Cups has been making my mental health go worse and I just felt lonely and like an outcast on here so that's why I'm leaving for good. 

Thanks again for being such a great and kind person. 

sadcat13 OP May 18th

@schrodingerscattt awww, we will miss you, but yes, do what's best for you 😊 wishing you the best in life ahead 😊

sadcat13 OP May 27th

@proactiveSpruce2923 writing always fascinated me. What smaller subtasks could you divide the big ones into?

sadcat13 OP May 27th

@proactiveSpruce2923 oooo, glad you got to working on the prologue 😊

NotAllHere713 May 28th


Unfinished projects:

1. Updating my resume (I need to do this ASAP!)

2. Painting. I told myself that I wanted to do a painting and I have some different sketches as ideas but I haven't decided on the subject yet. 

3. Working in the garden. The weather has been awful recently!

4. Contacting friends

5. Cleaning the house

6. Doing small repairs around the house.

7. Learn jewelry making 

sadcat13 OP May 28th

@NotAllHere713 whichone of them would you like to work on today? 😊

SparklingFish256 June 1st

I'm in the middle of knitting a skirt that i want to attach cantabs to but i've lost motivation a bit because idk if ill even wear it and i dont think i have enough wool lol

SkateComet93 June 5th

@SparklingFish256 it sounds really cool!!

sadcat13 OP June 5th

@SparklingFish256 I believe in you, you can do it 😊

unicornbarb June 5th

Wow great idea...I was recently going through my craft projects just putting all in same boxes. I have some almost finished. A couple latch hook projects that I only need to put binding on. And a punch needle picture. I need to buy a new punch needle to finish it.

sadcat13 OP June 5th

@unicornbarb which project are you looking forward to finish the most?

SkateComet93 June 5th

@sadcat13 such a cool post! I've told myself no new projects and yet... I'm verrrry slowly working through knitting a beanie, crocheting a top, and a crocheting a sweater. I've also got lots of embroidery projects that never got off the ground so maybe I'll get back to those one day too. 

sadcat13 OP June 5th

@SkateComet93 I feel that, also told myself to not start new stuff until I finish something old. You can imagine how it's going 😂

slowdecline48 June 11th

My cane project is maybe 90% done...& has been for almost three years now.

Unfortunately, between my inability to focus (when I was little, some medical person said I had a "short attention span"--thank heavens we didn't have Ritalin back then), chronic conditions that disrupt my life & the gift/curse of being multitalented, I just haven't gotten around to it. On top of that, I'm fed up with my current living situation & am trying to change it, aaaand summer started early so I can't work on my project since the only place I can do it is on the patio--which is either too hot, or being rained on.

Life is what it is.

sadcat13 OP June 12th

@slowdecline48 awww that's so unlucky. Hope you can get back to it soon 🌻 wanna tell us what are you working on?

slowdecline48 June 17th

@sadcat13 Too many different things, that's what I've been working on.

sadcat13 OP June 17th

@slowdecline48 I feel that


Thank you for bringing this topic, I’ve been struggling to crochet, and it’s something I love to do. Recently I’ve been wanting to make a granny square vest but I don’t have enough yarn for it yet. I will probably start soon, this just encouraged me so thank you! 😊

sadcat13 OP June 20th

@pioneeringMango6906 I'm sure the vest will be so cute 😊 what colour would you like it to be? 


aw thank you! I think I want to use a color changing yarn, something with warm and bright colors! 😊❤️

sadcat13 OP June 20th

@pioneeringMango6906 that sounds so cool 😊

amicableox0685 June 20th


Glad this topic came up. I play videogames as a hobbies. Sometimes I will play from start to finish with no problem, other times depression sets in or other life events however I've recently have started to go back to my old games and finish them. Seriously though I think depression and life events take their toll at times and you just have to take a break. The best way I've been able to finish a project is to schedule time around it. If more important things get in the way I set the next best time. Usually on a Saturday or Thursday because that's when things are slow for me.

God bless.

sadcat13 OP June 20th

@amicableox0685 I'm glad you are getting back to doing things you enjoy. And yesss scheduling time for it is a very smart strategy 😊 what game do you plan to finish next?

amicableox0685 June 20th


What game do I plan to finish next?

Hmm...I'm on the last mission in Battlefield 4, I'm on the second mission in Doom Eternal DLC...after that I'm gonna play Tomb Raider slowly. Out of all the games I've played on my PC that's probably like one of my favorites and WW2 shooters.

sadcat13 OP June 21st

@amicableox0685 that sounds so cool 😊 have fun 😊

slowdecline48 June 30th

Also - I didn't know "supportery" was a word...

sadcat13 OP July 1st

@slowdecline48 honestly I have no idea if it is. But if not I hereby declare it to be one 😁

calmLove9947 July 3rd

@sadcat13 I am making a website related to astrology. I learned the skills but half way through i lost motivation. I am loosing motivation to do programming.

sadcat13 OP July 4th

@calmLove9947 aww. I'm sorry to hear that. Motivation is such an important aspect of creating. How would you like the website to work? By that I mean how is it structured, does it have a quiz, is it more of a forum or blog etc?

amicableox0685 July 6th


Maybe you need to chill and recharge your batteries before moving forward again.

VioletNotes July 23rd

@sadcat13 Crochet, writing, painting 😬 I even have an unfinished essay! Thanks for this reminder to get some work done.

sadcat13 OP July 29th

@VioletNotes how did the work go? 😊

mystixfurtune July 24th

I gave up on so many projects.... Left at 80% , despised it, haven't touched it. I'm going to start a new project again but I'm afraid of happening it again.

sadcat13 OP July 29th

@mystixfurtune maybe you will see the beauty of them later or repurpose them for a different project. What matters is that you can express your creativity and experiment with them 😊

mystixfurtune July 31st

I hope so :)

@sadcat13 HI guys Corey here, umm i have been working on trying to be an author for about 10 years now. I have gotten feedback from people who said they loved it all, but it's never been enough for me to commit. IDK what's wrong with me. I have such a severe case of writer's  block and i don't know what to do. Please if anyone else knows this feeling i just want to understand what's going on, so my amazing worlds can be brought to life.

sadcat13 OP July 29th

@quickwittedPenguin3161 wanna tell us more about one of your projects?

isabellaflowers July 26th

@sadcat13 I currently have a lot of passion projects and they're all good ideas. I feel so directionless about them because they are all comics, animation series pitches and even merch designs I want to create to build and solidify my art career. I want to learn better how to take one step at a time and maybe prioritize and focus on one first and the rest after.