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Share your nightmares.

astm September 24th, 2015

A place where we can reflect on our bad dreams and give support to each other.

astm OP October 7th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn Nice!

I actually had a few nightmares recently about me being in a situations that I've been through in the past, but in the dreams I handled them a bit different. Guess that's a perfect example of foward-looking dreams, my brain kinda preparing a game plan in case those situations happen again.

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 7th, 2015


Yes exactly!

Still scary but a bit purposeful perhaps, at least.

Chiaroscuro1 October 7th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn - You don't have to wait for a nightmare. We also share good dreams in "What did you dream last night".

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 7th, 2015


cool, thanks! I don't remember my dreams last night but I remember that I had a bunch of vivid dreams. More than usual.

discreetAcres6234 October 6th, 2015

I have nightmares most nights and they make me really tired because it feels like my day carries on in my nights without a break.

Last night I dreamt that I was being chased by people with knives and they were trying to kill me. Then I called the police and was put on hold so the people ended up stabbing me. Then I woke up.

The night before that I had a nightmare where my best friend got bored of me and stopped talking to me and I was distraught when I woke up because sometimes I worry that this will happen.

These are very tame nightmares in my mind to be honest. I've had way worse. They still feel scary though

astm OP October 6th, 2015


"it feels like my day carries on in my nights without a break" I feel the same way! It's really exhausting.

discreetAcres6234 October 6th, 2015


I would love to just check out for a few hours but it doesn't happen. I'm also a light sleeper so I never get that deep, relaxing sleep. It's horrible

astm OP October 6th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 I don't have that problem cause I do sleep alright during the night, but my problem is that my nightmares happen in the morning, right before I wake up.

So I start the day in a horrible way :/

discreetAcres6234 October 6th, 2015


I have multiple nightmares in one night sometimes, it's crazy.

I also have the dreams where my day seems to carry on or I dream of everything I need to do the next day so it's like I'm living two lives. Except everything seems to go wrong in dream world so I get anxious when I wake up

astm OP October 7th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 I totally get what you mean, it happens the same way to me.

I heard that a good thing to before you go to sleep is to make a mental list of the things that you did that day, but backwards.

For example: went to bed, had dinner, came back from work, had lunch, went to work, did yoga, had breakfast, wake up.

Because a lot of what we dream is actually your brain organizing your memories, doing this list will make the task easier for your mind, and hopefully you won't dream as much.

I did it a couple of times and I could feel my mind being a bit more clear.

Hope that helps!

discreetAcres6234 October 7th, 2015


That actually seems like a great idea :)

I woke up from a 5 hour nap an hour ago and I think I prefer naps to actual sleep now because I sleep better and don't dream

astm OP October 6th, 2015

@astm But my dreams are always about things that happen to me the day before. Like you say, my mind doesn't let go.

luna21515 October 6th, 2015

ive had this dream three times and it always ends the same

i was chained to a bed,

a strange man stood above me and i scream in terror as he pulled out a knife. pain was all i could feel as he ran the blade lightly into my skin on my stomach.i scream as i try to pull out of the chains that restrained me"why do you disobey me sweetheart" he said in a twisted voice. i could feel the tears stream down my face as he cut deeply in my thigh"please stop i didn`t mean to"i screamed in pain.

"why cant you just listen"he yelled in my face

and just before he slaps me i wake up in tears everytime.

Chiaroscuro1 October 7th, 2015

@luna21515 - This sounds like a very disturbing dream for you to keep having. It must be very difficult. Is there a voice like that in your life that hurts you if you don't obey it or keeps you captive?

luna21515 October 7th, 2015

@Chiaroscuro1 my father makes me feel kinda trapped and i feel nervous and or scared around most of my family

selfconfidentLemon3866 October 7th, 2015

My nightmare last night was me dressing for school no lights on no way of finding anything but living a bunch of cold sweat when I walk down the stairs for a breakfast.

Chiaroscuro1 October 7th, 2015

@selfconfidentLemon3866 - When we dream about clothes it often has to do with th roles we play in our life. Do you have trouble or questions about the roles you play in your life?

AngelinBlack5166 October 7th, 2015

It was a nightmare I had once when I was a few years younger than now. I was in my room attempting to sleep for the night, when overnight I suddenly fell asleep in this nightmare. It was a nightmare of three young men trying to survive a vicious zombie apocalypse, and as the dream progressed, one of the men started to suddenly go insane. He started talking funny, smiling constantly, and when he wad finally attacked and laughing as he was being torn up, I jumped out of my bed. I found myself on the floor instead of the bed, which surprised me considering I'm an incredibly light sleeper... so I went back to bed and fell asleep again, and I had another nightmare. This one wasn't as severe as my previous one, but this one was a quick dream about a newspaper article stating that the Grim Reaper has been spotted... and there were graphic pictures. As I was younger, I wad terrified of The Grim Reaper, so I once again woke up again in a panic. I decided to stay up for the rest of the night until I fell asleep early afternoon the next day.

mjiyn2010 October 7th, 2015

All my nightmares lately have been related to how people would react to finding out about my depression, self harm, and suicidal thoughts. It's generally related to them seeing something (like seeing me swallow a handful of pills) and just not caring. One also had my sister yelling at me about my self-harm but it was set at my best friend's house which is the place I feel safest. I suppose it's all just a reflection of my fears surrounding letting people in on what I'm dealing with. I know they're irrational, but these always make me wake up so so stressed out. And they're usually the kind I cannot get out of, like I wake up and fall back asleep to be right back in the nightmare.

TatumTatum October 7th, 2015

It was me and my little sister and there was a guy who had us trapped at my grandmothers house and he could basically control this alternate universe with his mind and he didn't seem to want to hurt us but if we acted up in anyway he would and no matter how many times I asked he wouldn't tell me why he wanted us here and eventually I just woke up and it disturbs me that I never figured out why he wanted us there and that we never got out

discreetAcres6234 October 7th, 2015

Last night I had a bad dream about school. I hate school dreams, I haven't been to that place in over a year, I don't want to think about it or dream about it but I see myself there often.

This dream was different than normal. There was a boy on the field shooting a gun. All of us were told to go to our classrooms and stay there. The people in my class weren't very nice to me in it, they either ignored me or prevented me from taking my seat. From the classroom we could hear people outside on the field trying to take care of the situation. The boy wanted to shoot himself with the gun. Then we were told it was safe to go to class and I was panicked because I didn't bring the correct work for that day.

modestBirch2426 October 7th, 2015

I was sitting on my boyfriend and punching him repeatedly in his face, whilst feeling all my pain and telling him that he could never understand my pain, I felt completely upset and punched him so much he was almost dead, when I woke up I was disgusted at myself and saddened by watching his face be hurt so much but also mad about how he lacks empathy in daily life which led to me dreaming this

Chiaroscuro1 October 8th, 2015

@modestBirch2426 - How would you feel about talking to him about this?

WickedGrim October 7th, 2015

I've been having a series of nightmares involving being chased. Last night though, tired of it all. I just looked the intruder girl in the face, grabbed her wrists, dragged her out of my house..then laughed at her confusion.

It was then followed up with a dream of the guy who chases me around the globe trying to kill me. Instead of running I turned, looked at him and asked "Why are you doing this?" He just looked baffled, shrugged, then responded "Look Lady, it's your dream."

I woke up.

astm OP October 7th, 2015

@WickedGrim That's awesome! :O

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn October 7th, 2015


bet that confused guy doesn't come back :)

WickedGrim October 7th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn & @astm

Thanks! I hope it doesn't come back. Since dreams of being chased are usually associated with feeling overwhelmed or pursued by a problem...I think this means I've finally got the reins in hand! Take THAT, subconscious.

Although the whole ordeal was kinda humorous. I woke up smirking.

Chiaroscuro1 October 8th, 2015

@WickedGrim - Fantastic! Congratulations!

discreetAcres6234 November 13th, 2015

I feel like nightmares are all I have. I wake up scared and exhausted. I go through my day exhausted.

I dream about school a lot. Someone is always trying to hurt me. The other night I woke up shaking.

I'm not really sure how to combat these nightly occurrences. It's impossible to get a good night sleep when this keeps happening every single day.

So this isn't exactly a particular nightmare story. If I posted my nightmares then I'd be here every day.

I wish they would stop

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 13th, 2015


how long have they been going on?

discreetAcres6234 November 13th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn they used to show up every few nights but for many months now they've been pretty constant

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 13th, 2015


has anything else in your life increased in a similar way over the same period?

discreetAcres6234 November 14th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I guess it could be stress related. I don't know how to fix it though. Stressful situations keep coming up and I have to deal with them. There is no way that I can de-stress, it doesn't work for me. And every night I don't want to sleep because I know that it won't be a good nights sleep and I'll wake up more tired than before

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 14th, 2015


sounds like a vicious cycle - losing sleep is one of the more stressful things there is...

one other question: in the nightmares, are they simply unbearable or is there a chance there is a fear they are presenting to you that could be faced and possibly endured or even overcome, in the dream itself?

discreetAcres6234 November 14th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn my dreams often seem to include someone running after me trying to kill me and I'm just trapped and keep running into more people who attack me. And they're faster than me so I can't escape. I feel so helpless. Other dreams involve high school which aren't too bad seeing as they make me upset as opposed to terrified. I guess I'm still not over how horrible high school was for me. I still see the bullies faces very clearly. And even people who were nice to me become horrible in my dreams.

The other day I had a dream that my dad was possessed and was going to kill me. It's terrifying. I could feel sharp claws over my skin. It was like I was experiencing it in my waking life. All I want is to try and get some rest but the nightmares don't let me.

It's like I'm living in a cycle of nightmares and it just keeps going with no good in sight

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 16th, 2015


sounds exhausting! i still dream about school anxiety sometimes, decades later...

somewhere upthread we talked about how nightmares of being chased or attacked or danger have to do with the mind trying to plan for and overcome possible threats. Maybe deep down right now you do not feel safe or you are worried about something "out there" coming after you?

discreetAcres6234 November 16th, 2015

@KrinkTheMellowUnicorn I've only been out of high school for a year but the dreams still happen frequently. Maybe they'll stop as time goes on.

I don't feel as if anything out there is unsafe. I actually feel quite secure. I have no idea why these dreams are occurring and what they might be trying to tell me. Maybe they just want to scare me

KrinkTheMellowUnicorn November 16th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - maybe they want to toughen you up for the rigors of adulthood ahead :|

OceanRest November 13th, 2015

@discreetAcres6234 - I'm so sorry to hear that you are struggling like this. Nightmares can really be terrifying. And then you have to get through your day extra tired.

Can you think of anything that helped you in the past?

discreetAcres6234 November 13th, 2015

@OceanRest I honestly can't think of anything. There doesn't seem to be any real pattern to them. They just happen over and over