Cheri’s Connection Corner - Healthy Habits & Motivation
Happy weekend Cupsers! 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁
What habit(s) are YOU working on this fall? Is there a new habit you would like to add? What keeps you motivated on your journey to a healthier lifestyle while trying something new??
I'm trying to have a better sleep schedule, currently it's a free-style kind lol and doesn't deserve being referred as a "schedule" hehe! 😂 We getting there, one night at a time!
How about youu, Cheri?
Great habit in mid life I struggled with getting to sleep doing much better now with more walking … I tire myself out. Healthy habits re food and activity and self care .., the important ones for physical and mental health always ongoing as I age. I want longevity and function. I struggle with mobility and want to keep as active as I can for how long as I can is the goal …. At 57 I do feel my mobility changing and I don’t like it ! I do have a cane in passionate purple lol 😂 comes in handy ….
That's not strictly true unfortunately
Thinking positivity will help change your mindset synapsis that fire together wire together and if is scientific proven. I will post a link. To create a habit it takes time and whether the number is correct is not significant whether it is 30 days or 66 the more you do something it becomes the new normal.
Such a wonderful post about positivity ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
@SunShineAlwaysGrateful But what should you do when in those 66 days your depressions makes you change your life plans 166 times?
I think in these cases, one may need to dig a little deeper into “Why” Depression is an issue.
This can be done by talking to your Healthcare provider, a Therapist/Counselor, or perhaps even a life coach. Someone on a professional level that can help you to tackle any deep-seated issues to get to the root of the problem. And in turn help you to devise a plan or path that can keep you moving forwards in any goals that you may have for yourself. And help you to take a step by step approach in resolving any issues that are holding you back.
We are here to support your efforts. Best wishes to you in your goals.
So sorry you are struggling. Please seek help with the resources in your community either physician or counsellor that can help guide you. It is important to do lots of self care and lean on routine daily. Seek out support where ever you can. 7cups is also a part of that support. Soo glad you are here. Reach out to a listener for support one on one or group support or the forums of pathways.
The habits I’m working on this fall is as simple as what the trees are showing us to do. The beauty of letting go. If I have an off feeling about someone I exit the situation. I’m still healing and I don’t need negative toxic people in my life. I have put this off for so long in fear of hurting others when in reality I’m just hurting myself. I have shared some of my family is extremely cruel to me, toxic and just plain mean, and I finally addressed it. As hard as it is. I feel powerful and as though I’m getting the identity I lost back. People can hurt you but that cannot take away who you truly are. No matter how hard they try. Kindness always wins. I will always win,not because I’m better, but because those who choose to bring me down, will never accomplish anything regarding me. I’m to strong. I’ve been through too to let catty behavior and drama from older adults affect me. Letting go is the best thing I have ever done.