@MusicCandy @SadMe70 A place to communicate
@MusicCandy Hello! I have to get ready for work but will post more later!
Yea for you.. Yea for me! Your checklists look good. I think. I just can't do a full log but I can do an index card.
Day 3 going now and keeping up pretty good. I'll write more this evening.
So- pretty good so far. No wine.. if I had 1/2 glass it would be 2, that's just me. I switched to sparkling water, herbal tea or for a treat a diet Dr. Pepper. I did have a little gluten, a couple of fiber bars, but no where near the cookies and crackers I was eating before. It is just a reminder, I don't react to gluten as far as I know, but if I say no gluten it just emiminates rolls,cookies,chips,crackers that I might normally eat. My exercise and rest were good. Shakes good- and the frozen fruit makes them sweet and fiber filling. My late night treat is the tart crisp apple with cinnamon- almost like a apple tart.
I know what you mean about nights. I'm a night owl and I often like to do projects while everyone else is settling down, but it is always with those 2 glasses of wine from 7 to midnight. So I'm taking a 1/2 dose night pill (basically benadryl) to get sleepy sooner.
Hope your back to school day went well. My kiddos were great and I did get called back to work the minute class ended on Monday and stayed at work all evening. It was just a crazy ER night. I'm at work tonight 3-11, but it is not as busy. Now- let's just not talk about snow. I have to get to work and sometimes I get stuck here- so NO SNOW- please!
Good for you on doing so well this week! I agree about the gluten - I don't think I am allergic either but I try to avoid cookies, pasta, crackers, etc. because I just feel like they are not healthy for me.
I was pretty good again today. My son is home and fed the animals for me this morning so I was able to get to the Y in the morning. I like that soooo much more than after work. Starts my day off well and it's not full of big muscle guys.
I went mattress shopping after work and had Chipotle for dinner. I don't think that is too bad, though it is a lot of rice.
On the issue of snow, I spent 20 years at an office job at a university where we rarely closed. I mostly worked from home, but had to drive to Baltimore once a week and spent a lot of time on scary bad roads. Plus if school was delayed on my day to go in, the kids just had to miss school. So I always hated snow. BUT, now I work for my local school system and I get paid time off for delays or closings so I'm all for it :) This is another reason why I think medical professionals are such awesome people. You guys are out in all weather because people are always getting hurt.
We are almost halfway through our first week!! Go us!!
Hey buddy - I hope you had a good end to the week. I am staying strong with my goals, thanks be to God. I had my daughter and her boyfriend over last night for dinner .. made a healthy dinner and had wine available- but I did not have any. Plus I got baklava, and also did not have any and it wasn't a huge temptation. I gave them the rest of the package to take home to remove the temptation for later. And good today. Eating the right stuff has definitely made a difference in cravings and general sense of well-being. Exercised as planned and rested.
It is going to snow of course, but I am packed up to stay over tonight since I have to be right back at 3 tomorrow. I'll get a lot of music lesson plans done anyway. It won't be bad. I know its extra work for you with the animals, so bundle up and enjoy the week-end.
Good for you on sticking to your goals and resisting temptations! We had 2 different birthdays with cake this week within my group at work, and I did not eat the cake either day. I've had wine but only a 1/2 glass at a time instead of 1-2. I got in all my weekday exercise, did my PT wedge thing, and one stretching session (shooting for 2).
I am mostly ready for the snow. Our only 4WD vechicle is in the shop with bad brakes but hopefully we won't have to get out of our long hilly driveway much this weekend. The animals do not like the snow.
Awesome good job. I know I would not have been as motivated without your looking over my shoulder. Stay warm and I hope you have enough bread and milk.. haha
I did stop at the grocery store on the way home from work for some veggies to try a new recipe, and it was very crowded! My sister gave me a desk calendar with a healthy recipe per day and I'm trying one this weekend. I don't eat bread very often, and I have a goat to give me my milk, so I'm set!
So snow - boo! It was pretty coming down but that's about it. I'm still at work and will bere all night. Crazy people are still on the road and coming in for stupid stuff. Is your son staying on campus-VCU? They are not far from me and I'm sure the young people are out having fun- the sun came out a bit and it stopped snowing.
I brought shakes and food- but the nice restaurants in the neighborhood sent "food" too - bisquits,KK donuts. I dearly love both of those, but I'm trying to not eat any. I weighed today since I thought I might have lost one lb. being good all week - NOT! That is discouraging, but I am getting by with not giving up just because I feel better, and I somehow believe that I am less bloared, but I don't really know- the scale is the only measurable benchmark for just one week. Sigh. I am doing my stair exercises and drinking coffee- so send some good vibes for me for the rest of the night. Sending you some too- hope the animals are OK.
bloated - typo!
My new mattress was delivered this morning in the snow. I have a long gravel driveway that enters the woods. The drivers decided to not even turn onto my driveway so they stopped in the lane (of a small 2-lane road) and blocked it for about 20 minutes while they *carried* the frame, box spring, and full mattress all the way up the driveway (in jeans and sneakers that got all snowy) and assembled it. I have to go to the store in Fredbg to get the mattress protector and a ridiculously expensive pillow I bought. I suspect they were not too happy about the snow either. Lucky for me I did not have anywhere to go and spent the day cooking and doing laundry. My son is home on winter break. He didn't go out much but he did go get us bowls of snow to make "maple snow" that my mom made for us when we were kids - snow with maple syrup on it. Not a good diet food but Yum!!
I'm sorry you are stuck at work! Argh too bad that a restaurant couldn't send you guys better food! I'm glad you had your shakes and food with you. Keep resisting!! Stay strong!!! You will start to lose weight. I bet you are less bloated. I feel less bloated now too since I'm not eating candy and cookies hand over fist. I got through this week with some pants that are slightly looser but this week I'm going to have to face at least one pair of my slacks.
The goats and chickens are not happy. The chickens are all old and I have one who looks like she's on her way out. The goats will be ok though.
Maple Snow..... Sure Sounds yummy 😋