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Last day of the year

orangeHuman868 December 30th, 2023

on the last day of the year the sun is shining the temperature is great so that is going to set the tone for the new year. The last couple of years have been less than desirable for me so while I am mentally and physically in one piece I am going to soldier on. I don’t really have any new years goals except to keep continuing on the path I am on. Eating healthy, weight loss, exercise, and improve my mental health. Oh and an alcohol free year ahead. Thank you last day of the year for finally being here 🙏. I am definitely ready to move forward and continue my journey. To a new chapter! Hooray 😃

PoliteOcean December 31st, 2023


Hey there Human ~ Sounds like you had a great day. And sounds like you are setting a really great path for yourself to continue to focus on your healthy living goals for the New year ahead. 

Great job to you and keep up the great work going forwards. 

Also feel free to continue sharing and “checking in” with us in our “Weekly CheckIns” at the end of each week. It could possibly help keep you accountable in your goals and as well you could possibly gain even more support. 

orangeHuman868 OP December 31st, 2023


thank you for your reply. How do I join the group for my steps and will it show up in my group. I have clicked on all the links and joined the community via a link but it doesn’t register. Maybe I am just doing it wrong 😑. Thanks for your support.

PoliteOcean December 31st, 2023


Hi there Human

if you are referring to “joining” the actual Healthy living community Here is the link  

And just click the button that says “Join Community”. 

If this is not a helpful reply to your question, please feel free to private message me with your concern and I will do my best to help you. 

steph8402 December 31st, 2023

i’m so excited for you! i bet this is going to be already an amazing year for you. Stay with a positive mindset and keep growing(: all we can do in this life is keep moving forward and im so proud of you for doing just that!

happy happy new year!